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词汇 Aventis
释义 AventisEconomist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
A move by Sanofi- Aventis for key US partner Bristol-Myers Squibb has been touted around for many years now.
关于赛诺菲-安万特与其重要合作伙伴美国的百时美施贵宝公司合并的消息已经传了多年。 dxy

Genzyme, an American biotechnology company, rejected an$18.5 billion takeover bid by Sanofi- Aventis.
美国的生物科技公司--基因酶公司拒绝以185亿美元的价格将公司转让给赛诺菲-安万特集团。 ecocn

Sanofi- Aventis, a pharmaceuticals firm, was disappointed when Catherine Bréchignac, the head of the national science research agency, withdrew her candidacy.
所以当国家科研机构的头目Catherine Bréchignac女士退出了董事申请,赛诺菲-安万特制药公司就相当的郁闷。 ecocn

Flu vaccines are made by several drugmakers including GlaxoSmithKline, Sanofi- Aventis and Novartis.
流感疫苗由几家制药商生产,包括葛兰素史克,赛诺菲-安万特和瑞士诺华。 yeeyan

France’s Sanofi Aventis, the global No.1 maker of influenza vaccines, says it could start mass- producing a swine- flu vaccine as early as September.
世界头号流感疫苗生产商法国的赛诺菲-安万特表示,他们最早可以在9月份开始大规模生产猪流感病毒疫苗。 yeeyan

Fuleihan reports receiving consulting and lecture fees from Eli Lilly, lecture fees from Novartis and Merck, and grants from Novartis and Sanofi- Aventis.
Fuleihan医生报告接受礼来公司的咨询费和讲座费,诺华和默克的讲座费以及诺华和赛诺菲-安万特的资助经费。 dxy

Just yesterday, Sanofi- Aventis said it was abandoning its drug Acomplia, which had been approved in Europe to treat obesity.
就在昨天,赛诺菲安万特宣布放弃其药物 Acomplia,其已获欧洲批准用于治疗肥胖症。 dxy

Mass production of affordable artemisinin could start next year in collaboration with Sanofi- Aventis, the French drug company.
该公司与法国制药公司赛诺菲-安万特 Sanofi- Aventis合作,有望从明年开始批量生产价格可承受的青蒿素。 iciba

Now Sanofi- Aventis is openly talking about making a big acquisition, as is Merck.
目前,斯诺非-安万特集团以及默克公司都公开谈及一项大型收购计划。 ecocn

Oxford BioMedica shares jumped27 per cent on Monday on the back of speculation that the UK biotechnology company is about to be bought by Sanofi Aventis, its French partner.
基于牛津生物科技公司将被它的法国股东赛诺菲-安万特公司收购的传闻,该公司的股票上周一上涨了百分之二十七。 essaystar

Pharmaceutical companies Bayer AG and Sanofi-Aventis SA and automaker Hyundai Motor Co. kicked off a strong day of earnings worldwide, sending overseas markets higher before the U.S. market opened.
制药企业拜耳公司 Bayer AG、赛诺菲安万特集团Sanofi- Aventis和汽车制造商现代汽车公司相继公布财报收益表现强劲,在美股开盘前推动海外股市走高。 yeeyan

Roche, Novartis, AstraZeneca, NovoNordisk and Sanofi- Aventis are all investing significantly in research and development in China, with the majority concentrated in Shanghai.
罗氏、诺华、阿斯利康、诺和诺德和赛诺菲-安万特等医药公司都在大举投资于中国的研发项目,而这些项目多数集中在上海。 china-b

Sanofi- aventis, a pharmaceutical firm based in Paris, has been working to develop a new malaria drug for children.
总部设在巴黎的赛诺菲安万特公司正在致力于开发一种适合儿童的新型抗疟疾药物。 ecocn

Sanofi- aventis has agreed to renew its support for the WHO programme to eliminate sleeping sickness, and its support for Buruli ulcer, Chagas disease and leishmaniasis for the next five years.
赛诺菲安万特已同意在未来五年延长对世卫组织昏睡病、布鲁里溃疡病、恰加斯病以及利什曼病规划的支持。 who

Sanofi- aventis made its announcement of the donation of100 million doses of vaccine at the Pacific Health Summit in Seattle, USA.
赛诺菲-安万特公司是在美国西雅图召开的太平洋卫生峰会上宣布捐赠1亿剂疫苗的。 who

Sanofi- aventis has also submitted a dossier for the STEMI indication in European countries including France, Germany, UK, Italy and Spain.
赛诺菲-安万特还在欧洲国家包括法国、德国、英国、意大利和西班牙已经提交了关于 STEMI适应症的档案。

Sanofi- Aventis SA, a large vaccine maker, has been using as many as600,000 eggs a day in its global swine-flu- vaccine production.
赛诺菲安万特 Sanofi- Aventis SA是一家大型的疫苗生产商。一段时间以来,该公司每天使用多达60万只的鸡蛋来为全球生产甲流疫苗。 yeeyan

Sanofi- Aventis's weight-loss pill rimonabant ran into trouble with the FDA this summer over concerns about the pill's psychiatric side effects, such as suicidal thinking.
赛诺菲-安万特的减肥药利莫那班今年夏天遇到了来自 FDA的麻烦, FDA怀疑这种药有着精神病方面的副作用,例如服用者会有自杀想法。

The current world capacity for flu vaccines lies with about20 companies around the world, including Sanofi- Aventis, Novartis and Baxter International, said a report in the Guardian earlier today.
今日较早的《卫报》报道,目前世界上具有生产流感疫苗能力的药厂约有20家,包括赛诺菲安万特、诺华与百特国际。 dxy

The medications include Abbott Laboratories Inc's Lupron, AstraZeneca Plc's Zoladex and Sanofi- Aventis SA's Eligard.
这类药物包括雅培制药公司的利普安、阿斯利康公司的高舍瑞林和赛诺菲-安万特集团的醋酸亮丙瑞林。 yeeyan

This move, first initiated by Rhone- Poulenc, was fully endorsed by its successors Aventis and then Bayer.
该举措首先开始于罗纳普朗克,并先后被它的接任者安万特和拜耳认同。 xiasharc

We welcome this very generous gesture by sanofi- aventis.
我们欢迎赛诺菲-安万特公司的这一极为慷慨的姿态。 who

Zolpidem tartrate was first approved in the United States in1992 as Ambien sanofi- aventis, the statement notes; Intermezzo is a lower-dose formulation of zolpidem.
酒石酸唑吡坦于1992年在美国作为安必眠欧洲赛诺菲-安万特集团被批准,该声明指出, Intermezzo是唑吡坦一个小剂量的配方。 dxy




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