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reck·less·ly 美'rɛklɪsli 高COCA²⁸⁷⁹⁷BNC¹⁹⁸²⁷iWeb²¹²⁸⁸Economist¹⁶⁶⁹⁰ 基本英英搭配记法近义反义例句Thesaurus例句 adv.不顾后果地⁵⁰;卤莽地⁵⁰
Adverb: in a reckless mannerreckless鲁莽的 reck-less少-ly像⇒adv.不顾后果地⁵⁰;卤莽地⁵⁰近义词 wildly狂热地rashly莽撞地hastily匆忙地headlong头向前的headfirst头向前地frantically狂暴地thoughtlessly轻率地carelessly粗心大意地irresponsiblyirresponsibl…
副词100% A person who behavesrecklesslyor wildly.捣蛋鬼,调皮鬼行为鲁莽草率或粗野的人 I've never seen a car being driven sorecklessly.我从没见过有人开车这么卤莽。adv.dangerously 同义词 carelessly,foolishlydaringly,heedlessly,rashly,riskily,senselessly blindlyadverb carelessly foolishly,heedlessly,impulsively,inconsiderately,obtusely,passionately,purblindly,regardlessly,senselessly,thoughtlessly,tumultuously,unreasonably,unreasoningly,willfully,without rhyme or reason boldlyadverb bravely brazenly,courageously,daringly,dauntlessly,eagerly,fearlessly,headlong,recklessly,stoutly,valiantly,venturesomely dangerouslyadverb precariously alarmingly,carelessly,critically,daringly,desperately,gravely,harmfully,hazardously,perilously,precariously,recklessly,riskily,seriously,severely,unsafely,unsecurely hastilyadverb with great speed agilely,apace,carelessly,double-quick,expeditiously,fast,flat-out,heedlessly,hurriedly,impetuously,impulsively,lickety-split,nimbly,on spur of the moment,posthaste,precipitately,prematurely,promptly,quickly,rapidly,rashly,recklessly,speedily,straightaway,subito,suddenly,swiftly,thoughtlessly,too quickly,unpremeditatedly helter-skelteradjective with undue hurry and confusion arbitrary,carelessly,chaotic,confused,disorderly,haphazard,hastily,hit or miss,hurried,hurry-scurry,in disorder,random,recklessly,slapdash helter-skelteradverb carelessly, confused about,any which way,anyhow,anywise,around,at random,cluttered,disorderly,haphazard,hastily,headlong,higgledy-piggledy,hit-or-miss,hotfoot,hurriedly,impetuously,in confusion,incautiously,incontinently,irregular,jumbled,muddled,pell-mell,random,randomly,rashly,recklessly,topsy-turvy,tumultous/tumultuous,unmindfully,wildly Keep adding code recklessly and, before you know it, you'll have created the dreaded Big Ball of Mud. 鲁莽的增加代码,在你意识到这之前,你将创造一个可怕的巨大泥巴球。 yeeyan Moving as fast, boldly and recklessly as a trillion- dollar fat-fingered stock-market transaction, the film has the drive, luxe and sarcastic wit of the snazziest Hollywood movies. 像价值上万亿美元的股市交易一样迅速、耀眼和鲁莽,这部电影具备了最为时尚的好莱坞电影中的干劲、奢华和讥讽等元素。 yeeyan “ I am, I think, courageous at the right moment, ” but“led too much by my head” to leap recklessly in. “我觉得我在正确的时刻该是勇敢的,”但是毫无顾忌地跳下去“受我的理智影响太多”。 ecocn After recklessly squandering the money left by his predecessors he was in no position to cope with a massive rinderpest epidemic that began devastating his subjects' livestock in 1294. 在肆意挥霍前任所留下的钱财之后,他无力应付1294年爆发的一场大规模迅速蔓延的牛瘟疫情,这场瘟疫几乎令他臣民的牲畜全部殉难死亡。 