

单词 avail
释义 a·vail 英əˈveɪl美əˈvelAHDə-vālʹ ★☆☆☆☆高六研I6八COCA²²⁷⁴⁶BNC¹⁷⁷⁰⁹iWeb¹²⁷¹⁵Economist¹⁹⁰⁵⁰⁺
vt. & vi. 有帮助; 有益; 有用

formal or old-fashionedto be helpful or useful to sb

U效用; 利益; 帮助

good result; advantage; use

a means of serving;

of no avail

there's no help for it

use to one's advantage;

He availed himself of the available resources

be of use to, be useful to;

It will avail them to dispose of their booty

take or use;

She helped herself to some of the office supplies

avail, benefit

这组词都有“对…有益; 受益”的意思。其区别是:

1.avail 带有陈腐或书卷味,除历史小说和布道等使用外,在其他文件中罕见,强调功效或效力。


avail, use, utilize


1.avail 指使用手边或就近的人或物,使有利于自己。



avail, use


1.avail 强调所获结果的效力或实际价值。















词根词缀: a-加强意义 + vail-val-价值
用作动词 v.
~+名词avail nothing毫无用处~+副词avail little几乎没有用处avail much很有用处avail quickly迅速利用~+介词avail against克服…而成功avail oneself of利用,使用avail upon欺骗,利用用作名词 n.形容词+~much avail大有用处介词+~be not of much avail没有多大用处without avail没有什么成果
avail against v.+prep.

〈正〉敌得住,在反击…中有效overcome sth and success

avail against sb/sthNothing could avail against the enemy attack.无法遏制敌人的进攻。
Courage could not avail against the enemy fire.骁勇不足以对抗敌军炮火。
It won't avail against the heavy odds we face.与我们对手的巨大优势相争是徒劳的。
His eagerness will not avail against the fitness and skill of his opponent.他求胜心切,但这并不能抵挡得住对手的健壮与技艺。
The medicine did not avail against the disease.这种药对这种病没有疗效。What can avail against the storm?用什么来抵挡风暴?avail oneself of

利用,运用make use of; take advantage of sth

用作名词n.of little〔no〕 avail

没有什么用处; 没有用(formalof little or no use)

to little〔no〕 avail

〈正〉没有什么效果; 不成功with little or no success

故事记忆为了做好 Retail零售电脑对我 Avail有帮助上网发封 E- Mail电子邮件遭到黑客 Assail猛烈袭击还击决不 Quail畏缩终把他们 Prevail战胜胜后喝杯 Cocktail鸡尾酒旅游外出 Sail航行钱博士a=ad-,去,趋近+vail有效,有价值→对…有效,有价值⇒有益于
非常记忆avAV〖编码〗+ail艾丽〖拼音〗⇒AV女郎艾丽为了利益什么都愿意做a=ad-,去,趋近+vail有效,有价值→对…有效,有价值⇒有益于。词根记忆a对,向+vail价值→对…有价值→有帮助,有益词根记忆a使+ail=使….强壮=利用力量发音记忆“啊-喂!”→叫人过来帮忙近义词 aim目标use使用gain获得help帮助sake理由worth价值value价值apply应用profit利润reward报答employ雇佣benefit利益purpose目的service服务utility效用exploit剥削advantage优势convenience便利befriend待 … 如友utilize利用或使用…assistance援助
S+~+AAll his efforts did not avail.他做的所有的这些努力都是没有用的。
Money does not avail on a desert island.金钱在荒岛上没有用处。
The speediest succour might avail to the preservation of his life.赶紧抢救也许能保住他的生命。
The murderer's entreaties for mercy availed to nothing.无人理会杀人犯的求饶。
Talk will avail little without work.光说不做没有什么用处。
S+~+ n./pron.Money will not avail you after you are dead.人一死,有钱也白搭。
Guests are encouraged to avail themselves of the full range of hotel facilities.旅馆鼓励旅客充分利用各种设施。
The old library is still being availed of.这座古老的图书馆仍在被利用着。
She was availed upon for gain.她被人用作捞钱的工具。
S+~+ pron./n. + n./pron.Our efforts availed us nothing.我们的努力归于无用。
S+~+ n./pron. + adv.All his efforts avail him little.他的一番努力不大起作用。
All our efforts to save the burning building availed us little.我们竭尽全力去把正在燃烧的建筑物的大火扑灭,这对于我们来说没有多大用处。
This proud tradition now avails them well in their present struggles.这一光荣传统在他们目前的斗争中起着很大作用。用作名词n.介词+~Of what avail is crying over spilt milk?牛奶已打翻,哭又有何用?
Of what avail is it to save him from his folly?你要阻止他干蠢事,又有什么用?
We tried everything to keep the little dog alive but to withoutavail.我们曾竭尽全力抢救这只小狗的生命,但徒劳无功。Pavailablyad.有效地Pbioavailability生物可利用率Punavailability无效性不可用性Pavailablea.可利用的可获得的有效的Punavailinga.无益的无用的无效的徒劳的Punavailablea.得不到的不能利用的无用的Pavailabilityn.有效性可利用性可利用的人


