

单词 recruiting
释义 re·cruit·ing 英rɪ'kruːt美rɪ'kruːt 高COCA¹⁰⁸⁶⁵BNC¹⁶⁷⁰⁷iWeb⁶⁶⁵⁴Economist⁵²⁸⁰
vt. & vi. 招募

get sb as a new member

vt. & vi. 恢复

get sufficient quantity of; bring back to what is usual or normal

a recently enlisted soldierany new member or supporter as in the armed forces
register formally as a participant or member;

The party recruited many new members

seek to employ;

The lab director recruited an able crew of assistants

cause to assemble or enlist in the military;

raise an army

recruit new soldiers

recruit, reclaim, recoup, recover, retrieve

这五个词均有“重新得到”的意思。它们的区别是:recover指“失而复得”,可指通过努力而寻回,也可指无意中找到; reclaim可指取回临时寄存的物品,也可指从废弃物品中回收有用的东西; recoup指原告在胜诉后从被告处取得的损害赔偿; recruit指用增加或补充的办法使某物恢复到原来的良好状态。retrieve指经过努力而收回某物或挽回名誉,或指弥补损失或改正错误。例如:

The library reclaimed the book he borrowed a year ago.图书馆要求他归还一年前借去的那本书。
You should recoup your investment within a year.你应当在一年之内挣回相当于你投资总额的红利。
Most of the teachers there are recruited from abroad.那里的大多数教师都是从国外招聘来的。
He retrieved his spirits.他精神恢复了。1635年进入英语,直接源自法语的recruter,意为新生,再生。
用作动词 v.
~+名词recruit one's finances充实自己的财力recruit one's friends求朋友帮忙recruit volunteers招募志愿者~+副词recruit forcefully强有力地招收recruit haphazardly随意招募recruit intelligently明智地招收~+介词recruit from从…招收recruit sb into the forces招兵,征兵
recruit from v.+prep.

recruit into v.+prep.

招进,发动…参加 persuade sb to join a group or doing sth

recruit sb into sthIt is easy to recruit English boys into the Navy, as so many of them are keen on the sea.许多英国男孩很喜欢大海,所以说服他们参加海军是很容易的。近义词 up向上hire雇用sign手势levy征税draft草稿raise上升enter进入enrol登记enlist征募enroll登记employ雇佣muster集合novice新手rookie新手engage雇佣infant婴儿take on承担employee雇员inscribe题写conscript征兵trainee练习生beginner初学者apprentice学徒enlistee征募者sign up签约雇用convert使转变newcomer新来的人
S+~+ADuring the holiday, they went to the country to recruit.假期他们到乡下静养。
He went to the seaside after illness to recruit.他病后到海边静养。
S+~+ n./pron.The king recruited an army.国王招募了一支军队。
We're having difficulties in recruiting well-qualified staff.我们招收合格的雇员有困难。
Before sailing, we recruited our provisions.开船前,我们补充了给养。

recruit用作名词的意思是“新成员”,转化为动词时意思是“招收新成员”, recruit还可表示“恢复”,后接oneself,表示保养身体。


用作动词We are having difficulties inrecruitingwell-qualified staff.我们难以招募到素质好的职员。
His job was torecruitfor the army.他的工作是为陆军募兵。
We lower the standards in order torecruitreal talents.我们降低标准是为了招纳真正的人才。用作名词This job presents many difficulties to the newrecruit.这件工作对那个新手来说困难重重。
Tom was being exercised as a rawrecruit.汤姆正在接受新兵训练。as in.selecting
同义词 choosing,electingnominatingas in.draft
同义词 lottery,selectionallotment,assignment,greetings,impressment,induction,levy,registrationcall of duty,call-up,letter from Uncle Sam,roll call,selective service
draftnoun military conscription
allotment,assignment,call of duty,call-up,greetings,impressment,induction,letter from Uncle Sam,levy,lottery,registration,roll call,selection,selective service
selectingadjective appointing
choosing,electingnominatingrecruiting As you hire your team, embed a culture of recruiting.
在招聘你的团队时,植入一种招聘文化。 yeeyan

