

单词 reconvert
释义 re·con·vert 英ˌriːkənˈvɜːt美ˌrikənˈvɝtAHDrē'kən-vûrtʹ 高COCA¹²⁶⁰⁴⁷BNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³iWeb⁵³⁸³⁶
convert back;

Hollywood is reconverting old films

词根词缀: re-再 + con-加强意义 + -vert-转→转变re-后-convert⇒v.使再改宗⁵⁰ Bank Clerk: Hello, Ms. Jones. Are you planning to reconvert your unused Chinese money back into American dollars?
银行职员:您好,琼斯女士,您是否将把没有用完的人民币兑换回美元呢? ebigear

Lamptey attempted to reconcile with them and he acceded to his father's dying wish to reconvert to Christianity, but he was pained at the funerals when he‘had to bury them both alone’.
兰普提曾经试图和他们和解,并答应了父亲希望他改信基督教的遗愿。但在葬礼上,当他“只能一个人埋葬他们俩”的时候,他还是很痛苦。 yeeyan

Once a signal has traveled over the telephone line, a second modem is required at the other end of the line to reconvert the transmitted signals from analog to digital.
信号一旦传到电话线的另一端,就需要另外一个调制解调器将传输的信号从模拟信号重新转换成数字信号。 csairk

Then the developer has to reconvert this page to the specific format needed for use in the presentation technology.
然后再由开发人员将页面重新转换为特定的格式,以供表示技术使用。 ibm




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