

单词 recanalization
释义 re·canalization 英riːkænəlaɪ'zeɪʃən美ˌrɪˌkænlə'zeɪʃən COCA³¹⁵¹¹¹⁺iWeb⁵⁹³⁶⁸
CONCLUSION The dynamic state observation of TCD can monitor the condition of recanalization of blood vessel after cerebral infarction.
结论:经颅多普勒超声动态观察可监测脑梗死后血管再通的情况。 cnki

The final recanalization rate, with embolus removal followed by intra- arterial thrombolysis, was68.3%.
当栓子撤除紧接动脉内血栓溶解,最后的再通率是68.3%。 med66

The total recanalization rate in each time window, the cases of remedial PCI and mortality were not different between groups. All patients died of cardiogenic shock or pump failure.
各时间窗血管再通率、补救性 PCI数及病死率组间比较差异无显著性,死亡原因均为心源性休克或泵衰竭。 cnki

When the3 major hepatic veins are seriously obstructed, recanalization of the PHV is an effective approach to the hepatic vein type of BCS.
结论介入治疗 BCS是一种安全有效的方法。在3支主肝静脉严重阻塞时,开通副肝静脉是治疗肝静脉型 BCS的有效途径。 iciba

Accuracy parameters are affected by the process of recanalization and its varying clinical significance.
参数的准确性受血管再通和它的多样的临床表现的影响。 med66

Conclusion ETUS can accelerate thrombolysis, shorten recanalization time and enhance the successful rate of thrombolysis.
结论体外治疗性超声能促进血栓溶解,缩短再通时间,提高溶栓的成功率。 cnki

Conclusion Intra- arterial thrombolysis is helpful for recanalization of completely occluded MCA and improve the prognosis of patients.
结论动脉内溶栓可有助于再通完全闭塞的大脑中动脉和改善患者预后。 cnki

Conclusion Selective salpingography with fallopian tube recanalization is a minimally invasive method to treat tubal infertility.
结论选择性输卵管造影及再通术是诊治输卵管性不孕的一种微创有效的介入治疗技术。 iciba

Haemodynamic forces and the fibrinolytic system are considered to be the principal mechanisms responsible for recanalization of occluded cerebral capillaries and terminal arterioles.
血液动力学以及纤溶系统被认为闭塞脑毛细血管以及终末小动脉再通的主要机制。 dxy

In4 cases with5 stenosis arteries segments, recanalization rate is 95% after taking transLuminal angioplasty or stents, clinical amelioration rate is 100%.
其中4例5处动脉狭窄段采用球囊扩张或置入支架后狭窄段的血管腔平均复通率95%,临床表现好转率100%。 cnki

It is an effective approach to treat oviductal obstruction by intubation and Recanalization were performed by means of laparoscopy combined with hysteroscopy.
结论应用宫腹腔镜联合行输卵管插管疏通术是治疗输卵管阻塞性不孕症的一种有效方法。 cnki

Objective To evaluation whether the left ventricular wall motion can be improved of recanalization of occluded LAD in old anterior myocardial infarction.
目的探讨介入干预能否使陈旧性广泛前壁梗死病人已梗死部分的室壁运动得到明显改善。 cnki

Objective To evaluate the effect of selective salpingography and fallopian tube recanalization FTR in diagnosis and treatment of fallopian tube obstruction.
目的探讨选择性输卵管造影和输卵管再通术 FTR诊治输卵管闭锁的效果。 cnki

Objective To explore the treatment effect on fallopian tube obstruction using selective salpingography SSG and interventional Fallopian Tube Recanalization FTR.
目的探讨选择性输卵管造影 SSG和介入输卵管再通术 FTR对输卵管阻塞的治疗效果。 dictall

Objective To study the clinic effect of interventional tube recanalization in treating infertility with fallopian tubal obstruction and the applied value of lipiodol for the procedure .
目的探讨介入性输卵管再通术在治疗输卵管阻塞性不孕症的临床效果及碘化油的应用价值。 cnki

Objective To study the effect of recanalization time on tissue reperfusion, discuss the cause of reperfusion disturbance and evaluate the significance of early thrombolysis.
目的比较溶栓再通的早晚对组织再灌注的影响,探讨组织再灌注障碍的原因及评价早期溶栓的意义。 cnki

Objective: To investigate the role of blood serum protein of creatine kinase isoenzyme MB CK- MB in the diagnosis of coronary artery recanalizationCAR in acute myocardial infarction AMI.
目的:探讨血清肌酸激酶同工酶 CK鄄MB蛋白的变化对急性心肌梗死 AMI冠状动脉冠脉再通诊断的价值。 cnki

Objective: To investigation the complications of interventional fallopian tube recanalizationFTR.
目的:探讨介入性输卵管再通术的并发症。 dictall

Purpose:To investigate the safe and effective method in the recanalization of fallopian tubal obstruction.
目的:探讨安全而有效的输卵管再通的治疗方法。 cnki

Purpose:To observe the effect of selective salpingography SSG and interventional therapy for fallopian tube obstruction recanalization FTR.
目的:探讨选择性输卵管造影术 SSG的诊断及输卵管阻塞介入再通术 FTR的治疗效果。 cnki

Results The rate of effective, excellence, recanalization were 90.2% and 60.4% and 72.9% respectively. The neurological deficit scale score was significantly lower than before P<0.01.
结果溶栓有效率为90.2%,显效率为60.4%,血管再通率为72.9%,治疗后神经功能缺损评分较前显著降低 P0.01。 cnki

Results MRI and MRV could directly show vascular occlusion of venous sinus and thrombosis, and display the recanalization after therapy.
结果磁共振和磁共振静脉血管成像能直接显示静脉窦血管闭塞及血栓栓子及治疗后的血管再通状况; cnki

They were all treated by combined interventional techniques, such as recanalization, local thrombolysis via catheter, percutaneous transluminal angioplasty PTA, and implantation of stent.
分别行闭塞段开通、经导管局部溶栓、血管腔内成形术 PTA和内支架置入等多种介入方法综合治疗。 cnki

To explore the changes of cerebral blood flow, collateral compensative capacity and the artery recanalization in patients with acute middle cerebral artery MCA stem occlusion.
目的探讨急性大脑中动脉 MCA主干闭塞患者的脑血流变化、侧支循环代偿能力和血管再通情况。 cnki

Recanalization of internal carotid artery dissection by stent- assisted angioplasty has recently been proposed when anticoagulation fails to prevent a new ischemic event.
当抗凝治疗预防新发缺血事件失败,依靠支架辅助血管成形术的颈内动脉再通最近被提倡。 dxy




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