

单词 recourses
释义 recourses 英'rɪkɔːsɪz美'rɪkɔːsɪz COCA¹⁵⁴³⁹⁴BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
名词 recourse:
act of turning to for assistancesomething or someone turned to for assistance or securityThe fast development of information technology makes it possible to provide abundantrecoursesfrom internet for TEFL.摘要信息技术的飞速发展为外语教学提供了巨大的网络资源。
The main activity of the company is the manufacturing of the natural feed made on the base of water biorecoursesfor the aquaculture and zoo world.公司的主要活动为制造以水生资源为基础的水产养殖业天然饲料和动物饲料。 All sorts of recourses of enterprise are supposed to be counted inside the order management system of enterprise resource system for sustainable development.
企业为实现可持续发展,应该将企业的内外部资源纳入企业资源系统的序化管理体系。 cnki

The computer technical center decides what system should be installed on computers at different levels according to hardware recourses and application situation in difference departments.
计算机技术中心根据硬件资源的现状和各部门在公司系统中的应用情况制订出不同档次计算机应该安装的操作系统和应用软件。 enlrc

The main activity of the company is the manufacturing of the natural feed made on the base of water bio recourses for the aquaculture and zoo world.
公司的主要活动为制造以水生资源为基础的水产养殖业天然饲料和动物饲料。 jukuu

The second part is the analysis of the cultural geography the Northeast China and the classification of the cultural tourism recourses.
第二部分,东北地区地理文脉分析及文化旅游资源的分类。 cnki

The vacant property in China has reached about10000 hectares, and 55% of it was caused by the government's layout plan and the court's close rule, said the Ministry of Land and Recourses Wednesday.
国土资源部23日称,目前全国闲置的房地产用地约1万公顷,闲置土地中因规划调整为主的政府部门原因和司法查封的约占55%。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

The water qualities in15 monitoring sections are analyzed with the help of seasonal Kendall testing method, which may provide decision-making basis for water recourses administration.
采用季节性肯达尔检验法对忻州市15处监测断面水质状况进行了分析,为水资源管理部门提供决策依据。 dictall

This is To build a nonlinear water recourses controlling system composed of basin, lake and diversion works.
建立了一个由流域、湖泊和引水工程组成的非线性水资源控制系统。 cnki

Accounting information exploration is not only the foundation of achieving effective allocation of recourses in Capital Markets but also one of the basic goals of accounting.
会计信息披露是资本市场实现资源有效配置的基础,也是会计工作的基本目标之一。 cnki

After that, according to enterprise circumstances Human Recourses' Equity Accounting is designed for the oil refining company, and the theory is applied to actual situations.
之后,结合企业的具体情况,对人力资源权益会计进行应用设计,将人力资源权益会计的理论知识应用于实务中。 cnki

And this affects the development of the company and causes loss of human recourses.
因为这直接影响到了公司发展及人才资源外流。 iask.sina.com.cn

First, the Human Recourses' Equity Accounting system is designed theoretically.
首先,从理论上对人力资源权益会计制度进行设计。 cnki

Grid technologies enjoy bright future own to their unique advantage— recourses sharing.
网格技术以其独具的资源共享优势在金融行业拥有广泛的应用前景。 cnki

However, there are currently no recourses available to realise this interface.
但是我们现在缺乏实现该接口的资金。 yeeyan

Open-ended learning environments support various learning purposes and knowledge construction founded on educational technology and recourses.
开放学习环境指利用教育技术手段和资源来支持不同的学习目的和知识建构的环境。 dictall

Probing into the construction of the documentary information recourses is important as the construction of documentary information recourses is the basis to fulfill the library work.
文献信息资源建设是图书馆开展工作的基础,因此探讨文献信息资源建设就显得十分重要。 cnki

Sperm gene stock is the most convenient and effective method in terms of conserving the breed recourses of animal and poultry. In addition ovum and embryo stocks are also promising.
畜禽品种资源的保贮方式,目前以精子基因库形式为最便捷,卵子库与胚胎库也是很有前途的方法。 cnki

The adjustments of construction structure and application of new technology shows the possibility of China recourses thrifty.
通过新工艺、新技术的应用和产业结构的优化,提出了资源节约的可能性; chemyq

The long history of intermediation tradition has become important recourses of Chinese law culture.
我国的调解历史源远流长,当之无愧地被称为中国传统法文化的重要资源。 cnki

This thesis explains an enterprise must implement talent strategy and perfect employment system through stating the function and significance of work analysis in the plan of human recourses plan.
本文通过论述工作分析在人力资源规划中的作用和意义,充分说明了企业要良性发展,必须实施人才战略,完善用人机制。 cnki

Traditional factors include natural recourses, comparative labor cost, market capability and capital productivity.
传统的区位因素包括自然资源、劳动力成本、市场容量和资本产量。 cnki

We can teach national folk pattern in middle school art classes to explore the local culture recourses and develop our traditional culture.
在中学美术教学方面,通过民族民间图案的教学,可以较好的挖掘本地的文化的资源优势、发扬民族传统文化。 fabiao

When it breaks out, government executive ability could not carry out effectively as the government's recourses, including system, process and policy etc. are restricted.
一旦危机事件突发,由于政府的求助对象受限,包括体制,过程和政策等,政府执行力就不能得到有效执行。 lwtxw




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