

单词 reaps
释义 reap·s 英riːp美riːp COCA⁵⁸⁴⁶³BNC⁵⁸³⁶⁰Economist²²⁰⁹⁹⁺
vi. & vt. 收割; 收获

cut and gather

gather, as of natural products;

harvest the grapes

get or derive;

He drew great benefits from his membership in the association

reap, garner, gather, glean, harvest


1.reap常指收割谷物; glean专指收拾或拾起遗留在收割完毕的田里的庄稼或落穗; gather是常用词,指采集蔬菜、花草、水果等; garner是诗歌用语,指贮藏谷物等农产品; harvest则包括以上各词所指的任何一种意义。

2.reap引申指遭到报应或得到报偿; glean引申指搜集有价值的零星物品; gather引申指归拢人或物; garner引申指积累具体或抽象的事物。

用作动词 v.
~+名词reap the full benefits带来滚滚财富reap wheat收割小麦~+副词reap handsomely得到慷慨回报reap happily高兴地收割reap seasonally季节性收割reap vigorously强有力地收割
reap from v.+prep.

从…中得到…作为回报gain sth in return as the result of sth such as an activity

reap from sthI reap from the success of my efforts.我从自己努力的成功中获益。reap sth from sthWe reaped a fine crop of fruit from the bushes that we planted last year.我们从去年栽种的灌木丛中收获了许多水果。reap sth from sthWe have reaped an excellent profit from the efforts we have made over the years to improve the house.数年来我们为改善住宅所作出的努力使我们得到了极大的好处。
He reaped a reward from exertions.他的努力得到了报偿。近义词 win赢pick拾draw拖get得到gain获得earn赚得gather聚集obtain获得garner贮藏get in进入derive获取glean拾落穗acquire获得harvest收成collect收集procure获得realize实现secure安全的bring in介绍 带进 引入 赚取 …反义词 sow播种
S+~+AThe men were all out reaping.男人们在竭尽全力收割。
As a man sows, so he shall reap.种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。
S+~+ n./pron.The farmers were reaping the rice.农民们在收割稻子。
We shall reap the next field tomorrow.我们明天收割下一块地。
The time will come when we are reaping the full benefits of North Sea oil.北海的石油给我们带来滚滚财富的日子不远了。
You'll reap a reward if you do it well.你若把此事办好会得到报偿的。



用作及物动词The peasants arereapinga field of barley.农民们正在收割大麦。
He that soweth virtue shallreapfame.播下美德,收获名望。
If you plant pride, you willreapdestruction.如果你种下骄傲,你就会收获毁灭。
It is a season that peasantsreapthe corn from what they planted in spring.农民们春季播种玉米,现在是他们收获的季节。
Our firm is likely toreapa big profit this year.今年我们公司很可能获得巨额利润。
If you study hard and pass all your exams you willreapa rich harvest later in life.如果你努力学习并且通过所有的考试,你会在今后的生活中大有好处。用作不及物动词They that sow in tears shallreapin joy.流泪撒种的必欢呼收割。 He that sows virtue reaps fame.
播种美德者,收获名声。 blog.sina.com.cn

He who sows wickedness reaps trouble, and the rod of his fury will be destroyed.
撒罪孽的,必收灾祸;他逞怒的杖,也必废掉。 ebigear

The golden ears of corn fall and kiss her feet when she reaps them, as if they wished to be bound and led prisoners by the same hand that felled them.
她去收割谷物时,金黄的谷穗落下来吻她的双脚,似乎满心期望被这只割倒它们的手捆绑俘虏。 hotdic

The investor makes the investment decisions, reaps the profits and bears the risks.
谁投资,谁决策,谁收益,谁承担风险。 putclub

“ It is because so many people work free overtime that Toyota reaps profits,” she says.
“那是因为很多人义务加班,丰田才能获得利润。”她说。 ecocn

A good deed is never lost; he who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love.
做了好事永远不吃亏;播种谦虚才能收获友谊,不施善意如何得到爱情。 yeeyan

A man dies, and his heir reaps the benefits of his labours;
一个人死了,他的后裔来收获他劳作的果实; zftrans

Analysts say the near flawless organisation of the Games was a priceless17- day advertisement for the “ Made in China” brand, AFP reported in “' Made in China' brand reaps Olympic dividend”.
在一篇名为《中国制造品牌在奥运中获益》的文章中,法新称,有关专家表示,奥运会近乎完美的组织工作相当于是为“中国制造”品牌打出的17天广告。 i21st

As adults we have shown that talking reaps rewards.
作为成年人,我们演示了说话是如何获得回报。 yeeyan

China, of course, reaps short-term gains by committing the biggest theft in history.
当然,中国通过史上最大的盗窃行为获取了短期收益。 yeeyan

China reaps benefits of 'frugal' space program .

EARTHING is nice as it is cheap to do and simple and reaps big rewards in terms of musical accessibility.
接地是好的,因为它是便宜和简单的做和普及方面的音乐方面获得巨大的回报。 gd230

However, this is where using the correct XHTML element to provide semantic meaning to the content really reaps some rewards.
但是,如果使用正确的 XHTML元素为内容提供语义意义,就会获得其他一些好处。 ibm

Most importantly, Twitter is transforming the nature of news, the industry from which Mr. Packer reaps his paycheck.
最重要的是, Twitter改变了新闻的本质,改变了帕克先生谋生行业的本质。 yeeyan

Pursuit of illusion reaps disillusioned satisfaction.
追逐幻影,所得也是幻影的满足。 blog.sina.com.cn

Some readers asked whether society as a whole reaps benefits from conditional cash transfer programs.
也有一些读者询问社会能否从一个分割整体利益的计划中受益。 yeeyan

This one may be a bit more difficult to pull off, but it reaps a tremendous reward, if undertaken.
这实施起来可能要困难一些,但一旦完成,将会带来巨大的收益。 ibm

Will the rural poor get left behind as the urban middle class reaps the benefits of rapid economic growth?
当城市中产阶享受着经济快速增长带来的好处时,农村贫困人口是否会被落在后边? yeeyan

You start to feel like that foxy, flirtatious single girl you used to be the one your man found so irresistibly hot, and he reaps the benefits of your reawakened excitement.
你仿佛感觉到曾经那个性感,妩媚的单身女孩的自己。你男人感到无法抵挡住的热力,他则从你复燃的兴奋中得到好处。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn




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