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词汇 red
释义 red.


of the colour of blood or fire, reddish-brown; of a dark pink to dark purple colour

布满血丝的,眼眶发红的,充血的; 涨红的

sore and having red veins and rims; bloodshot; flushed with shame, anger, etc.


supporting left-wing political ideas; socialist or communist


revolutionary; communist


red colour


red clothes

C拥护社会主义和共产主义的人; 革命分子,激进分子

person supporting Socialism or Communism; person supporting revolution or radical policies

red color or pigment; the chromatic color resembling the hue of blooda tributary of the Mississippi River that flows eastward from Texas along the southern boundary of Oklahoma and through Louisianaemotionally charged terms used to refer to extreme radicals or revolutionariesthe amount by which the cost of a business exceeds its revenue;

the company operated at a loss last year

the company operated in the red last year

of a color at the end of the color spectrum next to orange; resembling the color of blood or cherries or tomatoes or rubiescharacterized by violence or bloodshed;

writes of crimson deeds and barbaric days

fann'd by Conquest's crimson wing

convulsed with red rage

especially of the face reddened or suffused with or as if with blood from emotion or exertion;

crimson with fury

turned red from exertion

with puffy reddened eyes

red-faced and violent

flushed or crimson with embarrassment


❌ He is red for anger.

✔️ He is red with anger.

be red with表示“因为…而脸红”,表达人们的感情或感觉,介词用with不用for。


❌ The girl in red clothes is my sister.

✔️ The girl in red is my sister.


in red, in the red

两者意思不同:in red的意思是“穿红衣服”,而in the red的意思是“亏损,负债”。

来自古英语read。来自原始日耳曼语*raudaz。来自原始印欧语*reudh,红色的,词源同ruby, rouge, russet。red-向后,往回,再,重新,来自re-在元音前的变体形式,字母-d为拉丁语古离格特征,如prod-为pro-的离格形式,见prodigy。 read来自古英语raedan,建议,顾问,劝说,解释,阅读。来自原始印欧语*redan,建议,解释。来自原始印欧语*rei,思考,考虑,论证,词源同reason, rate。现词义主要为阅读,朗读。 ruby来自拉丁语rubinus lapis,红色的石头。来自rubinus,红色的。来自ruber,红色的,词源同red, lapis,石头,词源同lapidary。 rouge来自法语rouge,红颜料。来自拉丁语ruber,红色的。来自原始印欧语*reudh,红色的,词源同red, ruby。字母b, g音变,比较rabid, rage。 russet来自拉丁语russus,赤褐色的,红褐色的。来自ruber,红色的。来自原始印欧语*reudh,红色的,词源同red, ruby, rissole。 red来自古英语read。来自原始日耳曼语*raudaz。来自原始印欧语*reudh,红色的,词源同ruby, rouge, russet。red-向后,往回,再,重新,来自re-在元音前的变体形式,字母-d为拉丁语古离格特征,如prod-为pro-的离格形式,见prodigy。 re来自拉丁语re,关于,就有关事项。来自res的离格。来自res,事情,事物,词源同real。re-向后,往回,相对,相反,再,表强调,来自拉丁语re,向后,往回,相对,相反,再。作为强调有时仅表强调。 prod来自中古英语brodden,刺,戳。来自原始日耳曼语*bruzdaz,刺,硬毛。来自原始印欧语*bhars,刺,硬毛,词源同bur, barley, brad。 prodigy来自拉丁语prodigium,预言,预兆,奇怪的预示,妖怪。来自pro-,向前,-igium,说,预言,可能来自原始印欧语*ag,说,词源同adage。后用于指天赋异禀的孩子,天才,神童。
用作形容词 adj.
~+名词red battle血战red book电话号码簿red carpet隆重地接待red flag红旗red hands沾满血的手red hat红帽子red house红色的小屋red letter day日历上纪念日,节日red light红灯,危险信号red rose红玫瑰red ruin火灾R- Russia赤俄red tape官僚作风,文牍主义red wine红葡萄酒~+介词red in the face面红耳赤face red with anger气红的脸face red with shame羞红的脸eyes red with weeping哭肿的眼睛用作名词 n.动词+~go into the red出现赤字,亏本形容词+~bright red鲜红dark red深红light red淡红介词+~in red穿红衣in the red有赤字,亏损on red在红灯时out of the red不再亏损
用作形容词 red as a beetroot

