

单词 rebutting
释义 rebutting 英rɪ'bʌtɪŋ美rɪ'bʌtɪŋ COCA⁷⁴⁸⁵⁵BNC⁷⁵²²³
n.辩揭露原型rebut的现在分词 Defending itself against attack by the Treasury, S&P later issued a statement flatly rebutting the criticism, saying it “ had no impact on the rating decision”.
作为对财政部抨击的回应,标准普尔随后发布一份措辞平平的声明反击其批评称,“对评级决定没有影响”。 yeeyan

Ms. Hu held firm in rebutting criticism of China's exchange rate, saying that greater communication between the U.S. and China is needed on the issue.
胡晓炼对批评中国汇率制度的声音予以坚决反驳,指出中美两国间有必要就这一问题进行更多交流。 www.voa365.com

Tomorrow, Liam Byrne, immigration minister, will issue a separate report rebutting the recent claim by a parliamentary committee that immigration was not positive for the economy.
移民大臣利亚姆•伯恩 Liam Byrne今日将发布一份独立报告,驳斥英国国会的一个委员会近期提出的有关移民对经济没有好处的说法。 zhongsou

But instead of rebutting me with scientific- sounding arguments, show me the peer-reviewed studies.
但是请让我看同行评议的研究,而不是用听起来科学的论据反驳我。 yeeyan

China did not succeed in rebutting that presumption.
中国未能成功反驳该假定。 suxuewang.com

During the debate, both campaigns issued statements rebutting their opponent's arguments.
在辩论中,双方竞选团队都发表声明中指责对手的论点。 kekenet

However, many British researchers dismissed Lord May's pronouncements, and the British journal Chemistry and Industry in particular printed an article rebutting his arguments.
然而,许多英国研究者无视 May阁下的声明,英国《化学与工业》杂志更是刊文反驳了他的言论。 yeeyan

To hear incorrect views without rebutting them and even to hear counter-revolutionary remarks without reporting them, but instead to take them calmly as if nothing had happened.
听了不正确的议论也不争辩,甚至听了反革命分子的话也不报告,泰然处之,行若无事。 www.1stenglish.com




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