

单词 reductio
释义 re·duc·tio AHDrə̇ˈdəkshēˌō,rēˈ-; rāˈdu̇ktēˌō COCA¹⁰⁰⁹¹⁷BNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³

reduction to the absurd a disproof by showing that the consequences of the proposition are absurd; or a proof of a proposition by showing that its negation leads to a contradiction近义词 reductio ad absurdum拉(=reducti…
In the light of reductio ad absurdum on mathematics this paper tries to testify that the systematic fluctuation in magnitude- frequency curve is possible for specific seismic zones.
本文拟从数学反证的角度,证明对于具体的地震区带而言,其震级-频度曲线呈现系统性起伏是可能的。 cnki

The “ midday reductio” of photosynthesis rate was mainly induced by non- stomatal factors.
光合速率午间下降主要是由非气孔因素引起的。 cnki

The decline and fall of the American car industry is relatively easy to summarise, and the Hummer is its reductio.
美国汽车业的衰亡相对比较容易概括总结,悍马正是美国汽车业的缩影。 yeeyan

By reductio, there cannot possibly be a procedure that acts like the mythical P.
通过反证法,不存在一个程序,能像传说中的 P一样运行。 yeeyan

In this paper, the definition of reductio ad absurdum, logical principles and problem- solving steps.
本文简述了反证法的定义,逻辑原理和解题步骤。 chinaw3

In Walter Block's reductio ad absurdum, a judge decides if a man has stolen a woman's purse by asking how much each party would be willing to pay for it.
在沃尔特·布洛克的反证法中,一位法官决定一个男人是不是偷了一个女人的钱包,必须通过询问双方愿意出多少钱来买它。 yeeyan

The former are a reductio ad absurdum of the latter precisely because both claims follow from the same philosophical approach to rights— they are differences in degree, not in kind.
两者都基于相同的权利哲学,前者恰恰是后者的重复,它们的差异,只是量的差异,并不存在质的区别。 yeeyan

Reductio ad absurdum is a kind of indirect methods to prove the math, math is an important idea, while at middle school math to prove it has a broad scope of application.
反证法是一种间接的数学证明方法,也是一种重要的数学思想,同时它在中学数学证明中有着广泛的适用范围。 liuwuwei




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