

单词 rectangular
释义 rec·tan·gu·lar 英rekˈtæŋgjələ美rɛkˈtæŋgjəlɚAHDrĕk-tăngʹgyə-lər ★☆☆☆☆高六IST6四COCA¹⁴⁰⁴⁸BNC⁹³⁸¹iWeb⁸³⁸⁸Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³


having the shape of a rectangle

having four right angles;

a rectangular figure twice as long as it is wide

having a set of mutually perpendicular axes; meeting at right angles;

wind and sea may displace the ship's center of gravity along three orthogonal axes

a rectangular Cartesian coordinate system

词根词缀: -rect-正,直 + angle角 + -ular形容词词尾rectangle长方形rectangular axis直交轴,直角坐标系…rectangular channel方格式渠道rectangular distribution矩形分配,矩形分布,…rectangular tube矩形断面管,矩形管…rectangular beam矩形梁rectangular drainage方格式排水,矩形排水…rectangular hyperbola直角双曲线rectangular coordinates直角坐标rectangular axes直角轴rectangular coordinate直角坐标rectangular grid矩形栅格rectangular kiln长方窑rectangular block矩形块rectangular element矩形元素rectangular section矩形截面rectangular matrix矩形矩阵, 长方…rectangular array矩阵列,长方阵列…rectangular aperture矩形孔径rectangular mesh长方网格
非常记忆rectangle长方形〖熟词〗+u桶〖编码〗+lar腊肉〖拼音〗⇒长方形的桶里有一块腊肉词根记忆rect直的+angul角+ar→所有内角都为直角的平行四边形→长方形的rect直的+angul角+ar形容词后缀→成直角的⇒矩形的。近义词 oblong长方形orthogonal直角的quadrilateral四边形quadrangular四边形的
~+ n.That rectangular window is too small.那个长方形窗户太小了。Prectangularity矩形性

用作形容词We haverectangularplates,square plates, triangular plates and oval plates.我们有矩形的盘和正方形的盘,还有三角形的盘,还有椭圆盘。
I put arectangularbox on the table.我把一个长方形的盒子放在桌子上。
We have arectangularplayground in our school.我们学校有一个长方形的操场。
The equations are written inrectangularcoordinates.这些方程是在直角座标系中写出的。as in.oblong
同义词 oval,ovoidegg-shaped,ellipsoidal,elliptical,elongate,long,ovaliform,ovaloid,ovate,ovatedas in.square
同义词 equilateral,foursquare,quadrate,quadratic,squaredboxlike,boxy,equal-sided,orthogonal,quadratical,rectilinear,right-angled,squarish
oblongadjective elongated and rounded
squareadjective four-sided
boxlike,boxy,equal-sided,equilateral,foursquare,orthogonal,quadrate,quadratic,quadratical,rectangular,rectilinear,right-angled,squared,squarish The Salisbury steak in its rectangular compartment is completely tasteless; I chew it as if it were a piece of gum.
在长方形的盒里放着的汉堡牛排一点味道都没有了。我咀嚼着就像咀嚼一块口香糖似的。 yeeyan

The form's design view shows rectangular cells.
表单的设计视图显示矩形网格。 ibm

The product was folded cardboard bricks, each taped so that it would hold its rectangular shape.
产品是折叠的纸板砖,每一个都粘了胶带以保持矩形外形。 ibm

The square and rectangular patterns are derived from Divaricatic acid from Evernia divaricata lichen, recrystallized from acetone.
正方形和长方形图案来自枝衣属鸦葱苔藓分枝地衣酸的丙酮重结晶。 yeeyan

The rectangular red area indicates the borders of a form.
矩形的红色区域是表单的边界。 ibm

“ The board is rectangular and made of ebony, which did not grow in Sistan and merchants used to import it from India, ” he added, saying the set also displayed a high degree of craftsmanship.
这个长方形的棋盘是用黑檀木制成的,工艺水平很高。 不过在锡斯坦地区包括伊朗东部和阿富汗西南部并不生长这种树木,通常是由商人从印度进口来的。 cri

A view represents a rectangular area that can display text and other elements.
一个视图表示一块矩形区域,其中可显示文本和其他组件。 ibm

