

单词 reared up
释义 reared up短语⁴³⁴⁹²
And he reared up an altar for Baal in the house of Baal, which he had built in Samaria.
在撒马利亚建造巴力的庙,在庙里为巴力筑坛。 examw

And he reared up the pillars before the temple, one on the right hand, and the other on the left;
将两根柱子立在殿前,一根在右边;一根在左边; mydict

In an instant it reared up upon its hind legs with a snort of rage, and pranced and tossed in a way that would have unseated any but a most skilful rider.
它立刻将前蹄腾跃而起,狂嘶不已;它颠簸摇摆得十分厉害,若不是头等起手,任何人都难免被摔下马来。 tingroom

The bear advanced clumsily a couple of steps, reared up, and gave vent to a tentative growl.
它笨拙地向前挪了两步,站直了,发出试探性的咆哮。 bab

“ The plane appeared to be making a normal approach to land when it suddenly reared up into the sky, ” he said.
“飞机好像准备正常着陆,突然又攀升到天空,”他说。 jukuu

A new problem has been reared up in production.
生产中出现了一个新问题。 hotdic

Late one afternoon, I was summoned to look at a horse that had reared up and flipped over in his trailer.
一个下午的晚些时候,我被召去看一匹马。那马在猛跳的时候碰到了身后的拖卡。 tesoon

The horse reared up in fear, throwing its horsewoman off.
马被吓得用后腿站立起来,把女骑手甩了下去。 iciba




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