

单词 refinanced
释义 re·fin·ance·d 英ˌriː'faɪnæns美ˌriː'faɪnæns COCA⁵⁴²³⁵BNC¹²⁶⁴¹⁶⁺Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺
renew the financing of
用作动词The interest rates on mortgages will drop, perhaps convincing you torefinance.抵押贷款的利率同样会下降,这可能会让使你考虑去重新贷款。
Some homeowners hope torefinancetheir loans to avoid higher payments.一些房子拥有者希望重新筹措资金以避免更高的支出。 Debt will need to be refinanced at lower rates to prepare Chrysler for the flotation, the prospects for which have brightened since General Motors' recent successful return to Wall Street.
克莱斯勒要在股市重新挂牌需要以较低的利率重新获得资金支持,这一前景,参照通用重返华尔街的例子,还是比较光明的。 ecocn

The government wants to minimise the risk that short-term interest rates spike and lenders flee just when lots of debt must be refinanced.
政府希望在正逢大量债务需要再融资的时候将短期利率上升和投资者外套的风险最小化。 ecocn

There's no guaranteed interest rate, since the amount of money homeowners collectively pay back every month is a function of how many have refinanced and how many have defaulted.
没有保证利率,因为金额业主每个月偿还利息是根据再融资和违约的多少来定的。 yeeyan

Up to the end of August only894,000 borrowers had refinanced mortgages through HARP, a far cry from the 4m-5m the administration had hoped for.
截止8月底,只有894,000名购房者通过此项计划对抵押贷款进行再融资,距行政部门希望的4,000,000到5,000,000的数目还差一大截。 ecocn

“ I am not in favour of bail- out funds refinanced by the ECB,” was the flat verdict of Jean- Claude Trichet, the ECB's outgoing president, in testimony to the European Parliament this week.
在这周欧洲议会的证词中,欧洲央行即将离任的主席 Jean- Claude Trichet直白的指出:“我不支持欧洲央行再度拿出救助计划的资金。” ecocn

All this debt will have to be regularly refinanced and rolled over.
所有这些债务都必须经常重新融资和延期偿还。 yeeyan

Borrowers refinanced or sold their homes.
借款人再筹资金或出售他们的房子。 ecocn

Companies with large debts often assume that these obligations can be refinanced as they mature.
有大量债务的公司常常假设债务到期时可以通过再融资来解决。 blog.sina.com.cn

Credit is constrained a big worry for commercial property, too, given the amount of debt that needs to be refinanced.
信用受制也是房地产的一个大麻烦,让大量的债务需要重新寻找资金供应。 yeeyan

He refinanced his mortgage at a rate that adjusted sharply upward, and afterward he lost one of his jobs.
他以会大幅调整上升的利率做了抵押再融资,可后来他丢了一份工作。 yeeyan

If a bank refinanced a loan that soon became delinquent
如果银行批准了一笔再融资贷款,但是该贷款不久就发生付款拖欠。 ecocn

Industry insiders expect a wave of restructuring or legal action as some of the deals that were refinanced move near to maturity again.
随着面临财务困境的公司经过再融资变得更加成熟以后,业内人士期望看到一大批公 司进行重组或进入清算程序。 voa365

Ireland is unusual in that a large chunk of what it owes is in the form of equity all those American- owned factories and offices and so does not need to be refinanced.
爱尔兰是个特例,因为它的欠款中有相当一部分是股份的形式全都是美国人所有的工厂和办公楼,因此不需要再融资。 yeeyan

Several bought back large amounts of outstanding debt and refinanced existing debt by issuing longer maturities on more favorable terms.
一些国家回购了大量未偿债务,而通过发行偿还期更长条件条件更优惠的债券来对现有债务进行再融资。 worldbank

The plan aims to help1.2m subprime borrowers with adjustable rate loans by fast- tracking those who can be refinanced.
该计划旨在通过直接给部分人提供二次贷款,给120万左右的次级房贷贷款者提供可调整利率的贷款。 blog.sina.com.cn

This means that unless investors are repeatedly surprised, inflation will lead to higher nominal interest rates as debt is refinanced, and in turn to an unchanged real debt.
这意味着,除非不断有惊喜出现在投资者面前,否则,随着国债的再融资,通货膨胀将会导致更高的票面利率,转而成为实际债务。 ecocn

Unless the government concerned is running a surplus by that stage dream on, maturing bonds need to be refinanced.
除非政府会愿意保持财政赤字在现有水平这当然是幻想,否则到期的国债就必须再次进行融资。 ecocn

Unlike Japan’s banks, European banks rely heavily on wholesale borrowing that needs to be refinanced now.
但不同于日本的银行,欧洲银行现在严重地依赖当前急需再融资的批发借贷。 ecocn

When private- equity deals need to be refinanced, lenders often swap their debt for equity.
当私募股份交易需要再融资的时候,债权人往往将他们手里的债权转换成股权。 ecocn




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