

单词 reasonably good
释义 reasonably good短语⁵⁷⁰⁴⁷
Rebecca Gale, who led the team of dancers from Miss Kitka's House of Burlesque, said the performance was in reasonably good taste and she didn't understand what the fuss was about.
参加演出的是凯特卡小姐滑稽房子舞蹈队,该队领队翠贝卡·吉尔表示,她们的表演没有不妥的地方,她不明白观众有什麽可大惊小怪的。 cri

Fiscal inflation is due to excess government spending, for which the budget deficit is a reasonably good proxy.
财政通货膨胀是因为政府过度的支出所导致的,其根本原因在于财政的赤字. yeeyan

In those parts with plentiful rainfall and rich soil— wet Africa—the prognosis is reasonably good.
在有大量降雨和肥沃土地的地区湿润的非洲,前景是很不错的。 ecocn

So GDP is growing at reasonably good rates, although it is not booming.
所以,尽管还未到景气的程度, GDP的增长还是维持在一个不错的水准之上。 yeeyan

The only one who was reasonably good- looking.
那是惟一一个长得好看的被告。 yeeyan




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