From the outset, businesses should be recruiting employees with like- minded sustainability awareness and principles.
从一开始,企业就应该以是否具有可持续发展意识和原则来招募员工。 yeeyan

I joined the team a year ago as an adviser, charged with recruiting charities to be a part of the site.
我一年前以顾问的身份加入这个团队,主要负责招募网站的慈善机构合作伙伴。 yeeyan

I once attended a lecture in which an agent mocked the recruiting methods of some universities in the Chinese market.
我曾经参加一次讲座。其间一家代理机构讽刺一些美国大学在中国市场上的招生方法。 yeeyan

If you feel the recruiter can't meet the challenge, you may need to raise the issue with the head of recruiting or human resources.
如果你觉得招聘人员无法完成这一挑战,你可能就得把问题提交给招聘或人力资源部门的负责人了。 fortunechina

Now, a project organized by Google, the World Bank and other organizations is recruiting volunteers with local knowledge of the region to fill in the gaps.
现在,由谷歌公司、世界银行和其它组织开展的一个项目正在招募熟悉该地区情况的志愿者填补这一空缺。 hxen

Often the researchers supplement that with surveys and in- person interviews by recruiting online daters through advertisements on campuses, in newspapers and on Web sites like Craigslist.
他们一般通过在校园、报纸和克雷格列表这样的网站上发广告招募网上交友者进行调查和个人采访来补充研究。 yeeyan

One of AOL's biggest problems, competitors say, is recruiting the best people in the technology industry and keeping them.
竞争者认为, AOL最大的问题之一在于招聘在技术产业最优秀的人才并留住他们。 ecocn

One of the few things that management theorists agree on is that recruiting bosses from outside is something that you should avoid if you can.
经营管理理论家们一致认可的观点中有一条是:只要能做到,就应该极力避免从外界招聘老板。 ecocn

One of the Daily NK’s founders, Park In Ho, spends much of his time recruiting and training reporters on the North Korean border with China.
朴仁浩是《北韩日报》的创始人之一,他把大部分时间都用于在朝鲜北部与中国的边境地区招聘和培训记者。 yeeyan

Others are in very competitive industries where recruiting can be a function unto itself.
另一些公司是在竞争很激烈的行业,招聘本身可以是一个职能。 yeeyan

Producers could start by only recruiting those robust enough for the challenge and by offering appropriate support and aftercare.
制片人可以只招募那些身体够强健的人参加挑战,并提供适当的支持和调养。 yeeyan

Since her specialty is IT recruiting, Coffey is keenly aware of the number of jobs currently going unfilled due to a scarcity of skilled candidates, particularly in the East and the Midwest.
虽然科菲的专业是 IT招聘,但她很清楚,由于有经验的求职者数量不足,所以职位空缺的数量依然很大,特别是在东部和中西部地区。 fortunechina

Some of you are bound to have met with disappointment in the recruiting season.
在招聘季节中,你们当中有的人注定要与失望为伍。 ebigear

Some universities think it is illegal—it’s not, what’s illegal is recruiting American students via agents.
一些大学认为这是非法的 ─ 根本不是,通过代理招收美国学生才是非法的。 ecocn

The researchers are recruiting more candidates and hope to find more gene variations they have in common.
研究人员正在招募更多的候选对象并希望从中发现更多的共同基因变异。 yeeyan

Therefore, if recruiting is a major function, it may be in the company's best interest to have a professional recruiter and another employee to handle all the other functions.
因此,如果招聘是一个重要的职能,符合该公司的最大利益的做法是,有专业的招聘人员和另一名雇员来处理所有其他职能。 yeeyan

Three years of experience in personnel recruiting, screening and interviewing.
三年人员招募、选拔和面试方面的经验。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

While the recruiting process varies by industry, company and even department, the result is the same: One person out of many receives an offer.
尽管招聘程序会因行业、公司、甚至部门而异,结果却是一样的:众多应聘者中只有一个会拿到聘书。 cri




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