

单词 red hot
释义 red hot redhɔt 短语³⁹⁴⁷⁵

a frankfurter served hot on a bun近义词 hot dog热狗hotdog热狗面包
adj.very hot
同义词 blistering,fiery,flaming,hot,scorching,sizzlingburning,heated
反义词 cold,cooladj.zealous
同义词 eager,enthusiastic,excited,fanatical,heated,impassioned,passionateadj.raging
同义词 extreme,furious,intense,vehement,violentadj.newest
同义词 au courant,contemporary,fresh,hippest,latest,mod,modern,most recentadj.burning
同义词 glowing,scorching,sizzlingheated,sweltering
bakingadjective very hot
ardent,baking hot,blistering,boiling,broiling,burning,fiery,hot,piping hot,roasting,scalding,scorching,searing,sizzling,steaming,sultry,sweltering,uncomfortably warm,very warm
blisteringadjective hot
boilingadjective very hot
broilingadjective very hot
baking,burning,fiery,on fire,red-hot,roasting,scalding,scorching,sizzling,sweltering,torrid
burningadjective fervent, excited
contemporaryadjective modern
abreast,au courant,contempo,current,existent,extant,hot off the press,in fashion,in vogue,instant,just out,latest,leading-edge,mod,new,newfangled,now,present,present-day,recent,red-hot,state-of-the-art,today,topical,ultramodern,up,up-to-date,up-to-the-minute,voguish,with it This desperation appears to have been prompted by the gradual loss of vital farmland over the last 10 years to make way for the needs of a red hot real estate market.
近十年来基本农田逐渐被热的发烫的房地产市场侵占,农民们的绝望情绪日益蔓延。 yeeyan

With GDP growing near10% every year, the economic is red hot in the country. And any professionals with over5 year experience are rare commodities.
国内的生产总值每年以近10%的速度增长,这也使得具有超过5年经验的专业人士非常稀缺。 blog.sina.com.cn

After years of disappointing results, the Venture Capital industry is red hot again.
在经历了数年令人沮丧的业绩后,风险投资业再次变得火热。 yeeyan

I never expected to catch the Spurs because they often get red hot after the ASB.
我从没想过超过马刺,因为他们通常在失常一阵之后就会红得发紫。 ttnba.com

If you can channel your over abundance of red hot energy in constructive directions you could achieve a great deal.
如果你能将自己过盛的精力用于有建设性的方向上,你将成就极大。 blog.sina.com.cn

In the same way, with spicy Sichuan food, often bobbing in red hot chilli-pepper oil, her training tells her that the tannins in red wine fight, and exaggerate, the spicy flavours.
同理,对于通常在热火朝天的辣椒油中翻腾的辛辣的四川食物,她所受的训练告诉她,红葡萄酒中的单宁会和辛香产生冲突,并铺张开来。 folisha

Sectors like e- commerce and biotechnology, already red hot, will get more access to domestic capital.
诸如电子商务、生物技术等已然炙手可热的版块,未来必将获取越来越多的国内资本。 yeeyan

Support for unregulated free trade has cratered on the Democratic left. Hostility to illegal immigration is red hot on the Republican right.
支持非受监管自由贸易已经在民主党左派留下了弹坑,而在共和党右派,对非法移民的敌意仍然十分强烈。 yeeyan

Trying to stay in a red hot market till the peak is not only dangerous, it is one of the worst and most imprudent risks of all.
试图留在一个炽热的市场中,直到其顶峰,这不仅危险,而且是所有风险中最糟糕和最不谨慎的一种。 yeeyan

Red hot TV and movie site Hulu has added a major new feature this morning on the one year anniversary of the site.
红得发紫的电视电影视频站点葫芦在网站一周年纪念日的早上增添了一项新功能。 yeeyan




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