

单词 refining
释义 re·fin·ing 美rɪ'faɪn 高COCA¹⁹¹⁴⁰BNC²⁵⁶⁰⁵iWeb³²³⁸¹Economist¹¹⁰⁹⁷
the process of removing impurities as from oil or metals or sugar etc.oil refining炼油heat refining加热细化,调质处理,…petroleum refining石油加工refining process提炼过程refining slag精炼渣fire refining火法精炼secondary refining二次精炼refining cell电解精炼槽centrifuge refining热润滑油料硫酸离心精…copper refining铜精炼refining temperature晶粒细化温度,细化温…adsorption refining吸附精制thermal refining热精炼,调质处理…refining steel精炼钢vacuum refining真空精制zone refining逐区精炼,区域精炼…refining plant炼制装置,炼制车间…final refining最后精制electrolytic refining电解精炼,电解精制…spray refining喷吹精炼
近义词 purifying精制filtering过滤improving改良sanitizing消毒refinement精致purification净化cleansing净化垃圾enlightening有启迪的cultivating动词cultivate的…civilizing动词civilize的现…decontaminating动词decontamin…

用作名词Theoreticians are busy building andrefiningthe castles in the air of the model world.理论家们忙于建立和改善模型世界中的空中楼阁。
Neutrogena Pore Refining Cleanser lets you visibly reduce the appearance of pores just by washing your face.露得清毛孔细致洗面乳,洁面的同时改善毛孔问题。adj.cleansing
同义词 civilizing,clarifying,cleaning,cultivating,distillation,elevating,focusing,honing,improving,perfecting,polishing,purifying,sharpening
broadeningadjective cultivating
civilizingadjective cultural
culturaladjective educational, enlightening
distillationnoun distillate
edifyingadjective enlightening
enlighteningadjective educational
broadening,civilizing,cultural,edifying,educative,enriching,humanizing,illuminative,informative,instructional,instructive,learned,refining,scholarly,scholastic,uplifting The asset management team describes the general asset versioning policies, refining asset types and classification schemas if necessary.
资产管理团队说明了一般的资产版本化政策,如果必要,精炼资产类型和分类方案。 ibm

The graphite is mixed with clay from Mississippi in which ammonium hydroxide is used in the refining process.
石墨要与产自密西西比河床的粘土混合,在精炼过程中,还要用到氢氧化铵。 blog.sina.com.cn

The sucrose contained in molasses is obviously cheaper, but the compositions of molasses varies greatly with sources cane or beet, quality of the crop and the nature of the sugar refining process.
糖蜜含有的蔗糖明显便宜,但是糖蜜的成分根据来源的不同变化很大甘蔗或甜菜,收获农产品的质量和糖精炼工艺的种类。 ebigear

Algae- based fuel can be added directly into existing refining and distribution systems; in theory, the U.S. could produce enough of it to meet all of the nation's transportation needs.
藻类燃料可以直接添加进当前的提炼和分销系统。理论上来说,美国可以生产大量的藻类燃料,足以满足美国所有的交通运输需求。 ebigear

But perhaps most importantly, we've kept refining the UI around all the things that people do every day.
但可能是最重要的,我们一直在不断的精炼人们每天要面对的那些 UI。 infoq

But refining and exploration remain its backbone.
但其主营业务还是提炼和开采。 kekenet

It builds new roads, offers refining facilities to reduce dependence on foreign energy imports and is planning a railway project to connect the country to the broader region.
所以中国在这里建造了新的马路,提供炼油设施,以减少对外国能源进口的依赖,还有一个铁路计划连通更广阔的地域。 yeeyan

Lack of refining capacity means that it must import expensive petrol and lubricants.
缺乏精炼设备意味着它还必须进口昂贵的汽油和润滑油。 ecocn

People have become more efficient at growing, finding or refining raw materials.
人们在生产、寻找和提炼原材料方面效率越来越高。 ecocn

Spend enough time defining and refining the frame list before you start developing the individual frames: it is best to get the story straight in plan text before adding the images.
在你开发单个的框架之前,请花足够的时间来定义和精炼这个框架列表:最好是在添加图片之前直接将故事置于计划文本中。 ibm

The closest thing we have to modern- day alchemy may be the work of Kosaka Smelting and Refining, the Japanese firm that harvests gold and other valuable metals from old electronics.
可能最能称得上“现代炼金术”的就是小坂冶炼和精炼公司正在做的事了,这家日本公司从旧电器中回收金和其他有用的金属。 yeeyan

The more we use of it, therefore, the better we become at finding it and calculating its quantity, extracting it and refining it.
因此,我们使用的能量越多,我们在发现能源、计算总量、提取和精炼能源方面就变得越精深熟练。 yeeyan

The search results are presented in a complex manner with many advanced options for refining, sorting or saving your search.
这个搜索的结果会以一种复杂的方式呈现,包括了许多高级的选项:提炼,分离,存储你的搜索。 yeeyan

The upgrading and refining facilities required to turn tar to oil cost billions of dollars, but the technology is tried and tested.
虽然需要将焦油砂转化为石油的升级和精炼设备成本高达数十亿美元,但这种技术仍在尝试和试验阶段。 ecocn

The refining process removes the bran and germ from the grain.
因为在谷物精制过程中,麸皮和胚芽都被脱除了。 yeeyan

They'd be better served, he claims, by trying out an actual design and then incrementally refining and improving it.
事实上,他们可以进行实际的设计,然后增量地精炼和改进,这样所取得的效果会更好。 ibm

You can now proceed to refining your test script by clicking and replaying it in any manner.
现在,您就能够精炼您的测试脚本通过点击并且以任何方式重放它了。 ibm




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