

单词 rebel army
释义 rebel army ˈrebəlˈɑ:mi 短语³³⁴⁶⁴
As I look from the“ Heights” Bolivar near Harper's Ferry, I can see the rebel army, and a battle is expected in a few days.
我从高地玻利瓦尔 Harper' s Ferry镇附近举目望时,叛军就在眼前,几天之内必有一战。 yeeyan

During that rebellion, the rebel army occupied the capital.
在那次叛乱中,叛军占领了首都。 hengqian

I was ready to admit that I had made up most of what I had told my students— the late nights at the port, the story of an invading rebel army storming across the desert.
我已经准备好承认我讲给学生的绝大多数东西都是编造的——海港的深夜,还有入侵的叛军横扫沙漠等等。 yeeyan

In 1352 when the rebel army captured Haozhou currently Fengyang in Anhui Province, Zhu Yuanzhang, a local young man from a peasant family joined the army.
1352年,当义军占领濠州即今天的安徽省凤阳,当地一个农民家庭的儿子,朱元璋参加义军。 chinese

Mr Kagame’s rebel army swept through Rwanda from Uganda in 1994 to halt the genocide in which Hutu death squads slaughtered around800,000 Tutsis and moderate Hutus.
1994年,卡加梅总统的叛军从乌干达席卷卢旺达以阻止大屠杀的进行;在这场屠杀中,胡图敢死队屠杀了大约总共八十万人的图西族人与中立派的胡图族人。 ecocn

The result was tragedy. Thousands of idealistic young Latin Americans, and many more innocent bystanders, were slaughtered in failed attempts to mimic Mr Castro’s Rebel Army.
结果就上演了悲剧性的一幕:成千上万拉丁美洲的空想主义青年与更多无辜的旁观者惨遭杀害,原因是他们试图走卡斯特罗叛军的道路发起革命,但以失败告终。 ecocn

The former rebel army, now calling themselves the Republican Forces, swept down from their base in the north, arriving in Abidjan on March31st after meeting little resistance on the way.
因此,以前的叛军摇身一变,如今自诩为共和部队,从北部的基地席卷而下,在3月31日抵达阿比让,途中所受阻挠甚微。 ecocn

The rebel army improved with advice from British, French and Italian special forces and arms from France and Qatar.
在英、法、意特种部队和法国以及卡塔尔军队的建议下,反政府军逐步完善。 yeeyan

There were unconfirmed reports that the rebel army was advancing upon the town.
据未经证实的报告说,叛军正向市区推进。 iciba

They live in the regions of Pader and Kitgum where a rebel army has plundered and raided for decades.
他们住在帕德和奇刚地区,几十年来惨遭叛军的劫掠与突袭。 blog.sina.com.cn




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