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词汇 realms
释义 realms relmz COCA¹⁷³²³BNC¹⁵⁶⁴⁷Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺
n.领域realm的复数原型realm的复数 A technological or social development that affects so many disparate realms in such profound ways is the classic definition of a“ critical” driver.
对“关键驱动力”的一个经典的定义就是技术或者社会的进步将以如此深刻的方式影响许多不同的领域。 yeeyan

The key factor separating geniuses from the merely accomplished is not a divine spark. It’s not I. Q., a generally bad predictor of success, even in realms like chess.
将天才与仅仅有所成的人区分开的关键因素并不是什么神光乍现,也不是智商这个通常来说难以预测成功的因素,即便是在像国际象棋这样的领域内。 yeeyan

The realm name needs to be changed appropriately in the realms section as per their configuration.
需要在领域部分根据领域的配置对领域的名称进行适当更改。 ibm

“ The devil never stops cooking and brewing these two kingdoms together,” he wrote, referring to the spiritual and the secular realms.
“魔鬼从未放弃把这两个王国掺杂到一起的努力”,当他提及宗教和世俗王国时,他如此写道。 yeeyan

“The will to believe something that is convenient to believe is strong in all realms, ” he said.
“在任何领域内,人们都会相信任何便于被相信的东西。”他说。 yeeyan

Adolescents can be as cool-headed as anyone, and in some realms, women take more risks than men.
青少年可以同任何人一样头脑冷静,在有些领域,女人比男人能承受更多的风险。 yeeyan

As such the realms of the crystalline minerals and humanity are intricately related, such that one is never out of contact or subtle communication with the other.

As Google and Apple enter new realms, the two companies are competing in more arenas than we can count.
随着谷歌和苹果进入新的领域,谷歌和苹果竞争面之广已经超过了我们的想象。 yeeyan

Clumsy and overwhelmed by the physical world, autistic minds are often far more comfortable with the virtual realms of maths, symbols and code.
由于头脑愚笨并遭现实物质世界打击,孤独症患儿的头脑常常更乐于接受数学、符号和代码等虚拟领域。 ecocn

Custom token object propagation does not require the configuration of Trusted target realms.
自定义令牌对象传播不需要配置受信任的目标领域。 ibm

Custom token propagation does not require the configuration of Trusted target realms.
自定义令牌传播不需要配置受信任的目标领域。 ibm

Data is distributed across different realms instead of a single database, so there will not be a single point of failure.
数据跨不同的领域分布,而不是集中于单一数据库,这样就没有单一故障点。 ibm

Fantasy frees the brain to explore secret, extraordinary realms without the obligations of everyday life.
幻想让大脑自由,摆脱日常的束缚,去探索神秘的、非同寻常的领域。 yeeyan

For using other security realms with the credential store, for example ones that use digital certificates, you need to implement the required callback handlers.
为了使用凭据库的其他安全领域例如,使用数字证书的安全领域,您需要实现所需的回调处理程序。 ibm

I hope the opening will continue in other realms of Chinese life as well.
我希望这种开放也将继续出现在中国人生活的其他领域。 hjenglish

It then entered the realms of online advertising links.
之后它进入在线广告链接的领域。 yeeyan

It's also a way for Chinese companies to move beyond production and into more profitable, brand-driven realms of marketing and distribution.
同时这也是中国公司从依靠仅仅制造业获取利润转型到品牌营销这一更具利润空间的领域。 yeeyan

Security realms are used for securing access to resources.
安全领域用于确保对资源的安全访问。 ibm

Since almost no one is perfect, it is a common phenomenon to feel that one is not receiving enough from a partner in one or several realms.
因为几乎没有人是完美的,所以感到在一个或若干领域,在伴侣那获取不够是很平常的现象。 yeeyan

The following steps are required on both the KDC machines to set up an inter- realm between the two realms that have been configured so far.
下面的步骤是在两个领域到目前为止已经配置的领域之间设置跨领域配置时,在两个 KDC计算机中所需采取的步骤。 ibm

Their approach makes“ logical leaps” or informed hypotheses about pairs of terms, which are outside the realms of classic logic but seem likely promising avenues for further study.
他们所做到造成了“量子跃迁”或着是关于词对的假说,这些假说已经超出了经典逻辑的领域,但是看起来预示着以后研究的新方向。 yeeyan

These two servers are not only two different realms or domains, but they are also in different machines.
这两个服务器不仅在两个不同的领域或域内,而且它们还在不同的机器上。 ibm

To access these data stores, you need to create and appropriately configure security realms.
要访问这些数据存储,您需要创建并适当地配置安全领域。 ibm

Within the deployment descriptor, you can configure specific realms for authentication and authorization.
在部署描述中,可以为身份验证和授权配置特定的领域。 ibm




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