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词汇 receive
释义 re·ceive 英rɪˈsiːv美rɪˈsivAHDrĭ-sēvʹ ★★★★★牛高4研四COCA⁵⁶⁰BNC¹⁶⁶⁵iWeb²⁵⁷Economist¹⁷⁰⁵
vt. & vi. 收到,接到

come into possession of sth that is given or sent to one

vt. & vi. 接纳; 接待

accept as a visitor or member; welcome

get something; come into possession of;

receive payment

receive a gift

receive letters from the front

receive a specified treatment abstract;

These aspects of civilization do not find expression or receive an interpretation

His movie received a good review

I got nothing but trouble for my good intentions

register perceptual input;

pick up a signal

go through mental or physical states or experiences;

get an idea

experience vertigo

get nauseous

receive injuries

have a feeling

express willingness to have in one's home or environs;

The community warmly received the refugees

accept as true or valid;

He received Christ

bid welcome to; greet upon arrivalconvert into sounds or pictures;

receive the incoming radio signals

experience as a reaction;

My proposal met with much opposition

have or give a reception;

The lady is receiving Sunday morning

receive as a retribution or punishment;

He got 5 years in prison

partake of the Holy Eucharist sacramentregard favorably or with disapproval;

Her new collection of poems was not well received


❌ I've received your letter for a couple of days.

✔️ I've received your letter a couple of days ago.

✔️ It is a couple of days since I received your letter.


receive, accept


Her husband did not accept〔receive〕 her story.她的丈夫不相信她的话。
The theory was not received〔accepted〕 as truth by the broad masses of people.这一理论并未被广大人民群众当成真理。


1.从搭配上说:在表示“受到教育〔惩罚,支持〕”和“接待客人”等意时只能用receive,不能用accept; 而在表示“接受某条件”时却只能用accept,而不能用receive。

2.从含义上说: receive只表示“被动地收到”这一事实,而accept则多了一层主观上“某种程度甚至完全赞同”的意味。例如:

I've received an invitation but I don't think I'll accept.我收到一份邀请,但不准备接受。
Though he has received several offers, he can accept only one of them.虽然他收到了几处的聘请,但他只能接受其中之一。

再如,收到receive别人的致歉,但不一定予以承认accept; 头脑可以接收receive某一思想,但不一定认同accept; 一个人可以为社会所容纳receive,但不一定为他人所理解accept。简而言之,“accept=receive+乐意地”。

此外, receive之后还可以拒绝甚至退回,而一经accept,则除极特殊情况外,一般是不能再拒绝或退回的。因此,复信中写I've received your invitation.就显得不够礼貌了。

receive, hear from


hear from不是指具体接到信件,而是指得到音信、信息; receive往往指收到具体的信件。例如:

I haven't heard from him for a long time.我好久没得到他的音信了。
I haven't received any letters from him for several months.我已经好几个月没有收到他的信了。receive, admit, take


receive主要表示接到或收到,而不含采取主动或积极行动的意思; admit强调接纳,暗示接纳者采取允许、宽容的态度或作出让步; take是日常用词,指不带有主观意愿地收下。







词根词缀: re-再 + -ceiv-拿,取 + -e动词词尾
词义辨异:accept: 主动或自愿地接受,经过考虑后同意接受receive: 仅仅指接到或收到这一事实
用作动词 v.
~+名词receive a blow遭到打击receive a diploma取得文凭receive an education受到教育receive a gift收到礼物receive a letter收到一封信receive a physical exam体检receive a salary收到薪水receive a telegram收到电报receive a welcome受到欢迎receive a wound受了伤receive an explanation得到一个解释receive an injection接受注射receive an ovation受到欢呼receive assurances得到保证receive dividends分到红利receive foreign guests接待外宾receive full cooperation得到大力合作receive good treatment受到厚待receive grants of funds获得专项资金receive great excitement十分兴奋receive high marks得高分receive new ideas接受新思想receive orders接到命令receive phone call接到电话receive punishment遭到惩罚receive satellite programmes接收卫星电视节目receive the cup领取奖杯receive the guests热情地接待客人receive the Nobel Prize获得诺贝尔奖receive the support获得支持receive threats受到威胁receive visitors接待客人~+副词receive affably热情友好地接待receive back重新接纳receive ceremoniously隆重地接待receive consciously自觉地接待receive cordially热忱地接待receive courteously很讲究地接待receive credulously轻易接受receive favourably受到欢迎receive frostily冷遇receive glowingly热心地接待receive graciously礼貌地接待receive gratuitously无故地受到receive haughtily傲慢地对待receive hospitably热心对待receive indiscriminately不加选择地对待receive morosely冷遇receive mournfully凄惨地受到receive opportunely恰好地接待receive precisely恰好地接待receive reluctantly勉强接待receive royally盛大地接待receive scornfully轻蔑地接待receive supinely冷遇receive warmly热烈欢迎receive well接收好receive willingly心甘情愿地接待~+介词receive as当作…接待receive from收到来自…receive in taxes收税金receive into接受…成为…receive into a church接受某人入教receive into a hospital收某人入院receive through sb通过某人转交receive with great enthusiasm极热情地欢迎某人receive with open arms热烈欢迎某人
receive from v.+prep.

