

单词 rebars
释义 rebarsCOCA¹⁹⁸¹⁹⁵
Both the measured results of the cyclic stress- strain curves of three kinds of rebars and their estimated intervals of fatigue limit are listed in the paper.
列出了三种钢筋循环应力应变曲线的实测结果和疲劳极限的估值区间。 cnki

The place for rebar pile-up shall be flat. Rebars must be moved gently with fastening buckles added to rebar cross-over points.
钢筋堆放场地要平整,搬运过程要轻拿轻放,增加绑扣的钢筋交点。 fbw

The surface form of deformed GFRP rebars is the main factor affecting the bond behavior between GFRP rebars and concrete.
GFRP变形筋的外形是影响 GFRP筋与混凝土粘结性能的重要因素。 dictall

The variables studied in this program included effects of corrosion degree of the rebars and level of axial load.
研究参量包括钢筋锈蚀程度、轴压比和加固材料的影响。 boshuo

V-N microalloyed technology is a cost- effective way for the development of high strength rebars in China.
微合金化为我国发展低成本高强度可焊接钢筋开辟了一条经济有效的途径。 cnki

Accelerated cooling process optimizes size distribution of V CN particles in VN rebars and get further low V content.
适当的轧后加速冷却工艺使 V CN析出粒子的粒度分布更加优化,可使钢中 V含量进一步降低。

Anchorage-bond properties of epoxy resin coated bar are weakened because of the change of surface in rebars.
由于表面状态改变,环氧涂层钢筋的粘结锚固性能受到削弱。 cnki

Based on the pull- out experiments, the curves of load- slippage are got, and the failure process of bond- anchorage of bonded rebars is analyzed.
通过植筋拉拔试验,作出植筋荷载——滑移曲线,分析了植筋粘结锚固的破坏过程。 boshuo

Bonding performance of FRP rebars with concrete and multi- factor influence.

Column rebars and cushion block work, install the steel inserts and wall binding rebar.
绑扎柱筋,垫保护层垫块,安放埋件、拉结筋。 dictall

FRP rebars, as one kind of high performance composite materials, are applicable to concrete structures in civil engineering.
纤维塑料筋是一种性能优越的高性能复合材料,适用于土木工程混凝土结构。 dictall

I can also say that we have a lot of sales to Asia, selling billets, rebars and wire rods to that region.
我也可以说,我们有很多亚洲的销售,该地区销售钢坯,螺纹钢和线材。 shhrui

In this paper, development and international technology development trends for the current plate steel, weathering steel, fire-resistant steel and steel rebars was analysis.
本文对目前建筑用钢中厚板、耐候钢、耐火钢以及钢筋品种的开发和国际上技术发展趋势进行了分析梳理。 chinamet

Introduce the regulations about rebars' standard and properties in practical application.
介绍了钢筋标准的有关规定及实际中的使用性能。 chemyq

Monitoring corrosion of rebars by compression sensitivity of CFRC.
利用 CFRC的压敏性监测混凝土中钢筋的锈蚀。 cnki

Premature failure of reinforced concrete structures are mostly caused by the corrosion of rebars embedded in the concrete.
钢筋混凝土结构的过早失效大多是由于其中的钢筋腐蚀所致。 fabiao

Research and production of lowcost VN microalloyed rebars with high strength have been reviewed.
介绍了低成本 VN微合金化高强度钢筋的研究开发及生产情况。

Stainless steel rebars, the sturdy rods that reinforce concrete in all kinds of construction, are now no longer made in America.
不锈钢钢筋,在各种建筑中加固混凝土的坚固的棒,现在也不再在美国生产。 yeeyan

The paper reviewed the research, production and application of V- N microalloyed high strength rebars in China.
本文介绍了我国 V- N微合金化高强度钢筋的研究开发和生产试制的情况。 cnki

The behaviors of structural materials such as concrete, rebars, and the bond between them; 3.
然后介绍混凝土、钢筋材料的物理力学性能以及粘结与锚固性能; www.gs.sjtu.edu.cn

This article depicted briefly about cold-swaged joining technique for rebars, equipment and test data.
本文简要叙述钢筋冷压连接的工艺、设备及冷压接头性能试验的结果。 cnki

This paper analyses the rust of rebars in the RC bridge under marine environment and puts forward corresponding technical countermeasures.
本文对海洋环境中混凝土桥的钢筋锈蚀原因进行了分析,并提出了相应的技术对策。 cnki

When vibrating with the vibrator beam, it should be avoided to touch forms, rebars and embedded parts.
用振动棒振捣时,应尽量避免碰撞模板、钢筋和预埋件等。 fbw

Working platform shall be built for concrete pouring. Workers and machines shall all stand on the platform, not allowed to tread the rebars.
混凝土浇筑时搭设操作平台,施工人员及机具放在平台上,不得踩踏钢筋。 fbw




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