avail用作动词的基本意思是“有用,起作用”; 多用于书面语或正式场合。一般用于疑问句或否定句中。




用作动词Such a statement will notavail.这样的声明没有什么用。
It willavailthem to dispose of their booty.转让赃物对他们来说是有利的。
His subtlety could notavailhim here.他精明机智在这里无济于事了。
I'm afraid my help didn'tavailyou much.恐怕我的帮助对你用处不大。
His eloquence did notavailagainst the facts.他的雄辩在事实面前不起什么作用。用作名词He tried and tried but all his efforts were of noavail.他试了又试,但一切努力都不起作用。noun.use
同义词 account,advantage,applicability,appropriateness,fitness,service,usefulness
反义词 inappropriatenessverb.be of use;use
同义词 account,advantage,answer,benefit,fill,fulfill,meet,profit,satisfy,serve,suffice,workbe adequate
反义词 dissatisfy,fail,miss,take
accommodateverb perform service
accommodatesverb perform service
accords,accustoms,adapts,adjusts,agrees,attunes,bends over backwards,complies,composes,conforms,coordinates,corresponds,don't makes waves,don't rocks the boat,fits,goes by the book,goes with the flow,harmonizes,integrates,makes consistent,modifies,plays the game,proportions,reconciles,settles,shapes up,suits,tailor-makes,tailors,tunes
advantagenoun benefit, favored position or circumstance
aid,ascendancy,asset,assistance,authority,avail,blessing,boon,break,choice,comfort,convenience,dominance,edge,eminence,expediency,favor,gain,good,gratification,help,hold,improvement,influence,interest,lead,leeway,leg up,leverage,luck,mastery,odds,position,power,pre-eminence,precedence,preference,prestige,prevalence,profit,protection,recognition,resources,return,sanction,starting,superiority,support,supremacy,upper hand,utility,wealth
advantagesnoun benefit, favored position or circumstance
aids,ascendancy,assets,assistance,authorities,avail,blessings,boons,breaks,choices,comforts,conveniences,dominance,edges,eminences,expediencies,favors,gains,goods,gratifications,helps,holds,improvements,influences,interests,leads,leeway,leg-ups,leverage,luck,mastery,odds,positions,powers,pre-eminence,precedence,preferences,prestige,prevalence,profits,protections,recognitions,resources,returns,sanctions,startings,superiorities,supports,supremacy,upper hands,utilities,wealth
benefitnoun advantage, profit
account,aid,asset,assistance,avail,benediction,betterment,blessing,boon,cream,egg in one's beer,extras,favor,gain,godsend,good,gravy,help,interest,perk,profit,prosperity,use,welfare,worth
benefitverb help, enhance
advance,advantage,aid,ameliorate,assist,avail,be good for,better,build,contribute to,do for one,do the trick,favor,fill the bill,further,improve,make a killing,make it,pay,pay off,profit,promote,relieve,serve,succor,work for Both of them have searched for jobs for months, to no avail.
对于工作,这对夫妇已经寻觅了数月之久,但是依然没有收获。 ecocn

