

单词 recovering
释义 recovering 英rɪ'kʌvərɪŋ美rɪ'kʌvərɪŋ COCA⁹⁰⁵³BNC⁷¹⁶⁸Economist⁵⁹⁷²
returning to health after illness or debility;

convalescent children are difficult to keep in bed

近义词 convalescent恢复期的
用作名词She's stillrecoveringfrom a bout of flu.她这次患流行性感冒还没有完全恢复。
He isrecoveringlittle by little.他的健康正在渐渐地恢复起来。
He isrecoveringfrom his illness.他病后正在复原。
This study intends to investigate therecoveringprocess of the families traumatized by the earthquake.摘要本研究主要目的在探讨地震受创家庭的复原力现象。adj.getting better
同义词 improvingbetter,improved,mendingrecuperatingconvalescent,on the mend
betteradjective improved in health
convalescent,cured,fitter,fully recovered,healthier,improving,less ill,mending,more healthy,on the comeback trail,on the mend,on the road to recovery,out of the woods,over the hump,progressing,stronger,well
convalescentadjective improving, recuperating
ambulatory,discharged,dismissed,gaining strength,getting better,getting over something,getting well,healing,mending,on the mend,past crisis,perked up,rallying,recovering,rejuvenated,rejuvenating,released,restored,strengthening
rescuenoun saving from danger
deliverance,delivery,disembarrassment,disentanglement,emancipation,exploit,extrication,feat,heroics,heroism,liberation,performance,ransomreclaimingreclamation,recovering,recovery,redemption,release,relief,salvage,salvation,saving By understanding this change, we may be able to design pharmaceuticals or other forms of therapy that will assist individuals with this mutation in recovering from bacterial disease.
理解这种变化之后,我们可以设计药品或其他形式的治疗方法,来帮助发生这种突变的个人从细菌疾病中恢复。 ibm

It would be like you recovering genes of your grandparents that your parents did not have.
就好比是你可以恢复你的祖父母具有的基因,而你的父母没有这些基因。 yeeyan

The economy and stock market seemed to be recovering, and there was optimism that the recession, like many of those before it, would be over in a year or less.
经济和股票市场看上去似乎在逐渐恢复中,并且就像大萧条发生前一样,当时普遍蔓延的乐观主义相信衰退会在一到两年内结束。 yeeyan

After recovering, he slowly climbed the tree again, jumped, and fell to the ground.
在恢复之后,他又开始慢慢地爬树、跳跃,然后跌在地上。 yeeyan

All in all, as Mr Kudrin acknowledges, Russia is only just recovering the standard of living that it enjoyed in1990.
总而言之,如库尔德林承认的那样,俄罗斯现在仅仅是在将人民的生活水平恢复到1990年时的档次。 ecocn

Although he claimed to be recovering well, his language belied the optimistic message.
虽然他自称恢复情况良好,但是他的言语证明了乐观消息造假。 ecocn

Although new techniques mean they capture only the fish, dolphin populations are not recovering at the expected rates.
尽管新技术表明他们捕的只是金枪鱼,但是海豚的数量难以以预期的速率恢复。 ecocn

An example is recovering information from a database, particularly if there is any formatting or manipulation of the information before it is displayed to the user.
一个典型的例子就是从一个数据库中恢复信息,特别是在信息显示给用户前需要对信息进行格式化或处理的时候。 ibm

But with north Somalia recovering somewhat, while the south is mired in famine, one conclusion is inescapable.
除索马里北部有所恢复,南方则陷入饥荒,这就不可避免地得出一个结论。 ecocn

But Murray has made a habit of immediately recovering breaks during the fortnight in Melbourne and he did so once again.
但穆雷在墨尔本的这两周比赛中养成了迅速恢复破坏力的习惯,并且他再次做到了。 yeeyan

But some scientists say that recovering from this disaster will be even more complicated.
但一些科学家也指出,要从这样一个灾难中恢复远非易事。 yeeyan

But with more people to feed they have to squeeze in more harvests, and the soil is no longer recovering.
但是,随着人口增加,他们不得不挤出更多的收成,而土壤不再恢复肥力。 ecocn

Either Ukraine is going down, towards disintegration, or it will start recovering.
无论前面是崩溃还是复苏,乌克兰都将继续走下去。 yeeyan

How much time can you spend recovering the database and application configuration?
可以花多少时间恢复数据库和应用程序配置? ibm

However, it reiterated its outlook for2010 and said, while its supply chain is still experiencing capacity constraints, demand for telecommunications equipment and related services is recovering.
不过该公司重申2010年利润前景,表示其供应链依然受到网络容量限制,对电信设备和相关服务的需求日益复苏。 yeeyan

If the object were indeed a flying saucer, recovering it could potentially be worth millions or billions of dollars.
如果该对象确实是一个飞碟,恢复它也可能具有数百万甚至数十亿美元的价值。 yeeyan

If you were a recent college graduate in a recovering economy launching a career, looking for a mate or both, where would you choose to live?
如果你是刚毕业不久的大学生,在经济复苏之际找工作或寻找另一半,或是二者兼具,那你会选择在哪里生活? iciba

Let’s not forget that while these data talk about manufacturing, the service sector is perhaps not recovering quite as well.
请不要忘记,我们在用这些数据解读制造业的时候,也许服务也并没有得到很好的复苏。 yeeyan

Like a recovering alcoholic, he admits this frailty so that he can guard against it.
就像恢复健康的酗酒者,他承认了这一弱点以便自己能防范它。 ecocn

People may experience the phenomenon after recovering from injury or may have it from birth.
人们可能从受伤恢复后发现这种状况,但也有可能从一出生就有了。 yeeyan

Policies for using the service, such as security and transaction scopes for maintaining integrity or recovering from the inability to successfully perform the service or any required service.
使用服务的原则,例如用于维持安全性和完整性或者用于将服务从无能力恢复到成功执行的安全性和事务范围。 ibm

The other, surprising Europe is a place of recovering fertility and rising population.
另一部分,令人惊讶的欧洲是恢复生育力和人口增加的地区。 ecocn

The rest of the article will be devoted to planning for and recovering from this last form of failure.
本文的其余部分将致力于最后一种形式的失败的计划和恢复。 ibm

The technique is particularly attracting the interest of sportspeople and athletes, who cannot afford to spend weeks recovering from ligament damage.
这种技术尤其受到那些不能花数周来让受伤的韧带恢复的运动人士和运动员的青睐。 yeeyan

The US investment bank thinks prices will decline until well into next year before recovering in the second half of2009.
这家美国的投资银行认为,油价将在明年持续下跌,直到2009年下半年经济复苏。 yeeyan

These emerging markets are not only recovering robustly— some are showing signs of overheating.
这些新兴市场不仅复苏稳健——有些还出现了过热的迹象。 ecocn

You can recover all of your applications that generate the events prior to recovering the processing of those events.
您可以首先恢复生成事件的所有应用程序,然后再恢复这些事件的处理工作。 ibm




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