

单词 reestablished
释义 reestablished ˌriəˈstæblɪʃt COCA⁵⁵¹²⁹BNC⁹⁷²³³⁺
v.重建;使复原;使复位reestablish的过去式和过去分词原型reestablish的过去式和过去分词 Based on Darcy's law, one kind of the equation for gas flow in coal seams has been corrected and reestablished in this paper.
本文在达西定律基础上,修正了一类煤层瓦斯流动方程。 chemyq

Broken market ties among banks, pension and hedge funds and all types of non financial businesses will become reestablished and our complex global economy will move forward.
银行、退休基金、对冲基金以及所有非金融机构之间崩溃的链条会重新接上,全球复杂的经济体系又将向前发展。 blog.sina.com.cn

But it was not until1983 that Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press was officially reestablished after being suspended for about 30 years.
解放后出版社一度停办,直至1983年上海交通大学出版社再筹建。 www.5imir3.com

In A. D.317 the Jin court was forced to flee from Luoyang and reestablished itself at Nanjing to the south.
公元317年,晋王朝被迫逃出洛阳,南迁重建了都城-南京。 lsfyw

In his works, he reestablished ideals in ruins and thus took on a significance in life, conveying spirit, rational and deity, etc.
他的《务虚笔记》是对生命苦难和虚无困境进行的一次精神的自我超越,在信仰的废墟上重建理想,以此获得了生命的意义。 cnki

It was abolished and reestablished as a county court by the Courts Act1971.
根据1971年《郡法院法》废止而作为一个郡法院重新建立。 translation168.lingdi.net

To adjust to the development of the war between China and Japan, the National Government reestablished the Kuomintang Government of Qingdao, nominating Li Xianliang as mayor.
抗战胜利后,按照国民政府的接收计划,青岛市商会被纳入以市长李先良为首的青岛市政府的管理体系之中。 dictall

A new virtual prototyping model is reestablished after pivotal parts were rebuilt in ADAMS.
在对原来操纵机构中的关键零部件重新建立模型的基础上,建立了新的虚拟样机。 cnki

And Herman Leonard moved to Los Angeles where he reestablished his life and career.
赫曼·伦纳德搬去了洛杉矶,重新开始了人生及事业。 hjenglish

And surely we reestablished the U. S. dominance in the sport.
当然,我们在这一项目上重建了美国的领导地位。 blog.sina.com.cn

Austria, however, reestablished control a year later.
奥地利,然而,重新控制了一年以后。 qihoo

Finally, as part of this treaty, the EC reestablished itself as the European Union.
最后,最为该条约的一部分,欧共体重整为欧盟。 yeeyan

God reestablished this principle the Fall into Sin when He affirmed man's leadership over woman.
神在人堕落之后又重立了这个原则,他确立了男人对女人的领导地位。 gbicp.org

It is hard to imagine a Qaddafi cult being reestablished after the brutality he has inflicted on his own people.
很难设想,在他对其民众进行残酷镇压之后,卡扎菲式的个人崇拜可以再次恢复。 blog.sina.com.cn

Marines were dispatched to Haiti after a mob killed its president and the Ku Klux Klan was reestablished as a' benevolent' organisation.
在头领被暴徒残杀后,舰队被派往海地,三 k党被认为是“慈善组织”。 tianya

Offsetting positions that were established prior to the effective date do not have to be liquidated, but once either position is closed out after May15, it may not be reestablished as a hedge.
在此生效日期之前开立的对冲头寸并不需要清算,但一旦那些仓位在5月15日后关闭,就不能重新开立相反的头寸来对冲。 blog.sina.com.cn

So eventually, equilibrium is reestablished.
最终重新建立平衡。 open.163.com

Telecommunication connections are being reestablished but1,732 telecom stations still can't be accessed.
电信通讯正在重建,但还有1,732个电信站仍然不能正常使用。 yeeyan

The connection to Screen has been reestablished, and two additional windows— B and C—have been created.
已经重新建立了到 Screen的连接,还创建了另外两个窗口 B和 C。 ibm

Thereby, the value of teaching ought to be reestablished;
为此,需要重新确立教学价值观; cnki

Through her, Bees received all the information he needed to plan his attacks and access to a HoloNet transceiver with which he reestablished contact with the Republic.
通过她,比斯获得了自己需要的所有情报,这便于他制定攻击计划,并利用一个全息网发报器重新建立与共和国的联系。 starwarschina

When law and order was reestablished, the streets were much safer than they had been prior to the riots.
当法律和秩序被重新建立之后,街道比暴乱之前要安全了很多。 yeeyan




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