

单词 recessions
释义 recessions riˈseʃənz COCA²⁷³⁸⁵BNC²⁶³⁷⁶Economist¹⁰⁴⁵⁵
n.经济衰退recession的名词复数;不景气;后退;撤退原型recession的复数 And companies that emerge best from recessions tend to be those with the balance- sheet strength to invest and grab market share.
以最佳方式脱离衰退的公司一般是那些能用资产负债表力量去投资和抓住市场份额的公司。 yeeyan

As the data on construction and manufacturing employment show, the Austrian story of recessions fits the facts better than the Keynesian explanation.
建筑业和制造业就业情况的数据表明,奥派关于衰退的解释比凯恩斯主义者的解释更符合事实。 yeeyan

But in past recessions, new- home prices have tended to be weaker than existing-home prices, the opposite of what has happened in this cycle.
但是在过去的衰退中,新房价格比旧房价格倾向于更易下降一些,这个时期却发生了相反的事情。 yeeyan

But there are get- out clauses for recessions or national crises.
但是也有从衰退或者国家危机中逃离的条款。 ecocn

China has experienced two major recessions in the past three decades.
在过去三十年中,中国经历了两次大的衰退。 ecocn

Hence, if we are lucky, the current downturn will also be moderate, though likely worse than the other U.S. post- World War II recessions, including1982.
因此,如果我们幸运的话,当前的衰退也将是温和的,虽然它好像比美国二战后经历的所有衰退都要严重——包括1982年。 yeeyan

In most other respects, the anatomy of unemployment has been no different during this recession than other severe recessions.
在大多数其他方面,这次经济衰退中对失业情况的剖析与前几次衰退时并无不同。 yeeyan

It is only in recessions that this enthusiasm for debt reveals its dangers.
只有处于经济衰退中,这种举债的热情才会暴露其危险性。 ecocn

Older workers tend to do better in recessions.
老龄工作者在衰退中通常表现更好。 ecocn

One ray of hope is that recessions in America have changed over the years.
一线希望在于美国的经济衰退不同于以往那么严重了。 ecocn

So if the Fed did not cause this and the past two recessions, what did?
那么,如果美联储不是这次和过去两次衰退的元凶,那是什么? ecocn

Some economists believe that recessions are a necessary feature of economic growth.
一些经济学家相信衰退是经济增长不可避免的部分。 ecocn

The investment bank has come up with an interesting rule of thumb on recessions.
关于经济衰退,这家投资银行提出了一个有趣的经验法则。 fortunechina

This happened after each of the last four recessions.

Today, Britain is suffering from one of the deepest recessions since World War II.
今天,英国正面临第二次世界大战以来一个最严重的衰退。 yeeyan

While recessions hit some sectors hard, others go on like clockwork— or even experience growth.
当衰退重创一些行业时,另外一些却向上发展,像钟表机构——甚至在经历增长。 yeeyan




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