

单词 recreation room
释义 recreation room ˌrekriˈeɪʃnruːm T短语⁶¹⁷⁰⁹
n. 康乐室; 娱乐室

a room equipped for informal entertaining近义词 hall大厅rec room娱乐室
用作名词He transformed the garage into arecreation room.他把车库改造成娱乐室。
We built a big snack bar, and a recreation area behind the shop.我们盖了一间相当大的快餐厅,还在工场后面建了一个娱乐室。noun.play room
同义词 family room,game room,playroom,rec roombasement,pool room,rumpus room
dennoun room for relaxation or informal
TV room,entertaining family room,library,media room,playroom,rec room,recreation room,rumpus room,studio“ You must enter the recreation room, ” it repeated. “ Or have a cookie.”
“你必须要进娱乐室,”机器人回答说,“或者吃块小甜饼。” yeeyan

According to individual taste, the basement can be designed as privately owned bar, recreation room, forename treasure wine cellar, private collection museum, etc.
可根据个人爱好,将地下室设计为私家酒吧、游艺室、名珍酒窖,私人收藏品展览馆均可。 fangce

Don't use the bed as an office, workroom or recreation room.
不要使用一个办公室,车间或娱乐室的床上。 canjiren

During my secondary school years I often liked to go to the recreation room to play table tennis.
在我读中学的日子里,我常到活动室打乒乓球。 tingvoa

Enjoy best price service in the restaurant, recreation room and business center excluding telecommunication service of the hotel.
餐饮、康乐、商务中心服务电讯服务除外等可享受酒店最优惠折扣。 zh28

In the basement recreation room Ruth and Nim sat side by side on a sofa, with Leah sprawled on a rug.
在地下娱乐室里,露丝和尼姆并排坐在沙发上,莉娅懒洋洋地躺在地毯上。 kuenglish

In a village recreation room, musicians practise the ear-splitting tunes which their ancestors played for Boxer braves heading into battle with the foreign “ hairy ones”.
村民的娱乐室中,乐师的弹奏嚣声震天,这曲子,曾被他们祖辈用来为冲锋陷阵杀“长毛”的义和团成员鼓舞士气。 yeeyan




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