

单词 rectifying
释义 rectifying 英'rektifaiiŋ美'rektifaiiŋ COCA⁷²⁰³⁶BNC⁵⁸³⁶⁶Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
动词 rectify:
math: determine the length ofreduce to a fine, unmixed, or pure state; separate from extraneous matter or cleanse from impuritiesbring, lead, or force to abandon a wrong or evil course of life, conduct, and adopt a right oneset straight or rightmake right or correctconvert into direct currentrectifying phenomena整流现象rectifying tube电子整流管…rectifying surface伸长曲面rectifying circuit整羚路rectifying valve电子整流管…rectifying developable从可展曲面rectifying tower精馏塔rectifying contact整劣触,整流接触…rectifying still精馏釜rectifying camera纠正仪rectifying diode整窿极管rectifying tray精馏浅盘rectifying action整撩,整流作用,精馏…rectifying plate精馏塔板rectifying device整流装置rectifying detector整流检波器rectifying column精馏塔,富集塔…
rectify-ing动名词⇒n.纠正¹⁸;整流⁶⁸;求曲线长动词rectify的现在分词.用作名词Conclusion Much emphasis should be put on analyzing the possible causes of hypokalemia in addition torectifyingthe lack of potassium.结论纠正低钾血症的同时需高度重视引起低钾血症的原发病。
An improvedrectifyingcircuit is recommended to avoid component switch-off damages during the commutation.为消除元件在换流过程中的关断损坏,还推荐一种改进型整流电路。
Methods are explored to improve power factors of ion membrane of therectifyingdevice through control of the conduction angles.探讨了通过对导通角的控制来提高离子膜整流装置功率因数的方法。as in.amendatory
同义词 bettering,emendatory,improving,reformative,reformatory,reparative,restorativeas in.emendatory
同义词 amendatory,improving,reformative,reformatoryas in.mending
同义词 adjustment,alteration,ameliorating,bettering,correcting,curing,enhancing,fixing,freshening,helping,rebuilding,refreshing,relieving,remedying,remodeling,renewingrenovatingrenovation,repair,repairing,restoration,reviving,tinkeringpatching upas in.revision
同义词 alteration,amendment,improvement,modification,reconsideration,reexamination,reviewcorrection,editing,emendation,homework,polish,rectification,redaction,redraft,rescript,retrospect,retrospection,revisal,revise,updatingafterlight,overhauling,recension,reediting,restyling
amendatoryadjective corrective
emendatoryadjective corrective
mendingnoun restoring
adjustment,alteration,ameliorating,bettering,correcting,curing,enhancing,fixing,freshening,helping,patching up,rebuilding,rectifying,refreshing,relieving,remedying,remodeling,renewingrenovatingrenovation,repair,repairing,restoration,reviving,tinkering
revisionnoun change;rewriting
afterlight,alteration,amendment,correction,editing,emendation,homework,improvement,modification,overhauling,polish,recension,reconsideration,rectification,rectifying,redaction,redraft,reediting,reexamination,rescript,restyling,retrospect,retrospection,review,revisal,revise,updating A large disc-shaped rectifying antenna attached to the fuselage harvested the microwave energy, turning it into direct current to power an electric motor attached to the plane’s propeller.
机身上的圆盘形整流天线能接收地面传输的微波能,将其转化为直流电为飞机推进器上的电动机供能。 ecocn

And fourth, rectifying the Party's style of work and consolidating its organization, including upholding and improving leadership by the Party.
第四,整顿党的作风和党的组织,包括坚持党的领导,改善党的领导。 hotdic

The method, advantages and disadvantages of obtaining position of synchronous voltage of rectifying unit were discussed.
阐述了整流机组中同步电压取点的方法及其优缺点。 cnki

The sudden short- circuit current calculation of silicon rectifying generator is important to design and research of silicon rectifying generator and its electrical system.
硅整流发电机突然短路电流的计算,对硅整流发电机及其所构成的电气系统的设计和研究均有重要意义。 cnki

