

单词 refinance
释义 re·fin·ance 英ˌriːfəˈnæns, riːˈfaɪˌnæns美ˌrifəˈnæns, riˈfaɪˌnænsAHDrē'fə-nănsʹ, rē-fīʹnăns' ★☆☆☆☆高COCA¹⁸³⁷⁰BNC⁶²⁵⁹⁴iWeb⁹¹⁴¹Economist¹⁴³⁸⁶
renew the financing ofre-,再,重新,finance,金融,融资。re-后-finance⇒v.重新申请贷款⁵⁶
用作动词The interest rates on mortgages will drop, perhaps convincing you torefinance.抵押贷款的利率同样会下降,这可能会让使你考虑去重新贷款。
Some homeowners hope torefinancetheir loans to avoid higher payments.一些房子拥有者希望重新筹措资金以避免更高的支出。 Italy’s situation is not yet critical because the government does not have to refinance all its debts quickly at punishing interest rates.
由于政府没必要迅速以处罚利率对所有其债务提供资金, 意大利何去何从尚未到决定性时刻。 ecocn

And yet in the next three years Italy and Spain will have to refinance about €1 trillion-worth of bonds, not counting additional borrowing to finance their deficits.
而以后的三年,意大利和西班牙将不得不发行1万亿欧元的债券筹集资金来填补财政亏空,而这还不算后续借款。 ecocn

And firms should look out for opportunities to refinance existing loans early to give themselves greater financial flexibility.
而且企业应寻找机会尽早地为现有贷款进行融资以增加资金灵活性。 ecocn

And if AIG struggles to refinance its debts, it is quite possible that the state will provide a formal guarantee.
此外如果 AIG要争取进行债务再融资,很可能政府将为其提供正式的担保。 ecocn

As well as turning over existing short-term borrowings of some$18 trillion, Western banks have to refinance longer-term debts that are maturing at the rate of about $1.5 trillion a year.
除了改善现存的约18万亿美元的短期贷款外,西部银行还必须重新融资以偿还长期债务,这些债务一旦到期,每年就将增加1.5万亿美元。 ecocn.org

Bankers attending the meeting were divided over whether creditors would accept a payoff on reduced terms, or agree to refinance Dubai World's obligations for an extended period.
与会银行家在债权人是否应该接受降低条件的还款和同意为延期还债提供再融资这两个选择间出现了分歧。 iciba

But if Portugal is to refinance its existing debts at tolerable interest rates, it needs a lower cost of public borrowing.
但是如果葡萄牙试图为现有债务在合理的利率下再融资,它需要一个更低的公共借贷成本。 ecocn

Euro-zone and British firms have€3.3 trillion of bonds to refinance by 2015, three times more than America's banks.
到2015年欧元区和英国的银行手里有3.3万亿欧元的债券需要再融资,比美国银行的三倍还多。 ecocn

For now Congress is debating some modest tax incentives. But a more ambitious idea is gaining support: to allow the Federal Housing Administration to refinance troubled mortgages at a discount.
因为现在国会正在讨论一些微幅的税收刺激,一项更冒险的计划正获青睐:允许联邦住房局给有麻烦的抵押贷款按一定折扣二次融资。 ecocn

Given how often Americans, in normal times, refinance or move, most derive limited benefit from its extremely long maturity.
考虑到美国人平时经常用钱和搬家,但大部分人从这种超长期的贷款中获利有限。 ecocn

Homeowners who refinance their mortgages will be limited to taking out 90% of the equity in their property, down from95% now.
房产持有者重新申请抵押贷款的数额占其家庭资产总额的比例从现在的95%下降到了90%。 ecocn

If you can, refinance your other types of debt.
如果可以的话,重新申请其他类型的贷款。 yeeyan

It is unable to refinance loans because the new capital controls mean all credit to the country has dried up.
它无法重新融资,因为新的资本管制意味着这个国家的所有信贷来源都已枯竭了。 ecocn

The belief spurred more mortgage underwriting because lenders assumed that borrowers living on the edge could always refinance or sell their homes for a profit if they ran into trouble.
这种信心带来了更多的按揭承销交易,因为贷款机构认为,如果捉襟见肘的借贷人陷入困境,总可以获得再融资或者卖房子获利。 blog.sina.com.cn

This week, we announced a new policy that will help families whose home values have fallen refinance their mortgages and save thousands of dollars.
这一周,我宣布了一项新的政策来帮助房产价格下降的家庭重新进行抵押贷款,这将为其节省数千美元。 yeeyan

Under the plan, up to five million owners could refinance their loans through the two mortgage companies now controlled by the government.
在这项计划的帮助下,五百万房屋拥有者可以通过政府控制的这两个按揭公司重新筹到贷款。 ebigear




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