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词汇 rectum
释义 rec·tum 英ˈrektəm美ˈrɛktəmAHDrĕkʹtəm ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA³⁹³⁴³BNC¹⁹⁸²⁸iWeb¹⁵⁶⁹³

the terminal section of the alimentary canal; from the sigmoid flexure to the anus来自拉丁语 intestinum rectum,直肠,来自 intestinum,肠,词源同 intestinal,rectum,直,词源同 rectangle.resection of rectum直肠切除术sarcoma of rectum直肠肉瘤cecum rectum直肠盲囊cancer of rectum直肠癌longitudinal muscle of rectum直肠纵肌rectum cancer直肠癌emptied rectum直肠空虚polyp of rectum直肠息肉caecum rectum直肠盲囊per rectum经由直肠,经结肠,经…intestinum rectum直肠examination per rectum直肠检查irrigation of rectum直肠灌洗lateral ligament of rectum直肠侧韧带fistula of rectum直肠瘘deformity of rectum直肠畸形

用作名词The left hemicolon andrectumhad dense polyps.左半结肠、直肠内息肉分布密集。
The patient's temperature should be obtained byrectum.病人的体温自直肠测得。 A barium enema is a special X- ray where a white“milk- shake fluid” is flushed into the rectum and by using mild pressure is pushed throughout the entire large intestine.
钡灌肠是一种特殊的 X线检查。 医务人员将钡剂一种白色的奶昔状液体灌入直肠,然后轻轻的将钡剂推入整个大肠。 yeeyan

The risk of any type of cancer increased with increasing alcohol consumption, as did the risk of some specific types of cancer, including cancer of the breast, rectum, and liver.
研究发现,除了乳癌、直肠癌和肝癌这几类癌症外,其他种类的癌症发病率也随饮酒量的增加而提高。 yeeyan

The body also relies on a bend between the rectum— where feces builds up— and the anus—where feces comes out.
身体依赖于一个在产生粪便的直肠和排泄粪便的肛门之间的弯曲。 yeeyan

A doctor will do a digital rectal exam DRE to check the size and condition of the prostate by inserting a gloved finger into the rectum.
医生会用直肠指检验 DRE---将带有套体的手指插入直肠---来检测腺体的大小和状态。 yeeyan

A fourteen year old boy was killed in February when the computer chair he was sitting in exploded, sending metal shrapnel into his rectum.
二月份一个十四岁的男孩死了,他坐的电脑椅爆炸了,金属碎片插进了他的直肠。 yeeyan

A teacup, a grenade, a pair of glasses, a frozen pig’s tail and a peanut butter jar have all been removed from the male rectum by doctors.
一只茶杯,一个手榴弹,一副眼镜,一条冷冻猪尾巴还有一罐花生酱都曾被医生从男性直肠内取出过。 yeeyan

According to legend, the worm lurks beneath the sand of the desert, pouncing on unsuspecting victims by shooting bolts of lightning and acid from what appears to be a teeth- lined rectum.
当地口口相传,这种蠕虫平日都会潜伏于戈壁黄沙之下,而当有游人路过时,就会以迅雷不及掩耳之势窜出猛咬一口,然后又伪装成齿线状的直肠来掩人耳目。 yeeyan

Along with other tissues, these muscles work like a hammock to support the pelvic organs, including the uterus, bladder, small intestine and rectum.
这些肌肉和其他的一些组织包括韧带和筋膜一起像一张吊床一样支持盆腔脏器,包括子宫、膀胱、小肠和直肠。 yeeyan

Although it was successful, the doctor said his cancer had spread to areas close to the rectum, so he had to undergo chemotherapy.

But for new vet students, there’s no avoiding the procedure: To diagnose pregnancy or check for infection, you’ve got to reach into a cow’s rectum and feel for the uterus, ovaries and stomach.
但是对于兽医学校的新生们来说,这是个必经的阶段:为了检查牛的妊娠或者传染病,你必须触摸到牛的直肠,检查子宫,卵巢和胃部。 yeeyan

Colonoscopy is a procedure that enables your surgeon to examine the lining of the rectum and colon.
结肠镜检查让外科医生可以检查直肠和结肠的内壁。 yeeyan

Common reactions to LD tests include convulsions, vomiting, paralysis and bleeding from the eyes, nose, mouth or rectum.
LD测试的通常反应包括,抽搐、呕吐、麻痹或眼睛鼻子嘴直肠出血。 yeeyan

In some cases, the rectum is damaged and stool leaks out.
有些病例直肠受损,粪便会持续泄漏出来。 yeeyan

It lies in front of the rectum, sits just below the bladder where urine is stored, and surrounds the tube that carries urine from the body urethra.
它处于直肠的前端,正好位于储存尿液的膀胱的下方,被承载尿液并将之排出体外的软管包围尿道。 yeeyan

Its main function is to store faeces until it is ready to enter the rectum and be expelled through the anus, and it is the site of a variety of problems.
其主要功能是储存粪便,直至粪便进入直肠并从肛门排出。正是在这里滋生了各种疾病。 yeeyan

Once a bear went down, they landed and collected a sample directly from its rectum.
只要北极熊倒下了,他们就能登陆,直接从北极熊的直肠采取样本。 yeeyan

Push the suppository well up into the rectum with your finger.
用手指将药栓推入直肠。 eol

The other end is then attached to a radiotherapy machine and radiation is administered, through the tube, directly into the cancer tissue in the rectum.
另一头连接放射线治疗仪,通过管子直接对直肠内的癌组织施用放射线。 yeeyan

UC is a type of inflammatory bowel disease IBD that affects the lining of the large intestine colon and rectum.
UC是一种类型炎症性肠道病 IBD,影响大肠结肠和直肠衬里。

Usually, the remaining colon can then be joined to the rectum.
通常情况下,结肠的剩余部分就会和直肠连接在一起。 yeeyan

You may rage and rant about the fixation with the rectum, but the results are there for all to see by the time you leave.
您可能会对直肠固定发怒责骂,但是当你结束疗程准备离开时,疗效可是有目共睹的啊。 yeeyan




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