满脸通红 very red in the face, especially because one is embarrassed

like a red rag to a bull

激怒的憎恨、愤怒、暴力行动等 likely cause strong resentment, anger, violence, etc.

not worth a red cent

毫无价值 worthless

on red alert

准备遭受危险,应急状态 ready for and expecting danger

paint the town red

狂欢作乐 celebrate (by going out and enjoying oneself)

red herring

转移注意力的事情、语言等 fact, argument, etc. that leads attention away from the matter

red tape

文牍主义; 官僚主义 official regulations

see the red light

觉察危险迫近 be aware of approaching danger

Was sb's face red

不好意思,难为情 sb was ashamed

用作名词n.get out of the red

〈口〉偿清债务 be no longer in debt

in red

穿红衣服 wearing red clothes

in the red

〈口〉负债in debt

see red

〈口〉大怒 become very angry

非常记忆re热+d的⇒红色的是热的近义词 pinkrosybloodyadj. bloodshot反义词 white白色的
~+ n.She has a red hat.她有一顶红帽子。
She wore red lipstick.她涂了血红的口红。
The red flag is a symbol of revolution.红旗是革命的象征。
The red flowers are relieved against the green leaves.红花绿叶交相辉映。
There is a little red house amid the forest.树林中有一间红色的小屋。
Give me some red ink.给我点红墨水。
The boy gave the girl a red rose.这个男孩送给这女孩一朵红色的玫瑰。
We often denote danger by red letters.我们常常用红字表示危险。
The blue team was defeated by the red team.蓝队被红队击败。
He was fetched up short by the red light.他突然被红灯拦住。
Peter is laying in with good red wine for his wedding party.彼得正为他的结婚聚会储备红葡萄酒。
I'm collecting for the Red Cross, please give generously.我在为红十字会募捐,请慷慨解囊。
Red Ken won seat in Parliament.左翼的肯赢得了议会席位。
The Red Army's glorious revolutionary traditions have carried over to the present day.红军的光荣革命传统一直发扬到今天。
S+be+~The sky is red when the sun rises.太阳升起时,红霞满天。
He clenched his fist and his face was very red.他握紧拳头,脸涨得通红。
It is too cold and his face was red.天气太冷了,他的脸冻得已经红了。S+be+~+ prep .-phraseHer eyes were red with weeping.她哭得两眼通红。
S+V+O+~My mother is dying the old curtain red.我妈妈正把旧窗帘染成红色。用作名词n.Red, yellow, blue, green and purple, etc. are colours.红、黄、蓝、绿和紫等等都是颜色。
Bright red was the predominant colour in the room.鲜红是这屋里的主要颜色。
He liked red best.他最喜欢红颜色。
I prefer red to blue.我喜欢红色而不喜欢蓝色。
The design was picked out in the bright red.这图案色彩鲜红,灿烂夺目。
I like the pattern, but I should prefer it in green instead of red.我喜欢这种图案,但我觉得如果是绿色的,而不是红色的,那就更好了。
The room was painted in a variety ofreds and blues.房间被油漆成各种红蓝相间的颜色。
Their eldest son always spends too much in drinking and gambling.His wild extravagance is running his family into red.他们的长子常常沉醉于吃喝赌博。他的奢侈无度使他的家庭负债累累。
There's too much red in the painting.这画中用的红色太多。
She usually wears red.她通常穿红色衣服。
Many people are not the Reds, but they have communist beliefs.许多人不是共产党人,但有共产主义思想。
His aim is to get the Reds out of Parliament.他的目的是要把激进分子撵出议会。Predroot血根Predware紫砂Predbirdn.红雀Predfishn.鲑鱼Ptonyred苏丹红Pclaret-red酒红Predout红雾视症Predwater羊快疫Prednessn.红红色Predpolln.朱顶雀Predwingn.红翼鸫Pred-neckn.乡下佬Predruthite辉铜矿Predshankn.红脚鹬Predstartn.红尾鸲Predbreastn.红胸鸟Predcoatn.英国军人Predheadn.红发的人Predskinn.红皮肤人Predwoodn.红杉红树Pcherry-red樱桃红的Predbrickn.红砖大学Preddlen.红赭石赭土Prose-reda.玫瑰红的Pultrareda.红外线的Pbrick-reda.红砖色的Pred-blinda.红色盲的Pred-blindness红色盲Predbudn.紫荆美国紫荆Predtopn.小糠草红顶草Pred-eyen.廉价威士忌酒Preder雷德n.红光测距仪Pfar-infrared超松红外光Ptrypan-red台盼红锥虫红Pblood-reda.血红的血污的Pred-carpeta.隆重的华贵的Pred-pencilvt.检查删除改正Preddisha.微红的略带红色的Predeyeda.红眼的眼圈哭红的Pinfrareda.红外线的n.红外线Predcurrantn.红醋栗红醋栗树Preddenvi.变红脸红vt.使变红Pred-hota.炽热的热烈的激烈的Pred-huntinga.迫害进步分子的Predheadeda.红发的红头羽毛的Pred-baitv.扣赤色分子帽子迫害Pred-tapismn.文牍主义官僚作风Predcapn.红帽子宪兵红额金翅雀Pred-tapistn.文牍主义者官僚作风者Pred-handeda.双手沾满鲜血的正在作案的Pred-lettera.有特殊意义的用红字表示的Pred-baitern.以'赤色分子'罪名迫害他人者Pred-bloodeda.充满活力的精力充沛的强壮的Pred-huntern.迫害共产主义者的人迫害进步分子的人







