

单词 reduced price
释义 reduced price短语⁶⁷³⁰⁶
The customer is invited ti clip the coupon and bring it to the store to receive a free gift or a reduced price on merchandise.
公众被邀请剪下赠券并凭券到商店领一份免费礼物或购买减价商品。 bbs.yule.iciba.com

If a product is“ on sale” that means it is being offered for a limited time at a reduced price.
如果有个商品正在出售,那意味着此商品在有限的时间内以低价出售。 hjenglish

In order to spur adoption, Microsoft is offering free and reduced price packages for Windows Azure.
为了刺激需求,微软将提供 Windows Azure的免费套装和折扣套装。 infoq

We are ready, however, to compromise by replacing them at a reduced price of8 cents each.
然而,我方已准备让步,同意按每个减价8分美元换货。 blog.sina.com.cn

We are prepared to retain these unsuitable goods, but only at a substantially reduced price.
只有在大幅度降价的情况下,我们准备保留这些不适合的货物。 yidutianya

We forget to remove the sales tag. We'll charge you the reduced price.
是我们忘记了把特价标签拿走。我们会以特价卖给你的。 enfamily

You can offer a bundle of two flavors of syrup at a slightly reduced price to up- sell parents who intend to buy only one flavor when they came to the site.
当父母访问站点时可能只想购买一种口味的糖浆,但您可以提供两种风味的糖浆,将其绑定以轻微的折扣价销售给父母。 ibm




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