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词汇 realpolitik
释义 re·al·po·li·tik 英reɪˈɑːlˌpəʊlɪˌtiːk美reˈɑlˌpolɪˌtikAHDrā-älʹpō'lĭ-tēk'

politics based on practical rather than moral or ideological considerations来自德语 Realpolitik,即 real politics,真实的政治,由实力决定的政治。近义词 practical politics切实可行的政纲…

用作名词Europe has become the arena ofrealpolitik, the politics of reality.欧洲正被权力政治所笼罩,这是现实的政治。
This can be read asrealpolitik, but it would also have been a good investment strategy this year.这可以解读为现实政治的做法,但它也是今年一个良好的投资策略。as in.political science
同义词 civicsart of the possible,governance,government,poli-sci,political theory,politics,statesmanship
political sciencenoun political philosophy
art of the possible,civics,governance,government,poli-sci,political theory,politics,statesmanship At the same time, realpolitik can bite back, and China is learning some hard lessons about the way the world works, and how a unidimensional approach to OFDI may not be in its own best interests.
与此同时,强权政治也会反咬一口,中国正在艰难地了解这个世界的运行方式以及单一维度译者注:原文为 unimensional的对外直接投资方式或许无法使其利益最大化。 yeeyan

Hard- headed students of realpolitik like to think that only they see the world as it truly is, and that those who pursue human rights and democracy have their heads in the clouds.
现实政治中头脑冷静的学生们近乎认为他们看到的就是真实的世界以及那些心不在焉地追求人权和民主的人们。 ecocn

On the other hand, if the West always puts narrow realpolitik before its values, then its values will be tainted in the eyes of the world.
另一方面,如果西方始终将狭隘的实用政治摆在其价值观之前,那么这些价值在世界各国看来就不再完好无损了。 ecocn

The idealistic Mr Obama has brought a different lexicon to foreign policy: realpolitik is in, talk of common values is out.
理想化的奥巴马则为外交带来了全然不同的解释:真实的政治得到发扬,关于共同利益的言论被摈弃。 ecocn

The main players have their say and viewers get a good idea of how those involved come to make complex decisions about foreign policy and realpolitik and then undo the damage they cause.
节目主角们会发表看法,观众可以从中很好的知道这些关联者为什么会做出复杂的外交政策以及实际政治决定,之后又为何决定消除他们造成的破坏。 ecocn

The president and Mr. Kissinger rejected that approach, which was rooted in human rights concepts not suited to their power politics, or realpolitik.
尼克松总统和基辛格拒绝了这个基于人权观念的要求,因为这种观念不适合强权政治,或者说不适合实用政治。 yeeyan

This realpolitik world would be stable: The specter of mutual assured destruction would compel cooperation among powers of relatively similar economic size.
强权政治的世界将趋向稳定:伺机相互打击的幽灵将会推动经济总量大小近似的国家间的合作。 yeeyan

As with the Putin episode, Bush is shown to rely heavily on personal chemistry and the power of faith rather than reason and realpolitik.
正如普京总统那些轶事,布什体现的是对人际关系与信念力量的强烈依赖,而不是依赖于理性与现实政治。 anetcity

Besides, as he used to insist while practicing realpolitik in Washington, the cause of peace is also a moral pursuit.
此外,正如他在华盛顿实施权力政治所坚持的那样,和平事业也是一种道德追求。 yeeyan

Clinton's disengagement from foreign affairs was an exercise in self-discipline and realpolitik.
克林顿的脱离外交事务是一次演习在自律和权力。 yeeyan

Europe’s leaders are now trying to disown their years of realpolitik, and instead make the cry of the Arab street their own.
如今欧洲的领导人意欲否认自己这些年的现实政治,并且摆出一副谴责阿拉伯世界的姿态。 ecocn

From there she rose to global realpolitik, chairing Hertfordshire Health Authority, not to mention the board of governors of her children’s school.
此外,在踏入全球政坛之前,她不仅出任过哈特福德郡卫生局主席,还在子女的学校中担任校董这一要职。 yeeyan

Here practicality— some would say realpolitik— comes into play, sometimes frustratingly.
在这里,实用性--有些人会说现实政治--开始运行,有时会令人沮丧。 yeeyan

In fact, the two countries have been edging closer for years—for reasons of pure realpolitik.
事实上,多年来两国已经越走越近——纯粹是因为强权政治。 ecocn

In any case realpolitik points towards some political engagement with Russia, however distasteful its government may be.
尽管俄罗斯政府不招人喜欢,但不可否认的是,实力决定了其在政治地位。 ecocn

In a terrible exercise of cold-war realpolitik, American agents supported the Khmer Rouge in exile as a means of resisting the regime installed by Vietnam.
作为冷战政策的一项恐怖实施,美国的代表支持了红色高棉的流放作为反抗越南建立的政权的一种手段。 yeeyan

Ironically, his digital brand of realpolitik may ultimately be the most effective strategy for making the world a more democratic place.
讽刺的是,他的数字品牌的现实主义也许最终会成为使整个世界更加民主的最有效的战略。 yeeyan

Israel, for historical, emotional and realpolitik considerations, has been one of Washington's closest allies with great support of both aisles of the political divide.
从历史,情感和政治方面来说,以色列一直都是华盛顿在政治分歧两方中全力支持且关系最密切的盟友之一。 yeeyan

Nation states live in a rougher world of realpolitik.
成员国则在更加艰难的现实政治世界中生存。 ecocn

That passage is often taken to be, the beginning of chapter15, the essence of Machiavelli and realism, a kind of Realpolitik, as it were.

This just meant that no one in his government was happy when the president decided to apply classic French realpolitik in the case of Libya.
这只是意味着,总统决定运用法国强权对待利比亚时,政府之间便没有值得开心的事了。 yeeyan

To paraphrase Thucydides, the realpolitik of zombies is that the strong will do what they can and the weak must suffer devouring by reanimated, ravenous corpses.
套用修昔底德的话来说就是,活僵尸的权力政治是:强者将会作他们所能做的,而弱者只能忍受复活了的、贪婪的僵尸们的折磨。 iciba




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