Another male skull sported three small rectangular openings in the back of the head.
另一个男性颅骨的后脑部位有长方形的小孔。 yeeyan

Are there a lot of rectangular elements or many irregularly shaped elements?
是否有大量的矩形元素或是众多不规则形态的元素? yeeyan

Each elemental unit has a simple layout consisting of a rectangular box and a triangular roof.
每个元素单元都有一个包括矩形框架和三角形屋顶的简单布局。 yeeyan

Eight rectangular displays show cards within this watch’s display, cards that fall at random as delivered by the watch as dealer.
在二十一点游戏中,手表充当了发牌员,随机选牌显示在表盘面的八个矩形方框内。 yeeyan

He takes off the Tom Cruise shades, and she sees the eyes of a goat— bright amber; rectangular pupils, dilating in the dusky evening.
他脱掉汤姆•克鲁斯式墨镜,这时她看到了一双山羊眼睛:明亮的琥珀眼球,矩形瞳孔,在昏暗的夜晚睁得大大的。 yeeyan

I like what Google CEO Eric Schmidt has to say about education, technology, media, advertising and the future of smart rectangular screens with pixels.
我喜欢谷歌的首席执行官埃里克·施密特对教育,科技,媒体,广告与像素智能矩形屏幕的未来的说法。 yeeyan

Inside the eastern side is a rectangular enclosure of about10 stones.
在东边那块里面又有大约10块石头被包围成矩形。 yeeyan

Instead of biting down on a film card, patients bite down on a small rectangular sensor that is1 inch wide,1.5 inches long and5 millimeters thick. The image is instantly seen on an ordinary PC.
检查的时候,病人无需咬上一块缩微胶片,他们只需将一块1英寸宽,1.5英寸长厚度为5毫米的小矩形感应器含在嘴里,图像马上会显现在一台普通的电脑上。 yeeyan

Rather than being perfectly square or rectangular, the keys have one rounded, curved side, giving them the look of a tooth or roof shingle.
不同于以往的正方形或者矩形,这些键有着圆弧形的边缘,使它们看起来像是牙齿或者瓦片。 forbeschina

Suchen looked up at the afternoon sunshine, framed by the rectangular door, waiting to claim Walter and herself.
苏晨抬头看了看被长方形门框围住的午后阳光,阳光即将照到她和瓦尔特身上。 yeeyan

The rest are square or rectangular.
其余的都是正方形或长方形的。 yeeyan

The traditional two-dimensional, rectangular frame is shattered as viewers step inside the frame and experience the stories as the protagonists.
与传统的二维矩形框架不同,当观看者进入这一框架,他们能象主角一样体验到故事的发展。 yeeyan

The rectangular robot-- looking a bit like a scaled down version of a solar car-- is equipped with a high- definition camera and sensors that can detect overgrown trees.
这种矩形机器人,看上去有点像缩小版的太阳能汽车。它装备着高分辨率的摄像机和传感器,能探测到长的过分高大的树木。 yeeyan

This time the modules are rectangular but they also can be in a shape of a trapezium and letter L.
这个模块是矩形的但是它们也可以是不规则四边形或像字母 L一样。 yeeyan

This allows windows to appear non- rectangular by having a path to create the opaque section.
这就使得窗口能够通过创建不透明区域的一条路径以非矩形形式显示。 infoq

This example updates a rectangular portion of the VNC display with a specified color.
该例子用一种特定的颜色更新了 VNC显示的一个矩形部分。 ibm

Traditional tanks and rectangular shapes are either, or is round.
传统的水族缸形状往往要么是矩形,要么便是圆形。 yeeyan

We have rectangular coordinates, we have cylindrical coordinates and we have spherical coordinates.

When you open Barcode Scanner, you will see a rectangular area with a flashing red line displayed on the screen of your phone.
打开“条形码扫描器”后,手机屏幕上会显示出一个有一条闪烁的红线的矩形区域。 yeeyan

You can also drag the second or right-click mouse button to select a rectangular area to zoom in on.
还可以拖动第二个或右击鼠标按钮来选择要放大的矩形区域。 ibm




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