释义 |
rea·son 英ˈriːzən美ˈrizənAHDrēʹzən 基本双解英英易错辨析词源搭配短语记法近义反义句型派生词用法例句Thesaurus n.原因⁵³;理由³¹;理智⁴;理性⁵v.理论¹;论证;推理⁵;劝说¹ 事物原因因果婉言拒绝
n.名词 C理由,原因the cause of an event or situation; a fact, event, or statement that provides an explanation or excuse for sth U理性,理智the ability to think, understand, and form opinions or judgments that are based on facts v.动词 vi. & vt. 推理; 思考make use of one's reason; exercise the power of thought vi. & vt. 争辩say by way of argument Noun: a rational motive for a belief or action;the reason that war was declared the grounds for their declaration an explanation of the cause of some phenomenon;the reason a steady state was never reached was that the back pressure built up too slowly the capacity for rational thought or inference or discrimination;we are told that man is endowed with reason and capable of distinguishing good from evil the state of having good sense and sound judgment;his rationality may have been impaired he had to rely less on reason than on rousing their emotions a justification for something existing or happening;he had no cause to complain they had good reason to rejoice a fact that logically justifies some premise or conclusion;there is reason to believe he is lying Verb: decide by reasoning; draw or come to a conclusion;We reasoned that it was cheaper to rent than to buy a house present reasons and argumentsthink logically;The children must learn to reason n.名词 他迟到的原因是因为下雨了。❌ The reason why he was late was because it rained. ✔️ The reason why he was late was that it rained. 他迟到的原因是因为他没有搭上火车。❌ The reason for his lateness is because he missed the train. ✔️ The reason for his lateness is that he missed the train. 析 “…的原因是因为…”,英文的正确表达是the reason… is that…,这里需要用that引导表语从句,而不能用because引导从句,以免意思重复。 生病是她缺席的原因。❌ Sickness is the reason of her absence. ✔️ Sickness is the reason for her absence. 析 “…的原因”是reason for v -ing sth,其中的for不能用of代替。 他总是为迟到找理由。❌ He always tried to make reasons for being late. ✔️ He always tried to make excuses for being late. 析 如果所提的理由被认为不是真实的,或不能使人满意,通常用excuse而不用reason。 n.名词 reason, cause, excuse, grounds这组词都有“理由,原因”的意思。其区别在于:cause指造成一种事实或现象的比较直接的“原因,根源,起因”,它表示的原因是指导致某种结果的客观条件、情况、事件、力量等; reason强调“推理”,指对于某个情况或看法从逻辑推理上引出结论的“理由”; excuse指为了避免责任而设法辩解过错或设法使之显得轻微,指找出的“理由,原因”或“借口”; grounds指一种有根据的“理由”,有时可译作“原因”。例如: Give your reason for changing the plan.把你改变计划的理由讲一下。 He is always late, and always has an excuse.他总是迟到,而且总有借口。 I have not much grounds for believing the information.我没有充分的依据去相信这个消息。下面两个句子的意思相同:There is every reason why you should be displeased. There is every reason for your being dis- pleased.你完全有理由不高兴。下面两个句子的意思不同:He did it in reason.他做这事在理。 He did it with reason.他做这事有理。 v.动词 reason with, with reason这两个短语的用法和意思不同:reason with是动词+介词型短语,后接“人”,意思是“同…争辩”; with reason是介词+名词型短语,表示“合理,有理由”,在句中作状语。 argue,quarrel,debate,dispute,discuss,reason这些动词均含“辩论,争论,说理”之意。 argue指提出理由或证据为自己或自己一方的看法或立场辩护,着重说理、论证和企图说服。 quarrel指两人之间或两个团体之间不友好的、吵吵嚷嚷地大声争论某事,尤指“吵嘴、吵架”。 