从…获得,收到某物( obtain usually sth from sb)

receive sth from sbI didn't buy the book,I received it from the writer as a gift.这本书不是我买的,而是作者送给我的礼物。
These farmers receive generous subsidies from the government.这些农民得到了政府的大量补贴。
receive into v.+prep.

接纳某人加入某群体、组织( welcome the return of sb into a group which he)〔she〕 had left

receive sb back into sthThey received him into the Trade Union.他们接受他为工会成员。
We received him into our family as a son.我们收他为养子。
You can be received into the Church after instruction into our beliefs.在给你讲授我们的教义之后,你就可以被接纳为教会的成员。
He was received into his teacher's favour.他得到老师的宠爱。
When she wanted to return to the Church after a long absence, she was received back into the fold most warmly, with no questions asked.她离开教会已经很长时间了,当她希望返回时,没有被问到任何问题,而是受到格外热烈的欢迎。钱博士re向后+ceiv=cap,抓住,p-v相通,a音变为ei+e→向后抓住⇒收到,接到,遭受
故事记忆加急订单 Receive收到遂将小米忙 Carve雕刻模特快要 Starve饿死身体常向前 Curve弯曲只好速把面包 Give给予希望她能 Forgive原谅故事记忆妙龄少妇 Conceive怀孕离婚协议 Receive收到丈夫出轨 Perceive意识到哀叹被他 Deceive欺骗非常记忆re热〖拼音〗+ce厕〖拼音〗+i我〖熟词I〗+ve维E〖编码〗⇒热天在厕所我收到了他送的维Ere向后+ceiv=cap,抓住,p-v相通,a音变为ei+e→向后抓住⇒收到,接到,遭受。词根记忆re再+ceive抓=全部=发觉近义词 getgreetacceptobtainacquirecome bywelcomeentertain反义词 giveoffer
S+~+AOur TV receives well since we had a new antenna put on.自从安装了新天线以来,我们的电视机接收良好。
Lady Jones receives on Monday afternoon.星期一下午琼斯夫人接见来访者。
S+~+ n./pron.She would not receive Mrs. Reed.她不愿意接见里德夫人。
I like to receive presents on my birthday.我喜欢在生日那天收到生日礼物。
Each employee received the same bonus.每个雇员都得到了相同数目的奖金。
The club received a benevolent donation.这家俱乐部收到了一笔慈善捐款。
You have received a just reward.你得到了应得的报酬。
That morning we received a report from the front.那天早上,我们收到了从前线送来的一份报告。
I've just received a letter.我刚收到一封信。
So far we have received no reply from them.到现在为止,还没有收到他们的回信。
She received many invitations, but accepted only one.她接到许多请柬,但只接受了其中的一张。
I've received an invitation but I don't think I'll accept.我收到一份请柬,但不准备接受。
When did you receive the money order we sent you?我们寄给你的汇款单什么时候收到的?
An illiterate, later he received some schooling.他原先大字不识一个,后来接受一些学校教育。
There we received several weeks of intensive training.在那里我们受了几星期的强化训练。
He received a physical exam.他做了一次体检。
They had received no instructions what to say about them.他们没有接到指示对这些问题应当怎样说。
The new law has received the royal assent.新的法律已得到国王的批准。
We immediately received the support of the workers.我们立即得到工人们的支持。
They received assurances that the Union would stand by them.他们得到保证,工会将站在他们一边。
Children in our country receive good education.我们国家的儿童受到良好教育。
He received the Nobel Prize for literature.他获得诺贝尔文学奖。
Your lecture received no attention.你的讲座未受到重视。
We received a warm welcome.我们受到热烈欢迎。
Her husband did not receive her story.她的丈夫不相信她的话。
She was warmly received.她受到热情地接待。
There was great excitement when the news was received.消息传来,大家都很兴奋。
His remarks were received with murmurs of dissent.听众对他的谈话发出了一阵阵不以为然的窃窃私语声。
My speech was very well received.我的报告受到了热烈的欢迎。
The statement was received with great enthusiasm.大家对声明反应热烈。
S+~+ n./pron. +as n.I didn't buy the book,I received it as a gift.这本书不是我买的,而是别人送给我的礼物。
He would not receive her as his son's wife.他不愿承认她是他的儿媳。
How soon can I be received as a member of the Church?还要多久我才能被接纳为教会的一名成员?
The theory was not received as truth by the broad masses of people.这一理论并未被广大人民群众当成真理。Preceive-only只接收Poil-receiver油接受器Phand-receivern.手持受话器Preceiveda.被一般承认的公认的Ptransmitter-receivern.收发两用机Preceivership清算人办公室清算人职能Preceivern.听筒接收器收款员接受者破产管理官





