

单词 reek
释义 reek 英riːk美rikAHDrēk ★☆☆☆☆高四GST宝COCA²²¹⁴⁵BNC⁴⁷⁹⁵⁰iWeb²²³⁸⁴Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³

a distinctive odor that is offensively unpleasant
have an element suggestive of something;

his speeches smacked of racism

this passage smells of plagiarism

smell badly and offensively;

The building reeks of smoke

be wet with sweat or blood, as of one's facegive off smoke, fumes, warm vapour, steam, etc.;

Marshes reeking in the sun

来自古英语 rec,冒烟,来自 Proto-Germanic*raukiz,冒烟,冒气,来自 PIE*reug,呕吐,打嗝, 来自 PIE*reu,怒吼,嚎叫,拟声词,词源同 Reykjavik.该词原为中性词,后用于指散发臭气。reek of发臭气reek with 染满 …
GRE红宝书音:肉烤,发出烟,烤糊了还有难闻的味近义词 fume烟smoke烟pong恶臭odor气味smell气味stink臭味stench臭气foetor恶臭smack掌击声suggest建议malodor恶臭evidence证据mephitis毒气fetor强烈恶臭malodour难闻的气味odour气味(尤指不好闻的…whiff一吹

用作名词Do you smell thereekof stale tobacco?你闻到发霉烟草的臭味了吗?
They live amidreekand squalor.他们生活在臭气熏天的污浊环境中。用作动词His breathreekedof tobacco.他口中带有烟草的臭味。
Theyreekof death and corruption.它们身上散发出腐烂的死亡的气息。
Their actionsreekof corruption.他们的举动显然有贪污之嫌。
The murderer's hands stillreekwith blood.杀人犯手上仍血迹斑斑。noun.strong odor
同义词 effluvium,fetor,mephitis,smell,stench,stink
反义词 perfume,sweetnessverb.smell of;be characterized by
同义词 emit,fume,smell,smoke,steam,stench,stinkbe permeated by,be redolent of,give off odor,have an odor
emitverb diffuse, discharge
afford,beam,belch,breathe,cast out,disembogue,drip,eject,emanate,erupt,evacuate,excrete,exhale,expectorate,expel,expend,expire,extrude,exude,give off,give out,give vent to,gush,issue,jet,let off,loose,ooze,pass,perspire,pour,pronounce,purge,radiate,secrete,send forth,send out,shed,shoot,speak,spew,spill,spit,squirt,throw out,transmit,utter,vent,voice,void,vomit,yield
fumesnoun pollution, gas in air
miasmanoun effluvium
fetor,foul air,fumes,gas,mephitis,odor,pollution,reek,smell,smog,stench,stink,vapor
smellverb have an odor
be malodorous,funk,reek,smell to high heaven,stench,stink,whiff
smelledverb have an odor
funked,reeked,smelled to high heaven,stank,stenched,was malodorous,whiffed
smellsverb have an odor
funks,is malodorous,reeks,smells to high heaven,stenches,stinks,whiffs The massive ambiguities, the jaw-dropping plot twists, the spicy Sichuanese reek of an unlikely life never quite filter through.
大量含混不清的情节,那些令人振奋的转折,以及充满辛辣的川菜香气的生活细节,在这本书中很难得到呈现。 yeeyan

Any actor who doesn’t want to reek of despair should avoid such self- mockery at all costs.
任何不想透出穷途末路感觉的演员都应该尽一切可能避免自讽。 ecocn

But just over young ridge are two not unattractive middle school teachers who reek of desperation.
不过小山脊那边有两个长相一般的中学老师浑身散发着饥渴的气息。 e100e

But a new paper suggests that bacteria do not just reek odor— they also smell it.
但是一篇新的论文表明细菌不仅仅会发出恶臭,它们同样能够闻到恶臭。 yeeyan

Concept sculptor Michael Patrick Murnane was most responsible for developing the reek's final look in a very detailed concept maquette.
概念雕塑家迈克尔·帕特里克·默南主要负责将力克的最终外形做成很细致的概念模型。 starwarsfans

For these men, says Mr Philbrick, the Plains were a strange and unworldly place. They found it hard to accustom themselves to the constant eye-watering reek of horse hair and human sweat.
费尔布里克说,对于这些人来说,平原是一处奇特世外之地,他们发觉自己难以适应没完没了地被马鬃和汗水的臭味熏得泪水直流。 ecocn

I was Reek before and might be Reek again.
我以前是臭佬而可能再变成臭佬。 cndkc

If your athletic shoes reek, fill a couple of old socks with scented cat litter, tie them shut, and place them in the sneakers overnight.
如果的你的运动鞋臭味难闻,那就把一些有香味的猫砂塞到袜子里,绑好,并把它们塞到运动鞋里让它过夜。 yeeyan

Its massive horns, used in displays of dominance in the wild, can gore opponents, and few would be able to survive a trampling attack from a reek.
它那在野外显示统治地位的巨大尖角能够刺伤对手,几乎没有什么东西能够在力克疯狂的进攻下存活。 starwarschina

Never reek from perfume or cigarettes. People want to smell the food and beverage.

She entered the foyer of the building, where it was warmer; the sour reek of cabbage hung in the air as she walked up the five flights to her apartment.
她进到公寓门厅,那里要暖和一些,到她的公寓要爬五层楼,卷心菜的酸臭气弥漫在空气里。 yeeyan

Skywalker was able to momentarily calm the reek, and used the massive horned creature as a mount while chaos reigned within the arena.
然后天行者马上令力克平静了下来,当角斗场陷入混乱时,他将力克作为自己的坐骑。 starwarschina

Skywalker used his Jedi agility to leap upon the beast, and used the reek's sheer muscle- power to break the chains that bound him.
天行者凭借绝地的敏捷身手跳到力克背上,并借它的肌肉力量挣断了束缚他的镣铐。 starwarschina

The murderer's hands still reek with blood.
杀人犯手上仍血迹斑斑。 iciba

The sofa in the room did not reek of mildew like it usually did.
房间里的沙发没有像往常那样散发出霉味。 yeeyan

There have been attempts to breed reek for simple, easily- domesticated labor and a source of food and materials.
曾经有人尝试将力克驯化成容易驯养的畜力和食物及工业原料来源。 starwarsfans

To Bower, gift cards, which themselves might seem to some to reek of the buyer having put little or no time into the present, actually represent the opposite.
礼品卡通常被认为是送礼人花了很少或者没花时间在礼物上,在鲍尔看来却相反。 yeeyan

Towards the end of the nineteenth century, however, under the influence of Russian literature, there was quite a reek of rank sweat.
到十九世纪后半,受了俄国文学的影响,就很有些臭汗气了。 jukuu

You give her a good wash, Reek?
你好好洗了洗她么,臭佬? cndkc

Reek originally hail from Ylesia, where they roamed the plains in great herds.
力克最初来自伊莱西亚,在那里,它们成群结队地在平原上游荡。 starwarschina




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