debate侧重指意见等对立的双方之间正式或公开的争辩。 dispute侧重对分歧进行激烈或热烈的争论或争辩,带一定感情色彩,常隐含“各持已见”或“争论不休”意味。 discuss最常用词,指就某一或某些问题表明观点、看法等,以便统一认识,解决问题。 reason指据理力争以说服对方或求得对问题作更深入的研究。 cause,reason,excuse这些名词均有“原因”之意。 cause指直接导致事情发生的原因,与所发生的事有因果关系。 reason强调指从逻辑推理上得出的结论性原因,不是直接说明起因。 excuse指为自己辩解,希望得到谅解时所提出的种种理由,是借口性的理由。 think,deliberate,meditate,muse,reason,reflect,speculate这些动词均有“思考、判断、思索”之意。 think一般用词,指开动脑筋形成看法或得出结论的脑力活动。不着重结论是否正确,见解是否有用。 deliberate指缓慢、按部就班地作仔细而认真的思考或判断。 meditate语气较强,指认真地长时间集中精力进行思考。 muse通常指漫无目的地猜想。 reason指根据资料、证据或事实进行推断,作出结论或判断的逻辑思维活动。 reflect指回想或回顾,侧重认真而冷静地反复地思考某个问题,尤指对已发生事情的思索。 speculate指推论过程,隐含在证据不足的基础上作出推测或设想。 来自古法语,源自拉丁语,和单词ratio比率同源,在法语中发生了音变,导致拼写发生较大变化。 用作名词 n. 动词+~analyze reasons分析原因assign reasons指出理由bear reason听从道理,服理bring to reason恢复理智cite a reason引证理由cook up reasons编造理由explain a reason说明理由give a reason说明原因have a reason有理由hear reason听从道理list five reasons提到五点理由listen to reason听从道理lose sb's reason失去理智mention five reasons列举五点理由see reason看出理由,明白原因stand to reason合乎情理state a reason阐述理由use one's reason用理智形容词+~above reason上述理由abundant reason充分的理由apparent reason明显的理由convincing reason令人信服的理由every reason充足的理由false reason虚假的理由good reason充足的理由logical reason逻辑推理necessary reason必要的理由obvious reason明显的理由personal reason个人理由political reasons政治原因real reason真正的原因sound reason充分的理由,有根据的原因strong reason强有力的原因sufficient reason充分的理由the best reasons最充分的理由the following reasons下述理由understandable reasons可以理解的原因urgent reason紧迫的原因various reasons种种原因介词+~against reason背理by reason of由于…的原因,因为,为了by reason of good planning因为安排得好for a reason由于…原因for no other reason than that只是因为…for some reason由于某些原因for what reason为什么in reason合理,有道理,正当with reason合乎情理without reason不合乎情理~+介词reason against反对…的理由reason behind…真正的理由reason for…的原因,赞成…的理由reason for changing the plan改变计划的理由用作动词 v.~+名词reason point讨论这一点~+副词reason deviously不正当推理reason ineffectually无效推理reason intelligently明智地推断reason soundly正确地推论,合理地思考reason away sb's nervousness通过推理分析除去紧张不安感reason a person down说服某人reason out a conclusion推出一结论reason things out讲道理~+副词+介词reason out of说服…不要做…reason sb out of going away说服某人不要走reason out of sb's anxiety劝某人不要担心reason sb out of the prejudice说服某人消除偏见~+介词reason about a subject就一个题目作推论reason against反驳,进行反对…的辩论reason by syllogisms用三段论法推论reason for为维护…而辩论reason from the cause to the effect从原因推论到结果reason from experience根据经验推断reason sb into说服某人做…reason sb into accepting the suggestion说服某人接受建议reason sb into consent说得某人表示同意reason sb into going away说服某人离开reason on subject研究课题reason with同某人争辩reason with a person同某人讲道理 用作名词n.beyond all reason不合理的,不理智的 not reasonable; not acceptable for reason由于…的原因 due to sth lose reason失去理智,发狂,发疯 drive sb mad reason for某事的理由 the cause of an event or situation see reason明白道理 understand reason within reason合乎情理 within reasonable limits 用作动词v. reason against v.+prep.
通过说理来反对…; 据理反驳… oppose sth, usually by thoughtful argument reason against sthThe lawyer reasoned against any changes being made in the law.那位律师摆出道理,反对对法律的任何修改。 reason from v.+prep.
