

单词 reconnoitering
释义 re·con·noi·ter·ing 英ˌrekə'nɔɪtə美ˌrekə'nɔɪtə COCA¹²¹⁸⁶⁹
explore, often with the goal of finding something or somebody近义词 look看spy间谍watch注视study研究probe调查patrol巡逻search搜寻survey问卷scout童子军explore探测lookout瞭望台observer观察者inspection视察exploration探险reconnoitre勘察investigation调查reconnaissance侦察keep an eye out警觉, 留心, 密切注意…

用作动词It seems wise to reconnoiter before entering the town.在进入那城以前,先侦察一下是明智的。
Malicious users can use this information to reconnoiter the naming schema in your organization and attack key infrastructure services.恶意用户可以使用这个信息来侦察您的组织机构的名计划,并攻击关键基本设施服务。 According to our country's resources, demand for economy developing and comparing with models of obtaining abroad resources, it was necessary for risk reconnoitering in foreign country.
根据我国资源条件和经济发展的需要以及获取国外资源的方式进行比较分析得知,我国非常有必要到国外进行风险勘探。 cnki

According to the applications of“ cat's eye effect” to reconnoitering and discerning optical target are reviewed.
通过分析“猫眼效应”的原理,论述了“猫眼效应”在侦察识别光学目标中的应用。 cnki

Although having experienced many years for risk reconnoitering, its step was always very slow, and facing many problems in practice.
虽然我国经历了多年境外风险勘探的实践和探索,但是步伐缓慢,在实践中面临很多问题。 cnki

Article34 Persons who engage in illegal photographing, video-taping, recording, reconnoitering, surveying, drawing or describing in the military restricted zones and refuse to be stopped.
第三十四条在军事禁区非法进行摄影、摄像、录音、勘察、测量、描绘和记述,不听制止的。 tdict

Laser reconnoitering and alarming is that regards laser as the information carrier, finds enemy photo electricity equipments, obtains their information and gives an alarm in time.
以激光为信息载体,发现敌光电装备、获取其情报并及时报警的军事行为称为激光侦察告警。 cnki

PMMW imaging technology has been applied widely in military affairs and civil applications such as battlefield reconnoitering, anti-terror detecting and security scanning.
无源毫米波成像技术在战场侦察、反恐探测、安检等军事、民事应用领域具有重要的实用价值。 fabiao

The most extensive reconnoitering mission ever sent to another world is drastically altering our picture of the red planet.
发射到另一世界的、迄今最广泛的侦察飞行,极大地改变了我们对这颗红色行星的想象。 dictall

Reconnoitering and receiving the wideband radio signal is an important research content of electronic warfare.
宽带无线电信号的侦察机接收,是电子对抗的重要研究内容。 cnki




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