receive与accept的区别:receive意为“收到”,表示客观的,accept意为“接受”,表示主观的。当accept a gift时,表示接受了礼物,不会再退回,而receive a gift时,只是收到了礼物,可能还会退回。

receive只是一时的动作,因此不能说I have received your letter 3 days.应该改为It is 3 days since I received your letter;

receive from/of的意思是“从某处或某人那收到款项”,如received from/of Sam seven pounds;

在英美英语中回信中的第一句话,通常是Your letter of … received,常省略is,has been。

用作动词Neither John nor I am toreceivethe award.约翰和我谁都不会接到奖赏。
I was on vacation last week and didn'treceiveyour fax.上星期我正在度假,没收到你们的传真。
He wasreceivedas an honoured visitor.他以贵宾的身分受到款待。verb.accept delivery of something
同义词 accept,collect,draw,earn,gain,get,hear,hold,make,obtain,pick up,pocket,reap,secure,seize,take,take in,winacquire,admit,apprehend,appropriate,arrogate,assume,catch,cop,corral,derive,gather,grab,inherit,perceive,procure,pull,redeem,snagbe given,be in receipt of,be informed,be told,come by,come into,get from,get hands on,get hold of,latch on to,pull down,take possession
反义词 deny,disallow,discourage,dissuade,drop,fail,forfeit,forsake,free,give,halt,let go,lose,offer,pass,refuse,reject,release,renounce,repulse,spend,stop,throw away,push,repeldeliver,donate,turn awayverb.endure, sustain
同义词 suffer,undergobear,encounter,experiencebe subjected to,go through,meet with
反义词 avoid,evadedeliver,donate,give,offer,turn awayverb.take in guest or member
同义词 accept,bring in,introduce,meet,take in,welcomeaccommodate,admit,entertain,greet,host,induct,initiate,install,invite,permitallow entrance,let in,let through,make comfortable,make welcome,roll out red carpet,shake hands,show in,usher in
反义词 reject,deny,expel,refuse,turn awaydeliver,donate,give,offer
abideverb submit to, put up with
accept,acknowledge,be big about,bear,bear with,concede,consent,defer,endure,hang in,hang in there,hang tough,live with,put up with,sit tight,stand,stand for,stomach,suffer,swallow,take,tolerate,withstand
acceptverb allow into group
accommodateverb make room, lodging available
board,contain,domicile,entertain,furnish,harbor,hold,house,put up,quarter,receive,rent,shelter,supply,take in,welcome
accommodatesverb make room, lodging available
accords,accustoms,adapts,adjusts,agrees,attunes,bends over backwards,complies,composes,conforms,coordinates,corresponds,don't makes waves,don't rocks the boat,fits,goes by the book,goes with the flow,harmonizes,integrates,makes consistent,modifies,plays the game,proportions,reconciles,settles,shapes up,suits,tailor-makes,tailors,tunes
admitverb allow entry or use
accept,be big on,bless,buy,concede,enter,entertain,give a thumbs-up,give access,give the nod,grant,harbor,house,initiate,introduce,let,let in,lodge,okay,permit,receive,shelter,sign,sign off on,suffer,take,take in
admitsverb allow entry or use
accepts,blesses,buys,concedes,enters,entertains,gives access,gives the nod,gives thumbs up,grants,harbors,houses,initiates,introduces,is big on,lets,lets in,lodges,o.k.'s,permits,receives,shelters,signs,signs off on,suffers,takes,takes in In this case we write a letter to them as if they were going to receive it and keep it as a reminder of the gratitude we have for them.
如果情况不允许,那我们就写一封信给他们,就仿佛他们能收到它一样,然后保存这封信,时刻提醒自己我们十分感谢这些曾经帮助过我们的人。 yeeyan

