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re-exports 基本例句 转口。 All this is reflected in the growth of trade between us, which more than doubled in the past decade, strongly boosted by re-exports of Japanese products to China and the rest of region. 凡此种种,在日本与香港的贸易增长中均一一反映出来。在过去十年,由于日本产品经由香港转口往中国和亚洲区内其他地方,大大加强了两地的贸易,使贸易额大幅增长一倍以上。1stenglish China's exports to America have fallen from34% of its total exports in1999 to 25% nowadjusting for the re-exports which are made through Hong Kong. 扣除途经香港的转口贸易,目前对美出口在中国总出口中所占的份额已经由1999年的34%降至25%。 shangdu123 Due to the normal clearance impeded, irregular clearance adds another surface, leading to direct Russian textile trade drop, some traders were forced to Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan by other re-exports. 由于正常通关不畅,非正常通关又多面遇阻,导致中俄直接纺织品贸易下降,一些商人被迫经哈萨克和吉尔吉斯等地转口。 www.videodoorphone.com.cn Export processing zones go a step further by focusing on exports with a significant value added, rather than only on re-exports. 出口加工区继续以高附加值作为出口重点,而不是作转口。 Including re-exports, Hong Kong is now the world's second largest toy exporter. 包括中转业在内,香港现在已成为世界第二大玩具出口地。 kouyi The Mainland, Japan and Taiwan were the main origins of the re-exports, while the Mainland, the USA and Japan were the main destinations. 转口货品的主要来源地为中国内地、日本和台湾,主要目的地则为中国内地、美国和日本。 hotdic The impact on re-exports between Hong Kong and the mainland, however, is unlikely to be significant, as most items affected by the mainland's tightening measures are not trading through Hong Kong. 由于受中国紧缩措施影响的产品,大部分均不经香港交易,因此这些措施对香港与内地之间的转口贸易不致有重大影响。 bbs.translators.com.cn |