

单词 recyclable
释义 re·cy·cle 英ˌriː'saɪkl美ˌriː'saɪkl ☆☆☆☆☆高SCOCA³¹⁰²⁹BNC³⁰²⁶¹iWeb¹⁵⁴⁹⁸Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺

vt. 回收利用

treat a substance that has already been used so that it is fit to use again

cause to repeat a cycleuse again after processing;

We must recycle the cardboard boxes

词根词缀: re-再 + -cycl-圆 + -able形容词词尾recycle compressor循环压缩机recycle ratio循环比,循环系数…recycle valve再循环阀recycle index再循环指数动…recycle back反向循环recycle slurry循环浆automatic recycle自动再循环recycle system循环系recycle gas循环气recycle chromatography循环色谱法recycle fraction循环馏分recycle cooler再循环冷却器…recycle bin回收站recycle connection再循环接续
recycle回收利用+able可以被…的⇒可回收利用的。近义词 salvage救助recover恢复reuse重新使用reprocess再加工recondition修理
S+ ~+n./pron.The glass from bottles can be recycled.瓶子的玻璃能回收利用。
The old newspapers were pulped and recycled.那些旧报纸被化成纸浆回收利用了。
用作及物动词We should try to recycle all our waste paper.我们应该把所有废纸回收再利用。
One thing you can't recycle is wasted time.唯一无法回收利用的是你浪费掉的时间。
We should recycle the used things.我们应回收利用旧东西。
We should recycle glass from old bottles.我们要利用旧瓶再制玻璃。
The industry isrecyclingpaper.这个工厂正在再制纸。用作不及物动词用作名词 As Wang spoke, an old man came by and threw a plastic bag full of garbage into the bin marked “ recyclable”.
正说着,一位老先生走过去,随手把一袋垃圾扔在了可回收的桶里。 blog.sina.com.cn

I avoided throwing away paper because I didn’t have access to a trash can, felt guilty about tossing recyclable paper, or was afraid of throwing away confidential materials.
为避免扔掉文件,我不使用垃圾箱,因扔掉可回收纸张而感到内疚,或怕扔掉机密材料。 yeeyan

In the same vein, recyclable packaging is not a get out of jail free card.
同样道理,可回收利用包装也不是环保的无敌通行证。 yeeyan

Mr. Wang is gradually replacing wood used in the interiors of Vanke's apartment buildings with recyclable materials.
王石正在逐步地用可回收材料取代万科公寓楼内部使用的木材。 hxen

Place a bag by your trash and put a recyclable item inside it.
在垃圾桶旁边放一个袋子,然后在里面放一些可回收的小东西。 ebigear

The brasee photo, made of recyclable plastic, can be tied together to create pots out of the bra's cups.
文胸罩杯由可回收塑料制成,可拼接成一个小花盆。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

The products made by both companies are completely recyclable, environmentally friendly and create woods that are actually harder than most tropical hardwoods.
这两家公司生产的产品可完全回收利用,非常环保,并且创造了比大多数热带硬木都更加坚硬的木材。 ecocn

Trash like plastic bottles and glass bottles are recyclable, and all other trash including old clothes and paper can be disposed of the same way.
象塑料瓶,玻璃瓶这些都是可回收的,其他所有的,包括旧衣服啊、报纸什么的都是其它垃圾,可以一起处理的。 blog.sina.com.cn

With its hunger for resources and the availability of cheap labour, China has become the largest importer of recyclable materials in the world.
中国一方面渴求资源,另一方面则拥有廉价的劳动力—这也就使得中国成为全球可回收材料的最大进口国。 ecocn

Around80 percent of a mobile phone is recyclable.
大约80%的手机是可回收的。 iask.edu.sina.com.cn

Bring back your recyclable cans and bottles, but please rinse them out first.
把回收罐和玻璃瓶带回来,但是请首先把它们清理干净。 yeeyan

Cottage industries have sprung up in many developing nations to scavenge the recyclable and inside the waste.
在许多发展中国家,从垃圾中翻找可回收贵金属的家庭工业如雨后春笋般涌现。 yeeyan

Even garbage pickers are covered: The program aims to integrate them into municipalities' recyclable collection.
甚至包括了捡垃圾的人:这个计划的目标是将他们纳入城市可回收垃圾的收集工作。 yeeyan

Garbage classification means the classification of recyclable and unrecyclable garbage.
将垃圾按可回收再使用和不可回收再使用的分类法为垃圾分类。 yeeyan

It is not biodegradable or compostable but it is recyclable.
虽然不能生物降解或者堆肥,但是可以回收再利用。 yeeyan

Its laptops are90% recyclable and its printers at least70%.
惠普90 %的笔记本电脑和至少70 %的打印机是可回收的。 ecocn

Let your child be an active member around the house with collecting recyclable items.
让你的孩子成为一个在房子周围回收项目的积极成员。 yeeyan

Most cities in America are allowing their citizens to throw anything recyclable into a single bin, to be sorted out at an MRF like the one at Pier96 in San Francisco.
在美国的大部分城市里,居民们可以把所有可回收的废品都扔进一个回收箱里。接着,就像在圣福朗西斯科的96号码头里一样,一系列的材料恢复设备将会对这些废品进行分类整理。 ecocn

Much recyclable material can be processed locally, but ever more is being shipped to developing nations, especially China.
许多可回收的材料是可以在当地进行加工处理的,但是现在更多的做法是将这些废料船运到发展中国家,特别是中国。 ecocn

Plastic bands are safer than steel, and recyclable.
塑料带比钢带更安全,并可回收利用。 ecocn

These modern toothbrushes made from 100% recyclable material.
这些时尚的牙刷用100%可回收利用原料制成。 yeeyan

These modern toothbrushes made from100% recyclable material. The bristles are100% nylon and imported from Japan.
这些时尚的牙刷用100%可回收利用原料制成。牙刷毛100%用尼龙制作并且从日本进口。 yeeyan

Unlike some bioplastics, it is a drop that will neither compost nor biodegrade, though it will be recyclable.
不同于一些生物塑料,是一种既不能堆肥也无法生物降解的物质,尽管可以进行回收利用。 yeeyan

Use recyclable shopping bags.
使用可回收利用的购物袋。 yeeyan




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