根据…作出判断 make a judgment based on sth such as an idea reason from sthThe employer reasoned from his opinion of the workers and decided to increase their pay.雇主根据其对工人的评价来决定提高他们的工资。reason from sth that-clauseI reasoned from his silence that he was unhappy.我从他的沉默中判断他不高兴。 reason into v.+prep.
以理劝说使之相信或使之做某事 persuade sb by thoughtful argument to believe sth or start doing sth reason sb/oneself into sth/v-ingSee if you can reason the members into agreement with each other.看看你是否能劝会员们取得一致的意见。 You can easily reason yourself into even greater fear if you always think about the worst possibilities.如果你总是考虑最坏的可能性,你就会使你自己更加害怕。 Let me try to reason him into joining us.让我想办法说服他加入到我们当中来。 After some hours of discussion I managed to reason him into adopting a more conciliatory attitude.经过几个小时讨论以后,我终于说服他采取比较和解的态度。 This is something he can be reasoned into, given time.如果有时间,这件事是可以劝他接受的。 No one can be reasoned into accepting an idea that his feelings oppose.无法说服任何人去接受自己感情上接受不了的观点。 reason out v.+adv.
通过推理得出结论 find an answer to sth by thinking of all possible arguments reason sth ⇔ outThe solution is there if you care to reason it out.只要你愿意把它琢磨透,解决问题的办法就不难找到。 He reasoned the problem out and came to a conclusion.他推想问题并得出结论。reason out that/wh-clauseThe workers have reasoned out that the real power is in their own hands.工人们通过推理懂得真正的权力是在他们自己手中。 We would not reason out where we were, because of the mist.因为天有雾,我们当时不能推断出我们所在的位置。 reason out of v.+adv.+prep.
以理说服,使其放弃 persuade sb against sth or doing sth by thoughtful argument reason sb out of sth/v-ingHow can you reason her out of fears that she has had all her life?你怎样才能劝说她消除她一生中的恐惧呢? Can't you reason the boy out of such stupid behaviour?你难道不能说服这孩子别做这种蠢事吗? Try to reason him out of that idea.试一试劝他放弃那种念头。 It is you who can reason him out of his prejudice.只有你才能劝他消除偏见。 Father must be reasoned out of driving home in such dangerous conditions.必须以理来说服父亲不要在如此危险的情况下开车回家。 reason with v.+prep.
跟…讲道理,以理规劝… try to persuade usually sb, by fair argument reason with sbYou should reason with the child instead of just telling him to obey.你应该同孩子讲清道理,不要只叫他听话。 The teacher tried to reason with the boy but he refused to listen; children like that can often not be reasoned with.老师想用道理来规劝这孩子,但是他不听,像他那样的孩子常常是不可理喻的。 There's no reasoning with that woman.那个女人简直不可理喻。 There was no use reasoning with him.跟他讲道理毫无效果。 Reasoning with him was useless.与他讲道理没有用。 I reasoned with her for hours about the danger, but she would not change her mind.我跟她争辩了几个小时,想让她认识到危险性,但她就是不听。钱博士re计算,理性思考+ason=ation,动名词后缀→理性思考的行为和结果→理性,理由→转作动词推理,讲道理⇒辩论,说服 词源解释来自古法语,源自拉丁语,和单词ratio比率同源,在法语中发生了音变,导致拼写发生较大变化。re计算,理性思考+ason=ation,动名词后缀→理性思考的行为和结果→理性,理由→转作动词推理,讲道理⇒辩论,说服。非常记忆re热〖拼音〗+a苹果〖编码〗+son儿子〖熟词〗⇒爱在热天吃苹果,儿子的理由是什么近义词 mindbraincauseproofinferthinkexcusegroundmotiveobjectsanityassumedebatededucegathern. aimpurposediscussdisputejustifyreflectsupposeargumentconcludejudgementobjectivecommonsenseexplanationintelligenceunderstandingv. argue反义词 passion激情 用作名词n.I can only guess the reason.我只能猜测原因。 We must inquire the reason.我们必须问这理由。 You should only stay away from school if you have a legitimate reason, such as illness.你必须有正当理由,如生病,才可以不上学。 She lost her reason in consequence of a violent emotion caused by a fire.她因失火而过分伤心,以致失去理智。 