

单词 redder
释义 red·der 英redə美redə COCA³⁹⁶⁶⁴BNC³⁶⁵²⁶Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
adj.更红的⁵⁰形容词red的比较级形式⁵⁰.原型red的比较级 Her cheeks redder than usual, mother swatted dad for laughing.
妈妈红着脸,拍打着爸爸大笑起来。 yeeyan

The red forms will tend to be redder in peat and under brighter light.
红色的好望角毛毡苔在泥炭土和全日照之下会更加鲜豔。 chinese-cp.com

The redder tones are caused when people are flush with blood, particularly if the blood has lots of oxygen in it.
当人的体内血液充足,特别是血液中富含氧分子的时候,人的肤色会显得更红润。 yeeyan

A decreased frequency is equivalent to a longer, or redder, wavelength. This is gravitational redshift.
较低了的频率,相当于较长或较红的波长,这就是红移。 yeeyan

A duck farmer in Shijiazhuang said the more red material put in the forage, the redder the yolks laid by the ducks.
石家庄的一位养鸭农户说,在饲料中放入的红色原料越多,鸭子所下的蛋的蛋黄越黄。 blog.sina.com.cn

After43 hours of exposure to UVB light, the growing lettuce plants were noticeably redder than other plants that only saw white light.
在暴露于紫外线43个小时之后,这些生长中的莴笋明显比仅仅在日常光照下的莴笋显得更加红。 dxy

As the researchers continued to tumble the samples, they observed the sand getting redder and redder.
当研究人员继续将这些样品进行翻滚时,他们注意到砂粒的颜色变得越来越红。 yeeyan

He was a beady- eyed prober, like the foxes he loved or his favourite whippet, Pluto, whose long- legged grace often appeared in his paintings as counterpoint to some fatter, redder human shape.
就像他那只备受喜欢的狐狸一样,或是那只最受喜爱的小狗普路托一样,他成了一部目光锐利的探测器。 狐狸和小狗的修长秀腿常常在他画中出现,成为一些肥胖人、红肤人的衬托物。 ecocn

He says that although“ red war” is getting redder, it's really as it always has been.

In other redder states, there are calls for E- Verify’s expansion.
在更倾向于共和党的一些州,有人还呼吁 E- verify推广系统。 ecocn

It is redder than the feet of the doves who inhabit the temples and are fed by the priests.
你的嘴唇要比起那些住在神庙里由祭司们喂养的鸽子的腿还要红。 yeeyan

Look at Oat sunset I never saw one redder.
你看那落日,我还从没过比这更红的太阳呢。 kekenet

Manufacturers generally prefer a whiter or lightercedar color to a darker or redder color.
生产商一般更喜欢白或浅红色的红雪松音板。 blog.sina.com.cn

On the outside is a ring dominated by bright blue stars, while near the center lies a ball of much redder stars that are likely much older.
位于外侧的是一个圆环,主要由明亮的蓝色恒星组成,中心位置则是一个由颜色更红的恒星组成的球体,这些恒星的年龄像是更为古老。 yeeyan

Our faces became redder still.
我们的脸变得更红了。 pallasa

Researchers studying the object are particularly interested in the region to the left and slightly above centre in the image, where dusty filaments appear redder than is expected.
研究者对图中左面延伸到中央的尘埃区域特别地感兴趣,因为这里的尘埃细丝呈现出乎意料的暗红色。 zzkoo

The larger the dot, the redder the light it absorbs;
量子点越大,其吸收的光线越偏红; ecocn

The larger the dot, the redder the light it absorbs; the smaller, conversely, the bluer.
量子点越大,其吸收的光线越偏红;相反其越小,吸收的光线就越偏蓝。 ecocn

The pomegranate flowers that blossom in the gardens of Tyre and are redder than roses are not so red.
那些盛开在提尔花园里的石榴花,那些比玫瑰还要鲜红的石榴花,却没有你的嘴唇鲜红。 yeeyan

This is a practice which is still employed with the use of food colourings and special lights over meat displays in order to give the meat a richer, redder look.
这种方法仍被用于食品上色和肉制品陈列时的特殊光照,使得肉制品的颜色看起来更加红润。 yeeyan

This means your wounds will take longer to heal and you’ll have scars that are bigger and redder than you would in a nonsmoking parallel universe.
这意味着,比起不吸烟的情况,你的伤口将需要更长时间痊愈,留下更大更红的疤痕。 yeeyan

Thy mouth is redder than the feet of those who tread the wine in the winepress.
你的嘴唇要比那些红酒榨汁工的脚还要红。 yeeyan

When the tongue is redder than its normal pinkish color, it indicates the heat syndrome.
当舌比正常的粉红色红时,预示着热症。 iciba

Redder than male rubies were the roses.
玫瑰花比上等红宝石更红。 kuenglish




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