red用作名词的基本意思是“红色”,可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词; 既有复数形式reds,也可说much red。



在非正式用语里, red还有“革命分子,激进分子”的意思。

用作形容词I received a bunch ofredroses on my birthday.生日那天,我收到一束红玫瑰。
The dying fire was throwing out a dullredlight.将要熄灭的火发出暗红色的光。
Red squirrels are now very rare in Britain.红色的松鼠在英国已十分罕见了。用作名词The sky slowly changed from blue tored.天空慢慢由蓝色变为红色。adj.resembling the color of blood
同义词 cardinal,coral,crimson,flaming,glowing,maroon,rose,wineblooming,blush,brick,burgundy,carmine,cerise,cherry,chestnut,claret,copper,dahlia,fuchsia,garnet,geranium,infrared,magenta,pink,puce,ruby,russet,rust,salmon,sanguine,scarlet,titian,vermilionbloodshot,florid,flushed,healthy,inflamed,roseate,rosy,rubicund,ruddy,rufescentnoun.color of blood;shade resembling such a color
同义词 cardinal,coral,crimson,flaming,glowing,maroon,rose,wineblooming,blush,brick,burgundy,carmine,cerise,cherry,chestnut,claret,copper,dahlia,fuchsia,garnet,geranium,infrared,magenta,pink,puce,ruby,russet,rust,salmon,sanguine,scarlet,titian,vermilionbloodshot,florid,flushed,healthy,inflamed,roseate,rosy,rubicund,ruddy,rufescent
bloodshotadjective inflamed
communistnoun card-carrying communist
Bolshevik,Bolshevist,C.P. member,Castroite,Commie,Leninist,Maoist,Marxist,Party member,Stalinist,Trotskyite,Viet Cong,apparatchik,com-symp,comrade,fellow traveler,leftist,member of the Communist Party,pinko,red,socialist,sympathizer
communistsnoun card-carrying communist
Bolsheviks,Bolshevists,C.p. members,Castroites,Commies,Leninists,Maoists,Marxists,Party members,Stalinists,Trotskyites,Viet congs,apparatchiks,com-symps,comrades,fellow travelers,member of the communist parties,pinkos,reds,socialists,sympathizers
flamingadjective burning
ablaze,afire,aflame,alight,blazing,brilliant,conflagrant,fiery,flaring,glowing,ignited,in flames,raging,red,red-hot
flushedadjective pink, glowing
glowingadjective burning, bright




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