Only man has reason—animal does not.只有人才有理智,而动物没有。 His reason ruled his anger.他凭理智抑制了愤怒。 It is contrary to reason.这不合情理。~+to- vI have many reasons to think that he won't come.我有很多理由认为他不会来。 We have reason to believe that he was murdered.我们有理由相信他被谋杀了。 They have said the new product will be a success, and I see no reason to doubt it.他们说过新产品会成功的,我看没有理由表示怀疑。 We have good reason to believe that he is lying.我们有充分的理由相信他在说谎。 In view of her behaviour, you had every reason to be suspicious.考虑到她的行为,你有充分的理由表示怀疑。~+that-clauseThe reason I didn't tell you was that I wanted it to be a surprise.我没告诉你的原因是,我想让这件事使你感到意外的惊喜。 The reason that he doesn't come is that he is ill.他没有来的原因是他病了。~+wh-clauseThe reason why she didn't get the job was that her English was not very good.她没得到这个工作的原因是她的英语不是很好。 The reason why he is late is that his car didn't come.他迟到的原因是他的车子没来。 Is there any particular reason why you can't come?你有什么特殊的原因不能来?用作动词v. 用作不及物动词 S+~+AAn idiot can't reason.白痴不会分析问题。 She can reason very clearly.她能条理清楚地推理。 A man can reason but an animal can't.人能推理,而动物则不能。 Do you think some animals canreason?你认为某些动物会分析问题吗? His primary aim was to teach his students toreason.他的首要目的是教学生逻辑思维。 用作及物动词 S+~+that-clauseCopernicus reasoned that the earth revolved around the sun.哥白尼推论说地球围绕太阳转。 We reasoned that the terrorists would not negotiate unless we made some concessions.我们推断,除非我们作出某些让步,恐怖分子不会同意进行谈判的。 He reasoned that if we start at dawn, we could arrive before noon.他争辩着说如果我们黎明出发,中午之前一定能到达。Preasonableness合理性Preasoningn.推论推理论证Punreasonablyad.不合理地Preasonablyad.适度地相当地Punreasonn.无理性缺乏理性错乱Preasonablea.合理的明理的适当的Preasoneda.思路清晰的言之有据的Preasonlessa.无理性的不明道理的不合理的Punreasonablea.不合理的过度的不切实际的Punreasoninga.不用理智的不讲道理的无理智的
reason用于事情可指“理由,原因,道理,情理”,用于人可指“理智,理性,思维能力,推理能力”。 reason后常可接动词不定式或for引导的短语或从句作定语,引导从句的why在口语中常省略。 reason作主语时,可接that引导的从句作表语。 v.动词
reason的基本意思是根据事实作出判断或推理,强调连续的逻辑思考,以某个假设的前提、某个确定的数据或证据开始,作出推论。引申可指“争辩”。 reason既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,通常接that从句作宾语。 reason可接介词into表示“说服某人做某事”; 接out of表示“说服某人放弃某事”; 接out表示“推断出”; 接with表示“说服,规劝”。 名词84%,动词16% 用作名词That is thereasonwhy I don't like it.那就是我不喜欢它的原因。 He is able to explain thereasonbecause he was present at that time.他当时在场,所以他能解释原因。 We havereasonto believe that he was murdered.我们有理由相信他是被谋杀的。 We shall in no way letreasonbe defeated by impulse.我们决不能让冲动战胜理智。 His assessment of the situation is based on sheer emotion, notreason.他对形势的评估完全是感情用事,而不是建立在理性基础上的。用作动词Who canreasonwith you when you are so stubborn?你这么执拗的时候,谁能和你理论? Copernicusreasonedthat the earth revolved around the sun.哥白尼论证了地球绕着太阳转。 Hereasonedthat if we started at dawn, we would be there by noon.他推断,我们要是黎明出发,中午就能到。 Let us try toreasonhim into joining us.让我们来说服他和我们一起吧。noun.mental analysis 同义词 logic,reasoning,senseacumen,apprehension,argumentation,bounds,brain,brains,comprehension,deduction,dialectics,discernment,generalization,induction,inference,intellect,intellection,judgment,limits,lucidity,marbles,mentality,mind,moderation,propriety,ratiocination,rationalism,rationality,rationalization,reasonableness,saneness,sanity,senses,sensibleness,soundness,speculation,understanding,wisdom,witsound mind 反义词 body,disbelief,ignorance,misinterpretation,mistake,misunderstanding,physicality,stupidity,unsoundnessnoun.intention, aim 