

单词 refitting
释义 refitting 英riː'fɪtɪŋ美riː'fɪtɪŋ 高COCA¹¹¹³⁴⁸BNC⁶¹⁰⁵¹iWeb⁴⁸⁵²⁶
名词 refit:
outfitting a ship again by repairing or replacing partsThe methodrefittingthe common lathe into broacher is introduced.介绍了将普通车床改装为拉床的方法。
A third, bought second-hand from Russia, is suffering delays and disputes over itsrefitting.第三艘是从俄罗斯购买的二手潜艇,目前就其改装产生了分歧,因此交易被推迟了。as in.adaptation
同义词 reworking,transformation,variationadjustment,adoption,alteration,conversion,modification,shiftremodelingas in.modification
同义词 adjustment,alteration,conversionadaptation,change,correctionas in.remodeling
同义词 refurbishing,refurnishing,reshaping,reworkingalteration,improvement,modernization,rearrangement,reconstruction,redecoration,restoration
adaptationnoun act of adapting
adaptationsnoun act of adapting
modificationnoun qualification
remodelingnoun renovation
alteration,improvement,modernization,rearrangement,reconstruction,redecoration,refittingrefurbishingrefurnishing,reshaping,restoration,reworking A third, bought second- hand from Russia, is suffering delays and disputes over its refitting.
第三艘是从俄罗斯购买的二手潜艇,目前就其改装产生了分歧,因此交易被推迟了。 ecocn

Amyris has formed a joint venture with Santelisa Vale, Brazil’s second-largest sugar company, and is busy refitting some of that firm’s ethanol plants in order to make drop-in diesel.
A公司已经与一家叫做S的巴西第二大蔗糖公司建立了一家合资公司,目前正忙着重组那家公司的乙醇工厂来生产 dropin柴油。 ecocn

It is one of the key technologies of refitting ultra-high speed grinder to select the radial and axial gap of the main spindle.
试验证明合理的选择主轴径向间隙和轴向间隙是改装超高速磨床的关键技术之一。 magsci

The result of running-in indicates that the refitting project is feasible.
试运转及装车路试说明,改装设计方案是可行的。 cnki

The industry had hoped to re-direct some of those funds to refitting petrol stations to take more ethanol, under a deal reached in the Senate last July.
玉米乙醇行业本来期待着可以用一些补贴来改建加油站,以完成参议院去年七月决定的在汽油中加入更多乙醇的目标。 yeeyan

The installers will choose expensive, high- quality products to reduce the risk of failure which would mean refitting the equipment at their own expense.
安装人员会选择价高质优的产品以减少失败的风险即自掏腰包重新安装设备。 ecocn

The stator winding must be impregnated with insulation paint and dried before refitting.
定子绕组在重新安装前必须侵绝缘漆和烘干。 gk361

“ We are currently refitting the body of an old aircraft carrier, and will use it for scientific research, experiments and training, ” defense ministry spokesman Geng Yansheng told a news briefing.
国防部发言人耿雁生音译在一次发布会上称:“我们最近正在修复一艘旧航母,将把它用于科学研究、试验与训练。” blog.sina.com.cn

After refitting, the generator should be up to the principal requirements and run without sparks or un normal noises.
重新安装后,发电机应满足基本要求,即工作时无火花和无异常噪音。 gk361

Currently, tubal branch of automobile refitting limit is still required strict, automobile emissions, turbocharged etc automobile technical parameter part cannot without modification.
当前,交管部门对汽车改装的限制要求依然比较严格,汽车排量、涡轮增压等涉及汽车技术参数部分绝对不能私自改装。 cwzyc

In Sichuan, the formally refitting of CNG vehicles began in 1992, a CNG steel cylinder being installed on the vehicle.
四川省从1992年开始正式改装 CNG汽车,在汽车上安装钢质 CNG储气瓶。 cnki

It was not until July thatChinaconfirmed it had been refitting the ship.
但直到今年七月,中国才证实对其进行了改装。 renren

It was not until July that China confirmed it had been refitting the ship.
直到今年7月,中国方面才证实正在改装这艘船。 yeeyan

Military sources said that the first trial is on schedule for the carrier's refitting project and shouldn't take long.
军方人士称,按照航母的改装计划,首次试航时间不会太长。 hxen

Problems about old refitting hospital ships were analyzed, and countermeasures were provided.
分析旧医院船改装中存在的问题,提出相应的对策。 dictall

Problems with this system is also analyzed, a solution with refitting protocols is proposed as well.
分析了该系统存在问题,提出了一种协议改装的解决方案。 cnki

The hardest part in my opinion is removing the screen bezel and refitting the WLAN, WWAN and BT correct again, but it's really manageable.
我认为最困难的部分是消除屏幕面板和改装的无线局域网,无线广域网和 BT再次正确,但它是真正控制。51nb

There’s even talk of refitting the White House with solar panels.
甚至还有传闻要给白宫安装太阳能电池板。 yeeyan

This article introduces the failure situation, failure analysis, failure inspection and repairing on the basis of examples, also it illuminates the refitting for AC arc welding machines.
列举检修实例,详细叙述了交流弧焊机的故障现象、故障分析、故障检查与修理;介绍了交流弧焊机的改装。 chemyq

Three types of refitting of the gas flow control system of laboratory GC and lots of methods of improving analytical sensitivity of GC are introduced.
介绍了三种实验室气相色谱仪气路改装系统和多种提高仪器分析灵敏度的方法。 cnki

Two other men were working away, mending the inner tube and refitting the wheel of a lorry.
另外两个男人在屋外干活,把内胎补好并把卡车轮胎重新装起来。 yeeyan

Refitting the old F-16s is a token gesture, and China knows it.
更新年久的 F-16是一个象征的手势,而且中国也知道这一点。 ecocn

Refitting available single switch to symmetric one can dispense with design and making work.
将现有单开道岔改装为对称道岔可免除特殊设计及制作工作,方便施工。 cnki




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