

单词 redistributed
释义 re·dis·trib·ute·d 英ˌriːdɪ'strɪbjuːt美ˌriːdɪ'strɪbjuːt COCA⁵⁶⁸³¹BNC⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
v.重新分配⁹³;再区分原型redistribute 的过去式和过去分词过去分词redistributed现在分词redistributing三单redistributes
distribute anew;

redistribute the troops more strategically

近义词 sort out整理redeploy调动reorganize改组reorder重新排序restructure重建reallocate再分配rearrange重新安排

用作动词They aim to redistribute income from the rich to the poor.他们的目标是把富人的收入重新分配给穷人。
As president he would redistribute the country's wealth.作为总统,他会重新分配这个国家的财富。as in.rearrange
同义词 readjust,reconstruct,reorganize,reposition,reshuffle,revamp,reworkchange,order,replace,reset,shift,switch
反义词 remain
outsourceverb contract out
outsourcingverb contract out
realignverb rearrange into a proper order
rearrangeverb do over
change,order,readjust,reconstruct,redistribute,reorganize,replace,reposition,reset,reshuffle,revamp,rework,shift,switch China's central government grabbed local revenue and redistributed the cash around the country to pay for further investment as well as government services.
中央政府控集中地方政府的收入,并向全国各个县市拨款,用于进一步的投资和政府服务机构的开销。 ecocn

In itself, it does not, for the heat or, rather, the cold in question is being redistributed, not retained.
实则不然,因为受人质疑的太阳热能或者说冷能一直在重新分布,而不是保持不变的。 ecocn

It is therefore common for the specification of any allocation system to include procedures whereby resource entitlements may be redistributed.
因此,对于任何分配制度的规范,包括共同的权利,使资源可以重新分配程序。 ourtra

The hepatic zinc, copper and iron concentrations increased and redistributed in varying degrees in all rats with different zinc conditions after the acute exhaustive swim.
不管大鼠的锌营养状态如何,力竭游泳后,肝脏锌、铜、铁的含量均出现不同程度的升高或升高趋势。 cnki

The TABLE ONLY option allows you to specify a list of tables that will be redistributed during the data redistribution.
TABLE ONLY选项允许指定数据重分发期间将被重分发的一组表。 ibm

This energy is then processed by that individual and redistributed into this present life with the network set forth by the North Node.
之后这些能量被单独处理并通过北交点网络重新分配到今世人生中去。 douban

After the available energy is redistributed, the healer will often channel universal background energy into the patient's aura as an extra reserve for the patient to use at will.
重新分配有用能量之后,疗愈者将会时常传递宇宙背景能量进入病人的光环作为病人随意使用的额外储备。 bdpsclub.org

After the update, experience is redistributed between players based on their playing styles.
更新后,重新分配之间的经验是他们的演奏风格的球员。 kongzhong

After the table is redistributedthe table goes back to the normal state, you are required to take a tablespace level backup in order to acquire full access to the table again.
在这个表被重分发之后回到正常状态,需要进行一个表空间级的备份,以便重新获得对该表的全部访问权。 ibm

After this set of tables is redistributed, the remaining tables that reside inside the database partition group will not be redistributed.
在重分发这组表之后,不再重分发数据库分区组中剩下的表。 ibm

As XC10 appliances are added or removed from the collective, the data grids and replicas are automatically redistributed across the collective.
当 XC10设备添加到集合或从集合移除时,数据网格和副本将自动在整个集合内重新分布。 ibm

Having renegotiated the oil contracts, he redistributed wealth and saw Libya grow rich— though no one grew rich faster than his own clan, with billions invested abroad.
他重谈石油合同,对财富进行再分配,看着利比亚走向富裕。不过,他的家族比任何人都富得更快,拥有上亿海外投资。 ecocn

How they redistributed pieces of the planet crust. And in this case, we especially want to know if any of the mantles, layer beneath the crust, was exposed by the impact.
撞击力是怎样将壳层重新分配,通过这种研究,我们尤其像弄明白在壳层下面的任何幔层,是否被撞击暴露在外了。 xiaoma

In this way, messages are redistributed to queues where they are most likely to be processed in a timely manner.
通过这种方法,消息被重新分发到在其中得到及时处理的可能性最大的队列中。 ibm

Many do, but too many other people benefit or so they think from the current system by having money redistributed to them; they thus keep voting for it.
很多人已经看到了,但更多的人因分到了钱而从现在的制度中受惠或自认为受惠;他们投票支持它。 yeeyan

Napoleon declared the order dissolved in 1809 and redistributed most of its remaining lands.
1809年拿破仑宣布解散该团,并重新分配其占有的土地。 tdict

RedHat's trademark information page states that it is necessary to avoid confusion with redistributed copies which, unlike the official version from Red Hat, come with no support.
Red Hat的商标信息网页国,有必要避免混乱与再分配副本不同的是,正式版红帽,来与不支持。 blog.sina.com.cn

Such self-contained applications can be easily downloaded and redistributed without the risk of breaking its integrity.
这种程序可以很容易的从网上下载下来,不用担心它的完整性遭到破坏。 cnblogs

The entitlement for these virtual processors is then redistributed on an as needed basis to other virtual processors on client partitions in the shared processor pool.
然后将这些虚拟处理器的权限基于需求重新分配给位于共享处理器池中的客户分区的其他虚拟处理器。 ibm

This summary is intended only for the person to whom it has been distributed or redistributed in whole or in part nor may its contents be disclosed to any other person under any circumstances.
这份摘要只是给那些已经获得部分或全部分配的人员准备的,不允许它的内容被其他人在任何情况下透露。 tianya

To adapt to the service demands, we adjusted and fit out special manpower, redistributed the service point, enhance the principle of giving priority to prevention.
为了适应校医院的门诊服务利用需求,针对学生在校医院就诊的科别特点,合理调整和配备门诊的医技力量。 chemyq

When routes are redistributed between OSPF processes, are all SPF metrics preserved or is the default metric value used?
当路线之间的重新分配 OSPF的进程,都是 SPF级数据保存或是默认度量的价值使用呢? chinaunix.net

You know planetary researchers love studying deep craters to learn about the impact that created them, how they redistributed pieces of a planet's crust.
你知道,行星研究者热爱研究深的陨石坑,以了解导致它产生的撞击,如何重新分散行星地壳的碎片。 xiaoma

You must ensure that messages are redistributed correctly.
您必须确保消息被正确地重新分发。 ibm

Yukos's remaining assets seem likely to be redistributed in another fake auction.
尤科斯的剩余资产可能经由又一场形式上的拍卖被重新分配。 ecocn




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