同义词 argument,basis,cause,consideration,goal,idea,impetus,incentive,motivation,motive,proof,purpose,rationaleantecedent,design,determinant,end,grounds,inducement,object,occasion,root,spring,target,warrant,wherefore,whyulterior motive,why and wherefore,whyfor 反义词 block,discouragement,hindrancenoun.explanation for an action 同义词 argument,case,excuse,idea,justification,proof,rationaleaccount,apologia,apology,cover,defense,exposition,ground,notion,rationalization,vindication,wherefore,whysong and dance,sour grapes,the whole idea,whatfor,why and wherefore,whyfor 反义词 charge,indictmentverb.mentally analyze 同义词 figure out,infer,speculateadduce,cerebrate,cogitate,conclude,contemplate,decide,deduce,deduct,deliberate,examine,gather,generalize,philosophize,ratiocinate,rationalize,reflect,resolve,solve,study,suppose,syllogize,thinkdraw conclusion,draw from,make out,think through,thresh out,work out 反义词 disbelieve,disregard,forget,ignore,neglect,question,wonderagree,go alongverb.argue, persuade 同义词 contend,debate,demonstrate,discourse,discuss,dispute,dissuade,establish,expostulate,justify,move,prove,remonstrate,urgebring around,point out,prevail upon,show error of ways,talk into,talk out of,win over 反义词 agree,be quiet,confuse,discourage,disprove,dissuade,give in,go along accountnoun basis or consideration for action cause,ground,grounds,interest,justification,motive,rationale,rationalization,regard,sake alibinoun defense against charges of wrongdoing;evidence of absence account,affirmation,airtight case,allegation,answer,assertion,assurance,avowal,case,cop-out,cover,declaration,excuse,explanation,fish story,justification,plea,pretext,profession,proof,reason,reply,retort,song and dance,stall,statement,vindication argueverb discuss, dispute agitate,canvass,clarify,debate,discuss,dispute,expostulate,hold,maintain,question,reason,remonstrate,talk about arguesverb discuss altercates,bandies,battles,bickers,breaks with,bucks,bumps heads,contends,crosses,crosses swords,disagrees,disputes,faces down,faces off,feuds,gangs up on,gets in one's face,goes one on one,hammers,hammers away,has at each other,has at it,hash over,hashes,hassles,jumps,jumps on,knocks around,locks horns,mixes it up,pettifos,picks an argument,puts up a fight,puts up a struggle,quarrels,quibbles,rehashes,rows,sasses,sets to,socks it to,squabbles,sticks it to,talks back,wrangles arguingverb discuss altercating,bandying,battling,bickering,breaking with,bucking,bumping heads,contending,crossing,crossing swords,disagreeing,disputing,facing down,facing off,feuding,ganging up on,getting in one's face,going one on one,hammering,hammering away,hash over,hashing,hassling,having at each other,having at it,jumping,jumping on,knocking around,locking horns,mixing it up,pettifoing,picking an argument,putting up a fight,putting up a struggle,quarrelling,quibbling,rehashing,rowing,sassing,setting to,socking it to,squabbling,sticking it to,talking back,wrangling argumentnoun effort to convince;presentation of support argumentation,assertion,case,claim,contention,debate,defense,discussion,exchange,expostulation,grounds,line of reasoning,logic,plea,pleading,polemic,proof,questioning,reason,reasoning,remonstrance,remonstration |