

单词 availabilities
释义 availabilities ə,veɪlə'bɪlətɪ COCA¹⁵⁴³⁵⁹BNC¹²⁶⁴¹⁶⁺
n.可用性;有效性;实用性原型availability的复数 The availabilities of using regular passive turbulence simulation and instruments techniques for building- effects wind- tunnel experiments were studied by a practical wind-tunnel campaign.
由一个实例研究了利用常规风洞模拟装置和测试仪器进行大气污染建筑物影响风洞试验在技术上的可行性。 chemyq

The availabilities of Pb and Cd in rhizosphere of red soil would drop with adding phosphatic fertilizer.
增施磷肥红壤根际有效态铅、镉的活性降低。 cnki

Multiply the availabilities of all components together to get the overall availability, usually expressed as a percentage.
将所有组件的可用性相乘得到一个整体的表达式计算其百分比。 ibm

Please send me information regarding your school's housing options and its availabilities as soon as possible.
所以我现在要申请学校宿舍。请有关人士尽快把关于宿舍的资料寄给我。 applyesl

Simply enter the names and availabilities of your components in as many cells in the table as you need.
仅需在表中的每个单元格输入组件的名称和可用性就行了。 ibm

Students who want to participate to this dinner please give me also your availabilities.
你们下两个星期什么时候有空?请愿意参加的学生也告诉我。 blog.sina.com.cn

The advances in the study of the contents, distributions and availabilities as well confluence factors of soil Selenium were reviewed.
从土壤硒的含量、分布及其有效性的影响因素等方面,对国内外有关研究工作进行了综述。 cnki

The list comprises our present availabilities in the paper line.
该货单包括我方目前所能提供的各种纸品。 tdict

TME trial in broiler shown there was no difference of ME or crude protein amino acids availabilities between two meals P>0.05.
采用 TME法在肉仔鸡中的实验结果表明,两种豆粕的代谢能水平和粗蛋白氨基酸的利用率均无显著差异 P>0.05。 cnki

With the increase of the xylan contents in broiler diets, the true availabilities of nutrients except P decreased.
随着木聚糖含量的增加,除 P外饲粮养分真利用率降低。 cnki




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