

单词 average man
释义 average man短语⁹⁶⁶⁷⁷⁺
The average man is not interested in this subject.
普通人一般对这题目不感兴趣。 jukuu

The average man, says Shaw, can advance not a single reason for thinking that the earth is round.
肖伯纳说,普通人举不出一条理由来说明为什么相信地球是圆的。 jukuu

The average man who uses a telephone could not explain how a telephone works.
普通人只会使用电话,却无法解释电话的工作原理。 blog.sina.com.cn

Beards are the fastest growing hair. If the average man never trimmed his beard, it could grow to30 feet over the course of his lifetime.
胡子是生长最快的毛发,如果一个男人从来都不修剪他的胡须,那么他留了一辈子的胡须将有30英尺之长。 yeeyan

Dan is an average man by most standards.
无论从哪个标准衡量, Dan都是一个普通人。 yeeyan

It is not about finding the average man--which you are-- also in the novel, there staring back at you.

Morally, he was an average man, no better and no worse than the bulk of his contemporaries.
在道德方面,他是一个中常人,和同时代大多数人比起来不优不劣。 book118

She is to proud, too luxurious, to marry an average man like you.
她太骄傲也太奢移了,所以不能嫁给像你这样的普通人。 blog.sina.com.cn

When it comes to two-way communication such as e- mails or chats, the average man interacts with only four people and the average woman with six.
若是双向——发邮件、聊天——男性普遍只同四人交流,女性则是六人。 ecocn




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