

单词 rear seat
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If you're looking to retain the rear seat passthrough functionality while rocking your Camaro with top-flight sub-bass, this is your subwoofer solution.
保留后座又想呈现一流的超低音的话,这款低音箱能完全满足你的要求。 xinheaudio

The bodyguards darling lifts9 and fills into the rear seat of Toyota car.
保镖们乖乖抬起九尾与金轮,塞进丰田车的后座。 blog.zol.com.cn

The dog's owner was getting into the rear seat of a four-wheel drive vehicle with the rifle next to him when the animal jumped in.
该男子当时正坐进一部四轮驱动车的后座上,结果宠物狗跳了进来,踩在他身边的枪上。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

As the fuel pump is located under the rear seat everything in the back had to be pulled out.
在后面由于燃油泵是根据位于后座一切都必须退出。 www.pcauto.com.cn

Consumer Reports rates it at55 highway miles per gallon and praises it for its firm, steady ride and roomy rear seat.
《消费者报告》评定其在公路上每加仑行驶55英里,称赞其结实、行驶稳定和后座空间宽敞。 yeeyan

He and other children from the neighborhood flocked around Odom's vehicle and took pictures with their cell phones as Odom waved from the rear seat.
他和其他孩子从附近围绕奥多姆的车辆络绎不绝,带着他们的手机图片,奥多姆从后座挥手。 lingdi

He has an inflatable mattress on the rear seat and ten pairs of clean underpants.
车后座上是他的充气床垫以及十件干净的内裤。 yeeyan

Once there, it is hard and brutish; a roll-cage occupies the rear seat.
一旦上路,它便展现出硬朗,粗旷的本性。它的轧辊轴承架占据了整个后座。 yeeyan

The aircraft has a tandem cockpit for two pilots, with the pupil in the front seat and the instructor in the rear seat.
飞机为两名驾驶员提供串列座舱,前座为学员和后座为教员。 globalmil

The extra distance between the wheels was put to use largely in the rear seat, where riders get an additional3.1 inches of legroom.
车轮之间的距离为额外投入使用的后座,在车手得到额外的3.1英寸的腿部空间较大。 www.xcar.com.cn

This takes Jordan and Syria for a ride, as they are in the rear seat and not where compression is occurring.
这送了约旦和叙利亚一程,因为他们正好在后座上,不会发生压缩。 blog.sina.com.cn

Two pilot seats are located in tandem in the cockpit, with the rear seat higher than the front seat to give better view.
二个飞行员座位在座舱内前后串列,后座比前座略高提供更多的视野。 globalmil

With modern experiments and signal analysis techniques, the sources of rear seat noise of a car are successfully identified.
介绍应用现代试验和分析技术对轿车车内后部低频噪声声源进行识别。 cnki




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