Desperate to find work as the economy tipped into chaos, Ms Babikan scoured job ads to no avail.
在当下经济不景气之时很难再找到一份新工作,她寻遍了招聘广告业无济于事。 ecocn

The irony is most people do not avail themselves of this highly effective, ' secret' strategy to achieve their desires.
具有讽刺意味的是人们并不去利用这一有效的“秘密策略”来达成他们的渴望。 yeeyan

To avail these facilities from outside is often too expensive.
从“工寮”外面得到这些设施一般是极为昂贵的。 yeeyan

We now avail ourselves of this opportunity to write to you with a view to entering into business relations with you.
现在我们借此机会致函贵公司,希望和贵公司建立业务关系。 putclub

A series of ads shown before cinema screenings portrays people who speak in the theatre as bumpkins and buffoons— so far to little avail.
电影放映前播放的一系列广告将在电影院交谈的人描绘成土包子及小丑——到目前为止成效不大。 ecocn

All his efforts did not avail.
他做的所有的这些努力都是没有用的。 hxen

Banking consolidation has long been talked about in the Gulf—to little avail.
银行业的整合可能无济于事的问题已经在海湾地区讨论了很久。 ecocn

He said he offered thousands of yuan to gain her admission, to no avail.
他说他为了女儿的转学已经花了几千块钱,然而都无济于事。 ecocn

Her powers of persuasion were to no avail.
她的说服力没有起到作用。 hjenglish

Here I am seemingly endlessly reading profiles, giving compliments and throwing out the line, “I’m looking for friends and hopefully a partner” all to no avail.
我在这里似乎没完没了地看着别人的个人档案,给予问候和放下钓线:“我在寻找朋友,最好是一个伴侣。”不过这都没有效果。 yeeyan

I am afraid my eloquence did not avail against the facts.

I would avail myself this opportunity to extent my warm welcome to you all.
愿借此机会向各位来宾表示热烈的欢迎。 putclub

I have not had any intimate relations with my wife for more than five years. We have discussed it, but to no avail.
我已经五年多没有和我老婆亲热过了,对此我们也讨论过,却一直没有什么成效。 yeeyan

I pleaded, but to no avail.
我苦苦哀求,但无济于事。 ecocn

I take pride in your achievements and would like to avail myself of this opportunity to extend my best wishes for your success.
对你取得的成就我深感自豪,我愿借此机会对你的成功表示由衷的祝贺。 hjenglish

I'd like to avail myself of this opportunity to extend my gratitude to all of you present here for your long-term care and support for China- France relations.
借此机会,我要对在座各位长期以来关心支持中法关系表示感谢。 putclub

My attacker rushed me again. He rammed me in the chest with his head and body, striking me over and over again with all his might, still to no avail.
我的袭击者又冲向了我,用他的脑袋和身体撞击我的胸膛,一次又一次,竭尽全力却无济于事。 ebigear

Over the last year, Alibaba has sought to buy back Yahoo’s stakes in it, but to no avail.
过去的一年里,阿里巴巴一直寻求回购被雅虎持有的股份,但无济于事。 yeeyan

We try to help, giving our time and soul, but it’s to no avail.
我们试图付出时间和灵魂来帮助,但一切都无济于事。 yeeyan

We'd like to avail ourselves of this opportunity to assure you of our prompt and careful attention in handling your future orders.

Yet the double- talkers are powerful IMF shareholders, so the institution protests meekly and to no avail.
然而,讲空话的人都是强大的 IMF股东,因此 IMF进行了无力的抗议,但无济于事。0t_0.com




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