yeeyan Ah, say the doomsters, but that is because consumers are recklessly over- borrowing. 哈,不祥预感者则说,但那是因为消费者不顾后果地超贷所致。 ecocn An entire government agency was devoted to overseeing the housing- finance giants, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, but that did not stop them behaving recklessly. 人们曾经设立了一个完全的政府机构用来监督住房融资的两大巨头:房利美与房地美,却还是未能阻止他们的鲁莽行为。 ecocn At times he seems recklessly sanguine about the economic impact of abandoning nuclear power. 有时候他似乎对放弃核能带来的经济后果充满了盲目乐观。 ecocn But a far bigger problem is maintaining growth in an economy that during the boom years borrowed recklessly and used the money for higher living standards rather than diversification. 更严重的问题是该国在经济蓬勃增长的年头为了维持住增长势头大量举债,而这些钱被用在了提高生活水平而不是多样化投资上。 ecocn But he was not too forgetful to see Wang Lung dipping the water recklessly from the cauldron into a deep wooden tub. 不过,他还没有忘情到看不见王龙满不在乎地把水从铁锅里一个劲儿地往一个挺深的木桶里倒。 yeeyan During the Asian financial crisis of1997-98, half of the top30 chaebol went bust because they had expanded recklessly. Daewoo, the Great Universe, is no more. 在1997年—1998年的亚洲经济危机期间,大财阀的30家主要企业中有一半由于他们的鲁莽的扩张使得它们面临破产,大宇也从那时开始不复存在。 ecocn I am responsible for the fate of the one and only Jewish state. And I am not going to recklessly feed more territory to the insatiable crocodile of militant Islam. 我对唯一的犹太国家的命运有责任,我不会鲁莽地将更多领土喂给贪得无厌的伊斯兰武装团体。 putclub If you drive as recklessly as that, you'll end in hospital. 要是你开车老是那样鲁莽, 总有一天要住进医院。 iciba Instead of withdrawing from the world, men may act recklessly or develop a compulsive interest in work or a new hobby. 男性不顾一切地或者发展一种在工作中的强迫性爱好或者新的爱好,而非妥协。 yeeyan Meanwhile Germany, the euro zone's unofficial banker, has made it clear that German taxpayers will not provide further support to countries that it regards as having behaved recklessly. 与此同时,德国欧元区的非官方银行机构已经表明德国纳税人将不再对那些其认为行为草率的国家提供更多的支持。 ecocn Participants in the flotilla, the committee wrote, “acted recklessly in attempting to breach the naval blockade”. 委员会写道,船队的成员“鲁莽地破坏海上封锁”。 yeeyan Prosecutors charged the boy from El Monte, California, with two felony counts: arson of a forest and recklessly causing a fire. 来自加利福尼亚艾尔蒙特市的这名男孩被指控犯下两项重罪:纵火和过失引发大火。 www.chinadaily.com.cn The man who wrote this entry was called Ford Prefect, and he was at this precise moment on a far from harmless world, sitting in a far from harmless bar, recklessly causing trouble. 写下这个条目的人叫做福特·普里菲克特,他正在一个远远不能称作无害的世界里,坐在一个远远不能称作无害的酒吧里,不顾一切地制造着麻烦。 yeeyan This may indicate that Americans are managing their debts prudently, not spending recklessly. 这也是提醒美国人需要谨慎管理负债,不要盲目消费。 ecocn Though a marvelous poet, he was also a monster, abusive and recklessly selfish. 尽管是一个让人惊叹的诗人,他还是一个魔鬼、虐待狂、鲁莽而自私的人。 yeeyan Yet private- equity firms and their advisers bristle at suggestions that they are borrowing recklessly. 然而,私募股权投资公司以及它的顾问们对那些认为他们在不顾一切的借贷这类的意见非常恼火。 ecocn You’ll spend more recklessly. 你会不顾一切地花费更多。 hxen |