

单词 red cent
释义 red cent ˌredˈsent 短语³⁵⁴³⁶
一分钱; 一便士

something of little value;

his promise is not worth a damn

not worth one red cent

not worth shucks

red,红色的,此处指铜,铜钱,cent,分币。 red来自古英语read。来自原始日耳曼语*raudaz。来自原始印欧语*reudh,红色的,词源同ruby, rouge, russet。red-向后,往回,再,重新,来自re-在元音前的变体形式,字母-d为拉丁语古离格特征,如prod-为pro-的离格形式,见prodigy。 cent来自cent-,百,百分之一,词源同hundred。用于货币单位指分。not worth a red cent一文不值
近义词 copper铜darn织补damn该死straw稻草hoot鸣笛声tinker's damn毫无价值的东西…shit表示愤怒、厌恶等的感叹词…shucks呸!无聊!可恶(表示不满…
Tuning accuracy is within one cent.调谐精度是一分钱。
I won't pay you a cent more than I paid the other taxi last week.和上周的出租相比我不会多付给你一分钱的。noun.insignificant value
同义词 cent,copper penny,farthing,hill of beans,penny Not one single red cent!
连一分钱都没有过! blog.sina.com.cn

The village in a mountainous area culture was the bad money pursues the good coin, the market economy freedom is also pasted on the elephant the sign to be same, becomes is not worth a red cent.
山寨文化是劣币驱逐良币,市场经济的自由也就像被贴牌一样,变得一文不值了。 ispcs

Her opinion isn't worth a red cent.

She offered me a ring in exchange but it wasn't worth a red cent.
她给了我一枚戒指作为交换,但那是不值钱的玩意。 http://dj.iciba.com




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