

单词 avenges
释义 a·venge·s 英ə'vendʒ美ə'vendʒ COCA¹⁴⁹⁰⁸⁹BNC¹¹⁴⁰²⁴⁺
vt. 为…报复³; 报仇⁹⁷原型avenge的三单副词avengingly名词avenger过去分词avenged现在分词avenging三单avenges
vt. 报某事之仇; 向某人报仇

formalto punish or hurt sb in return for sth bad or wrong that they have done to you, your family or friends

take revenge for a perceived wrong;

He wants to avenge the murder of his brother

avenge, revenge


1.avenge和revenge都可用于为自己所受的伤害而报仇, avenge还可指为别人所受的伤害而报仇。

2.revenge多出于利己的动机,而非出于利他的动机; avenge多出于正义的动机,是高尚的用语。




用作动词 v.
~+名词avenge an insult为受辱而报复; 雪耻avenge one's brother为兄弟报仇
近义词 take拿pay支付get得到back后面repay偿还wreak发泄punish惩罚even平坦的revenge报仇redress赔偿requite报答get even报复hit back回击pay back偿还retaliate报复vengeance报复get back at报复wreak vengeance法 报仇反义词 abstain戒绝pardon原谅,宽恕,饶恕…
S+~+ n./pron./v -ingI will avenge you.我会为你复仇的。
“Rest in peace, comrades,” she murmured.“We'll avenge you!”⎩她喃喃地说:“安息吧,同志们,我们会为你们报仇的!”“It'll be years before you're big enough. We'll avenge your mother for you.”⎩“你长大还早哩,你妈妈的仇我们给你报。”⎫
I shall avenge my brother:the man who killed him shall die.我要为我的兄弟报仇,杀死他的人应该死去。
He avenged his sister.他为妹妹报了仇。
She avenged her husband.她为夫报仇。
I have avenged my ancestors.我已为我的祖先报了仇。
He wanted to avenge himself for his sufferings.他要为自己受的苦进行报复。
He promised to avenge his father's murder他发誓要报杀父之仇。
He avenged the wrong that had been done to his sister.他的妹妹受了冤屈,他为她报了仇。
She avenged her father's murder.她为其父被谋杀而复仇。
I will avenge the death of my brother.我要为我兄弟的死报仇。
Who would avenge her death?谁将为她的死复仇呢?
They avenged his death by burning the village.他们烧毁村落为他的死报仇。
He avenged the insult by refusing to give money to the scheme.他拒绝向该计划捐款,借此为自己受辱进行报复。
The settlers avenged the burning of the fort by destroying an Indian village.移民们摧毁了一个印第安人的村庄以此来对烧毁堡垒实行报复。
I will avenge you on the enemy.我替你向敌人报仇。
“Now I avenge myself upon those who have eaten up my substance and would destroy my home!” cried the hero.“现在,对这些耗尽我的财物、想毁掉我家的人,该我亲自报仇了!”这位英雄大喊道。
He swears that he will avenge himself on you sooner or later.他起誓说他迟早要向你进行报复。
He avenged himself on his enemies.他向敌人报复。
He swore to avenge himself on the mafia.他发誓说要向黑手党报仇。
They began to avenge themselves on their neighbours for the years of suppression.他们因为多年的压迫而开始报复他们的邻居。
Hamlet wanted to avenge himself on upon Claudius.哈姆雷特要向克劳狄斯进行报复。
She was determined to avenge herself on the man who had betrayed her.她决心向那个负心男人报复。
At the end of the play,Hamlet avenged his father's death upon the murderer.剧终时,哈姆雷特杀死凶手,为父报了仇。
She avenged her mother's death upon the Nazi soldiers.她惩处了纳粹士兵以报杀母之仇。
The Indians avenged the burning of their village on upon the settlers.印第安人因为村庄被焚毁向拓居者们进行报复。
She will be avenged on him for an insult sooner or later.她迟早会为受辱对他进行报复。
He was avenged on the murderer of his brother.他向杀害兄弟的凶手报复。
He was amply avenged on an enemy for an injury.他为所受的伤害向敌人进行彻底的报复。

avenge的基本意思是“为受害、受辱、含冤等进行报复”,是及物动词,其宾语为所受害或受辱之事,可为名词或动名词。报复的对象可由on 或upon引出。


avenge还可接oneself或用被动语态,意为“报仇; 复仇”。

用作及物动词How was he toavengethe one without outraging the other?怎样才能为这一个进行报复而不冒犯那一个呢?
Avenge the slain forefather by vanquishing Major Duke.报复杀害的祖先主要由击败杜克。
He swore by Jupiter toavengehis father's death.他对天发誓,要给他爸爸报仇。
He willavengethe people on their oppressor.他将为人民向压迫者报仇。 But the day is not ready from person, this for the generation great man who is concerned with motherland safety and danger still avenges a grievance eventually.
但天不从人准备好了,这仍然为一代伟人谁是与祖国的安全和危险的报复最终提出申诉。 spiiker

O Lord, the God who avenges, O God who avenges, shine forth.
耶和华阿,你是伸冤的神。伸冤的神阿,求你发出光来。 ebigear




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