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词汇 red mud
释义 red mud短语⁹⁶⁶⁷⁷⁺
The fully activated red mud then can turn into a hydraulic binding material that is no clinker and has specified strength.
可以将赤泥配制成无熟料的且具有一定强度的水硬性胶凝材料。 cnki

The recent dam failure of a red mud storage basin near Ajka in Hungary was high on the agenda.
在这次会议上,与会专家对匈牙利 Ajka赤泥坝垮塌事件高度重视。 yhlbbs

The excellent results are achieved in mud amelioration by use of organic and inorganic mixture, the red mud, solid wastes, becomes the base for plant normally growth.
结果表明,有机与无机混合体改良剂对赤泥土壤改良效果良好,使固废物赤泥变成植物能够正常生长的基质, 氟石膏的加量起重要作用。 chemyq

The expand mechanism of ceramsite is discussed. The experiments indicate that red mud dashing with gangue and coal ash can be made into ceramsite according with demand.
讨论了赤泥陶粒的膨胀机理,指出以赤泥为主要组分搀加一定量的粉煤灰和煤矸石完全可以制备出符合要求的陶粒。 magsci

The hydrating rate of dicalcium silicate is slowly, the remarkably initial strength of red mud h.
硅酸二钙水化速度缓慢,不可能靠它的水化在较短时间内获得明显的强度。 dictall

The nucleation and grain growth characteristics of metallic phase in direct reduction of high- iron red mud with coal base have been discussed in this paper.
讨论了高铁赤泥煤基直接还原特性及还原过程中金属铁晶粒成核及晶核长大特征。 cnki

The significance of rare earth metals recovery from red mud and RE elements store general situation in red mud was narrated.
叙述了从赤泥中稀土金属回收的意义以及我国赤泥中稀土元素的赋存状况。 chemyq

The red mud heated at different temperatures and the hydration pastes were determined with XRD, DSC- TG and FT- IR.
采用XRD、 DSC- TG、 FT- IR等测试手段对不同温度煅烧的赤泥及其水化浆体进行研究。 cnki

And the two- stage digestion process is a new method to reduce soda consumption of red mud by producing low fixed soda desilication products.
二段法溶出工艺就是利用生成低碱脱硅产物来降低赤泥碱耗的新方法。 jxcu

By adding sundials silica to digestion mineral slurry, the effects of high silica to settling property of red mud in bayer-combined process were studied.
通过向拜耳联合法溶出矿浆中添加硅酸钠,研究硅含量对赤泥沉降性能的影响。 iciba

Combined red mud phase is mainly composed of quartz and calcium aluminum melilite, followed by albite, andradite garnet, and perovskite garnet.
联合法赤泥物相组成主要为石英和钙铝黄长石,其次为钠长石、钙铁榴石和钙钛榴石。 fabiao

Meantime, a new technology for recovering these metals from the red mud of Shanxi Aluminum is proposed.
同时,针对山西铝厂的赤泥回收稀有金属提出了新的工艺。 chemyq

Remaining base in red mud was directly used to remove nitrogen compounds in the leachate by the chemical method.

The article will approach deformation behaviors of red mud under triaxial pressure.
本文探讨赤泥在三轴压力作用下的变形性质。 cnki

The author also discuss the confluence desilication's siliceous modulus, confluence, temperature, red mud seed and the addition of lime milk.
文中还对合流脱硅的硅量指数、合流点、合流脱硅温度、赤泥种子和添加石灰乳等问题进行了讨论。 cnki

The paper makes a microscopic analysis on red mud and calcination red mud by scanning electron microscopy SEM.
采用电子扫描显微镜 SEM对赤泥原料和高温焙烧后的赤泥做了微观分析。 fabiao

The addition of red mud up to 35% is still possible to produce high early strength cement.
当赤泥配比达35%时,可生产高标号早强快硬水泥。 cnki

The effect of heat treatment temperature on the cementitious activity of red mud is studied in the paper through analyzing the properties of the red mud heated at different temperatures.
通过对不同温度煅烧的赤泥特性的研究,分析了热处理温度对赤泥胶凝性能的影响。 cnki

The unfired and uncured mud brick made of red mud, fly ash, aggregates and so on is pressed and cured in nature.
利用中铝赤泥、粉煤灰、骨料等材料采用模压成型,自然养护制成了赤泥免烧免蒸砖。 cnki

This paper comprehensively introduced the main technological achievement obtained in scientific research and production practice of the utilization of red mud resources in China.
本文综合介绍了我国在赤泥再生资源开发利用的科研与生产实践中所取得的重要技术成就。 cnki

Red mud is the solid waste generated in alumina extracting process from bauxite.




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