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词汇 red ink
释义 red ink短语⁶⁷³⁰⁴
红墨水; 赤字; 赤字状况

the amount by which the cost of a business exceeds its revenue;

the company operated at a loss last year

the company operated in the red last year

red ink红墨水
近义词 loss遗失red红色的
Teachers usually make corrections inred ink.教师通常用红墨水批改。
The boy is daubing a piece of paper withred ink.那孩子正在用红墨水在纸上乱涂。
We're showing too muchred inkin our finances.我们的财政上出现了太多的赤字。
My father made my bank account in the red.父亲害得我银行的账户赤字连连。as in.debt
同义词 arrears,bill,capital,commitment,credit,damage,deficit,due,indebtedness,liability,mortgage,obligation,price tag,receiptIOU,albatross,baggage,bite,check,chit,claim,cuff,debenture,debit,dues,duty,encumbrance,invoice,manifest,note,reckoning,responsibility,score,tab,tally,voucherarrearage,bad news,below the line,dead horse,in hock,in the hole,in the red,outstandings,promissory note
反义词 irresponsibilityasset,cash,excess,profitas in.deficit
同义词 loss,shortfallarrears,defalcation,default,deficiency,dues,inadequacy,insufficiency,lack,paucity,scantiness,shortcomingdead horse,due bill,in hock,insufficience,in the hole,in the red,underage
反义词 abundance,adequacy,advantage,enough,perfection,plenty,satisfaction,success,sufficiencyexcess,superfluousnessas in.shortfall
同义词 deficiency,flaw,lack,loss,shortage,shortcomingarrears,default,defectiveness,inadequacy,incompleteness,insufficiencyinsufficience,in the hole,in the red,underage
反义词 abundance,enough,perfection,plenty,success,sufficiency
debtnoun money owed to others
IOU,albatross,arrearage,arrears,bad news,baggage,below the line,bill,bite,capital,check,chit,claim,commitment,credit,cuff,damage,dead horse,debenture,debit,deficit,due,dues,duty,encumbrance,in hock,in the hole,in the red,indebtedness,invoice,liability,manifest,mortgage,note,obligation,outstandings,price tag,promissory note,receipt,reckoning,responsibility,score,tab,tally,voucher
deficitnoun shortage of something needed, required
arrears,dead horse,defalcation,default,deficiency,due bill,dues,in hock,in the hole,in the red,inadequacy,insufficience,insufficiency,lack,loss,paucity,red ink,scantiness,shortcoming,shortfall,underage
deficitsnoun shortage of something needed, required
arrears,dead horses,defalcations,defaults,deficiencies,due bills,dues,in hocks,in the holes,in the reds,inadequacies,insufficiences,insufficiencies,lacks,losses,paucities,red inks,scantiness,shortcomings,shortfalls,underages
shortfallnoun deficit;imperfection
arrears,default,defectiveness,deficiency,flaw,in the hole,in the red,inadequacy,incompleteness,insufficience,insufficiency,lack,loss,red ink,shortage,shortcoming,underage
shortfallsnoun deficit;imperfection
arrears,defaults,defectivenesses,deficiencies,flaws,in the holes,in the reds,inadequacies,incompleteness,insufficiences,insufficiencies,lacks,losses,red inks,shortages,shortcomings,underages The red ink is driven by growth in entitlement spending, most of it on Medicare, the government’s health scheme for the elderly.
赤字来自权益支出的增长,其中大多数是医疗保险,抚恤老人的政府健康计划。 ecocn

Add the red ink of the state governments and various expenses reported“below the line” and the deficit will exceed11% of GDP this year.
加上州政府的赤字和被报道的各种预算外的支出,赤字将会超过今年 GDP的11%。 ecocn

Add the red ink of India's state governments and various borrowings reported“ below-the-line ”, and India's deficit could reach about 12% of GDP, according to Standard& Poor's S&P.
加上印度国家政府的赤字和各种报告说“线下销售”译注:指大众传播以外的拓销方式借款,据标准普尔公司 S&P估计,印度的赤字可能高达 GDP的12%。

Although nerves have settled a bit after a few hair-raising weeks, the red ink on Wall Street will keep flowing.
尽管在经历了可怕的几星期之后,紧绷的神经有所缓解,但华尔街的行情还是一路下跌。 ecocn

AMD is drowning in red ink and will welcome the cash.
超微公司当前陷入巨幅赤字,于是会很欢迎英特尔公司支付的现金。 ecocn

Bezos won't say whether he thinks he'll lose money on the device itself, only that he's at ease flirting with red ink.
贝佐斯没有说他是否认为会在这个设备本身上赔钱,直说他对和赤字并不紧张。 yeeyan

Most of the red ink results from the enormous hole the recession has punched in GDP and consequently in tax revenue, the cost of bailing out the financial system, and interest on the mounting debt.
大部分的财政赤字产生于由经济衰退造成的巨大 GDP缺口,以及因此减少的税收、救助金融系统花费的成本和因债款增加而增加的利息。 ecocn

Much of the red ink is financed by China.
这些赤字的大部分资金来至中国。 cjdby

Since2005 Mr Brown has sought to staunch the red ink through tax- raising measures and tighter control of spending.
从2005开始,布朗开始设法通过提高税率和紧缩开销来止住赤字。 ecocn

Yemen is a family corporation which is bleeding red ink.
也门不过是正流淌着赤字之血的家族企业。 yeeyan

Yet at the same time voters are growing alarmed at the tide of red ink, and it may be only a matter of time before markets do, too.
然而,此时的选民们对巨额的赤字日益恐慌,而市场的恐慌大概也只是个时间问题。 ecocn




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