The director of the movie was dragged on at the end,to receive the cheers of the crowd.

The number of e- mails you receive grows if you do not set the system to discard them or store them at specific times.
如果不进行系统设置来丢弃邮件或在特定时间存储邮件,您收到的电子邮件数量将会不断增加。 ibm

“ At the other extreme, we want to give people the power to limit who should receive any particular piece of information they want to share, ” he said.
从另一个方面来说,我们也希望给予人们能够自己限定谁应该得到那些他们希望分享的那些特定信息的能力。 yeeyan

After checkout, every one of those customers should receive an email thanking them for their stay and offering them some come- back opportunity.
每一位客人退房以后,都应该收到一封电子邮件,以感谢他们入住,并提供一些吸引他们再次入住的机会。 yeeyan

And I receive it and I understand the criticism.
我收到了这些批评,我也理解这些批评。 yeeyan

But he did not live to receive it.
但他没能活到去接受这个奖的时刻。 yeeyan

But I believe that this disadvantage is far outweighed by the experience gained by the students, and this is borne out by the feedback I receive and the results.
但是我相信,这个缺点同学生们所获得的经验相比就微不足道了,并且这一点被我所收到的反馈和实际取得的效果所证实。 ibm

Every second of our lives we send and receive information.
我们生活的每一秒钟都在发送和接收信息。 ibm

How may I receive Him?
我是怎么接受他的? yeeyan

However, if one client saves their changes, the other client will receive an edit conflict when they try to save back their changes.
不过,如果一个客户机保存了所有更改时,另一个客户机在尝试保存更改时将收到一个编辑冲突。 ibm

However, it will also receive bus management signals from the bus itself.
不过,它也将会收到来自总线本身的总线管理信号。 ibm

I can hardly receive him in the present case.

I receive your question.
我收到了你的问题。 yeeyan

If you and the person share common interests, click Invite to my network, and that person will receive an e-mail inviting him or her to be one of your network contacts.
如果您和这名用户具有相同的兴趣,那么单击邀请至我的网络,这名用户将收到一封电子邮件,邀请他或她加入到您的联系人圈子中。 ibm

Some satellite relay stations relay radio waves to the earth but they receive the waves not from the earth, but from other space.

The only difference is that after payment you will either be directed to a download page or receive the download link in an email.
唯一的不同是,你会在付款后直接进入下载页面或者是收到一封包含一个下载链接的电子邮件。 yeeyan

They will post the ticket to me as soon as they receive my cheque.

They understand that if you want something and believe that you have it, you will receive it.
他们认为,如果你相信自己拥有了想要的东西,你将会得到它。 yeeyan

We did not receive any results afterwards.
不过我们没有收到任何结果。 yeeyan

When either of them receive data, it writes the data to the other socket.
当它们其中一个收到数据时,就会将数据写到另一个套接字。 ibm

Which countries will receive the drug, and how will they be selected?
哪些国家将收到该药物,这些国家是如何挑选的? yeeyan

Why does he want to give? So I can receive.
神为什么要给我们?因为这样我们才能得到。 yeeyan

You offer us this joy; but how can we receive it from the outside?
你给我们这种喜悦,但是我们如何从外部收到它呢? yeeyan

You should receive your first cheque within a week or so.
你会在一周左右时间收到你的第一站支票。 yeeyan

You will receive the full equivalent of your money.




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