The up gas stream of rectifying section was small and reflux ratio was near minimum reflux ratio that brought on the formation of concentration constant zone closed to charge plate.
精馏段上升气流较小,回流比接近最小回流比,导致在进料板附近形成恒浓区。 cnki

After years of underinvestment when the oil price was in the doldrums, we simply cannot pump any faster and rectifying that situation could take years.
经过几年在石油价格低糜之时进行的石油开采,我们已无法确定达到石油短缺的状态是否还象我们想象的那么远。 iciba

Based on the definition of sensitive actual stage a cubic equation was derived and solved for the liquid compositions on the sensitive actual stages for the rectifying and stripping sections.
从灵敏实际级的定义出发,导出一个立方型方程,解此方程得出精馏段和提馏段的灵敏实际级上的液相组成。 cnki

Below what circumstance ought to undertake rectifying to insurance company? Rectify group staff how to be formed, what is its duty?
在什么情况下应当对保险公司进行整顿?整顿组人员如何构成,其职责是什么? iciba

Firstly, the sintered metal porous material is determined be used for rectifying tube after the experiment comparison of4 types and6 kinds of porous materials.
首先,通过对4种类型6种材料试验比较,最后确定以烧结金属多孔材料制作整流筒。 cnki

Furthermore optimizing the rectifying process and improving production quality were the emphasis to optimize the production.
优化精馏工艺,提高产品质量是优化生产的重点。 cnki

He called Wednesday's bond sale“ a good first step” to rectifying the balance.
他将周三的债券发行称为恢复平衡的“一个良好开端”。 blog.sina.com.cn

In rectifying and standardizing the order of the market economy, we need to concentrate on investigating major cases and severely punish those guilty of crimes or corruption.
在整顿和规范市场经济秩序中,要集中力量查处大案要案,严惩违法犯罪分子和腐败分子。 hotdic

Instead of rectifying this situation by simply blending the two: becoming somewhat humble, somewhat confident all the time, I believe the answer is to know when to be confident and when to be humble.
应该代之以二者折中:总是有些谦虚而又不乏自信。问题是何时自信,何时谦虚呢。 yeeyan

Microwaves pass through the atmosphere with little absorption, and rectifying antennae are adept at converting microwave energy into electricity.
这样做的优点在于大气层几乎不吸收微波,而且整流线最适于将微波能转化为电。 ecocn

Responsible for rectifying and standardizing market economic order, culture, sports, tourism, radio and television, financial, etc.
负责整顿和规范市场经济秩序、文化、体育、旅游、广播电视、金融等方面的工作。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

The person tasked with rectifying all this is Vice- Minister of Health Huang Jiefu, a liver- transplant specialist who still practises medicine alongside his political work.
这位负责澄清不实报道的官员是卫生部副部长黄洁夫,他作为一位肝脏移植专家仍然在政治工作之余行医。 yeeyan

The feasibility of splits was analyzed according to the composition change of the rectifying and stripping sections.
这种方法根据组分的挥发度分析精馏段和提馏段组成变化,从而判断分离的可行性。 cnki

This could be prevented or minimized by rectifying vitamin D levels.
而调整维生素 D含量可以减少或抑制这种副作用。 yeeyan

To counter the harm of harmonic on power network, which is from rectifying unit with large power and other electron element, the common method of harness were summarized.
针对大功率整流装置及其他电子元件所产生的谐波对电网的危害,总结出治理谐波的常用方法。 cnki

Unfinished business isn't simply about rectifying your wrongs; it's about rediscovering parts of yourself you may have neglected over the years.
未完成的任务不单单是修正自身犯下的过错,还要重新发现你多年来忽略自身的某些部分。 yeeyan

Rectifying and regulating the order of the market economy is a long-term and demanding task, but we must persevere.
整顿和规范市场经济秩序是一项长期而艰巨的任务,必须坚持不懈地进行。 hotdic

Rectifying that proved more difficult than I anticipated.
事实证明,改正这个错误比我想像的要困难多了。 ebigear




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