

单词 realizations
释义 realizations 英riəlaɪzeɪʃzn美riəlaɪzeɪʃzn COCA⁵²⁶⁰¹BNC²⁶¹¹⁷
名词 realization:
coming to understand something clearly and distinctlymaking real or giving the appearance of realitya musical composition that has been completed or enriched by someone other than the composera sale in order to obtain money as a sale of stock or a sale of the estate of a bankrupt person or the money so obtainedthe completion or enrichment of a piece of music left sparsely notated by a composersomething that is made real or concrete The remainder of this article is basically a discussion of the contents of the design-level use case realizations.
本文余下的内容主要是讨论设计级别用例实现的内容。 ibm

The realizations on the meaning of“the laws of beauty” are diverse, but their total basic point is identical.
对“美的规律”内涵的认识,虽然意见纷纭,但是总的出发点是一致的。 dictall

The realizations of such business use cases will detail how each activity is performed and by which actors.
这样业务用例的实现将详述每个活动是如何执行的,以及由哪些参与者执行。 ibm

This paper is intended to examine how utterances in context as pragmatic act realizations are modeled, on the basis of their situational-contextual values, into patterns or modes of pragmatic acts.
本文讨论的是外在于真实言语情景的话语模型的心理化过程问题。 cnki

Business Entities also surface at the upper level as entities exchanged between Business Process Realizations.
业务实体同样在一个更高层次上作为实体在业务处理实现之间被交换。 ibm

But despite all this growth, all my realizations, all my experiences, I still see the world through the eyes of a child.
尽管有了所有这些成长、所有这些认知、所有这些经验,我仍在以一个孩子的视角来观察世界。 yeeyan

Describe the Business Use Case Realizations in terms of Business Workers and the messages that they exchange.
定义关于业务操作者和他们所交换的信息的业务用例实现。 ibm

Develop the Use Case Realizations and the Use Case Storyboards.
开发用例实现和用例情节串连板。 ibm

Each scenario includes prescriptive questions that help select between realizations and any decisions that need to be made within the realization.
每种场景都包含一些说明性的问题,帮助您在各项实现和需在实现过程中做出的决定间进行选择。 ibm

Each scenario is further broken down into“ realizations” which are specific development tasks designed to solve a particular problem.
每个场景被进一步拆分为多个“实现”,所谓“实现”,是指专门用来解决某个特殊问题的特定开发任务。 ibm

Every night for six nights, one after another, he attained great realizations.
此后连续六夜,尊者得到了殊胜证悟。 zftrans

Failure to apply the principles of high cohesion and low coupling while performing use- case realizations represents a serious risk to a software development project.
在执行用例实现时没有应用高内聚和低耦合的原则,表示软件开发项目中有严重风险。 ibm

In this paper, the realizations of robust diagonal dominance by constant compensator are discussed.
本文研究了利用常数补偿器实现鲁棒对角优势的问题。 cnki

It focuses on the linguistic realizations of modality system in FIDIC Conditions with the aims of revealing the characteristics of the interpersonal function realized by modal expressions.
着重于其中情态系统的语言实现方式,旨在揭示由情态表达的人际功能的特点。 qfpaper

It is important to note that the process makes use of the vast insights and realizations of the great yogis of India and is steeped in ancient Indian spirituality.
非常重要的是,要注意到整个的课程运用了古代印度伟大的瑜伽行者们大量的洞见与自我实现,它充满了古印度灵性传统。 blog.sina.com.cn

Second, the map realizations of adaptive agents are extended. The more detailed benchmark of adaptive agents are computed. And then, the combined investing method is brought forward.
第二,对智能体的映象实现进行了推广,计算了智能体实现的更详细的基准,提出了组合式引资方式。 fabiao

Staying open to this experience will catalyze valuable realizations.
对这种经历要保持开放,才会促使有价值的东西实现。 blogbus

The next section introduces the realizations of the generic use cases.
下一部分将介绍通用用例的实现。 ibm

The paper presents a kind of bayesian inference of simple signal in dynamic measurement. The simple measured signals and output signals are thought of as realizations of stochastic process.
本文提出一种动态测试中单次性信号测试数据的贝叶斯推断方法,其中单次性的被测信号和输出信号被认为是随机过程的现实。 cnki

There can be multiple realizations for a given scenario.
对于某种给定的场景,可能会有多项实现。 ibm

This paper concerns the researches and realizations of centralized management platform of cluster system, which is supported by the Origin High Performance Computing Corp.
本文论述了由奥利金高性能计算公司支持的集群系统集中管理平台的研究与实现。 cnki

This paper introduces a useful method to apply multi- task mechanism of DSP/ BIOS in the data acquisition system. Realizations and source codes will be afforded by an example.
本文介绍了在 DSP/ BIOS多任务机制下,如何实现数据采集与处理过程的并行化,并通过实例给出了具体的实现方法和程序代码。 cnki

This paper introduces some doing ways and realizations of overhaul engineering of Chengping highway.
本文介绍了程平公路大修工程的一些做法和体会。 cnki

Use cases and use case realizations: Covers the new business processes being built.
用例和用例实现:涵盖所有正在构建的新业务流程。 ibm

You can implement abstraction by having realizations between the interfaces and the class implementations.
您可以通过实现接口和类执行来执行这些抽象操作。 ibm




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