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AvalokitesvaraCOCA³¹⁵¹¹¹⁺⁴ 基本英英近义反义例句例句 n.观音菩萨¹⁰⁰
Noun: a male Bodhisattva; widely associated with various gods and people 近义词 Avalokiteshvara观音 The sculpture of Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara in Shrine No.6 In Cave No.甘肃永靖第6号龛的观世音菩萨之像。 Emulate the compassion of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, show concern for sentient beings.效法观音菩萨的慈悲,憨念大众。 The Universal Gate Chapter of the Lotus Sutra says, “ If there are those that can be enlightened through the form of a Lady, Avalokitesvara will appear in this form to teach them the Dharma.” 妙法莲华经普门品云:“若有国土众生应以妇女身得度者,观世音菩萨即现妇女身而为说法。” dcsbcc The Universal Gate Chapter of the Lotus Sutra says. “ If there arc those that can be enlightened through the form of a Vajra Holder Avalokitesvara will appear in this form to teach them the Dharma.” 妙法莲华经普门品云:“若有国土众生应以执金刚神得度者,观世音菩萨即现执金刚神而为说法。” dcsbcc According to popular belief, she came into existence from a tear of Avalokitesvara, which fell to the ground and formed a lake. 根据普遍的信仰,她是从观音的泪水而来,跌到地上,并且形成一个湖。 chinaufo.com Emulate the compassion of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, show concern for sentient beings. 效法观音菩萨的慈悲, 憨念大众。 iciba I am sure many of us, when we visualize ourselves as Avalokitesvara, we are thinking ourselves as this brown thing, isn't it? 我很肯定,我们之中有很多人,当我们把自己自观为观音菩萨时,我们是把自己想成那一尊棕色的铜像了,是吗? blog.sina.com.cn Like Avalokitesvara, she is a compassionate, succouring deity who helps men cross to the other shore. 像观音菩萨一样,她也是富有同情心者,救助之神,帮助人们渡过彼岸。 chinaufo.com She is considered by some to be the original Tara and is the female consort or sexual partner of Avalokitesvara. 她被认为是一些最初的女神和观音菩萨的女性偶像或性伴侣。 chinaufo.com There is a statue of Avalokitesvara, which is the highest Bodhisattva statue in East China Sea. 有一座南海观音像,是东海带最高的菩萨像。 blog.sina.com.cn Through the main hall, you can see a vertical cliff, the cave cut on the cliff was called the East Avalokitesvara Cave. 穿过正殿,可见一道直立的山崖,山崖下面的这个山洞是由人工开凿而成,这就是东观音洞。 www.tanzhesi.com.cn Together with the Avalokitesvara figure in the middle,33 in total. 再加上中间供奉的观音佛身,共33身。 blog.sina.com.cn Avalokitesvara of the left retinue of Sakyamunim, Amitabha and Mahasthamaprapta are called the Three Saints of the West. 观音为阿弥陀佛的左胁侍,与阿弥陀佛、大势至合称“西方三圣”。 daxinya Avalokitesvara was male; however, he turns into a female image since the North and South Dynasty, especially the Tang Dynasty in Chinese temples. 观音的真身原为男相,南北朝时起,特别是唐代以后,中国的寺院中多为女相。 daxinya Avalokitesvara, Bodhisattva of the suffering sea, responds to sentient beings and removes their fear. 观世音菩萨寻声救苦,布施无畏,是茫茫苦海中的义工。 xuefo Avalokitesvara, standing in the centre, is reminiscent of scenes of the Buddha preaching at the Vulture Peak, by reason of the large almond-shaped aureole. 站在中央的观音,被杏仁形的大型身光环绕,使人想起《灵鹫山释迦说法图》。8mhh |