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词汇 realising
释义 realisingCOCA⁹¹⁵⁶⁸BNC⁷⁹⁶⁶Economist¹¹⁸³⁴
vt.实现;认识到原型realise的现在分词 At the same time, conservative traditionalists are suddenly realising that they have always been supporters of mould- breaking working mothers, whatever impression they may have given to the contrary.
与此同时,保守派的传统主义者突然意识到,他们一直以来都是作为突破传统枷锁的全职妈妈的支持者,不管这样做最终是否会导致怎样相反的效果。 ecocn

The issue is seeing the consequences, realising that there is a cost to what we are doing and recognising that now.
现在我们已经看到这个问题的后果,知道我们在做什么,以及明白了这样做是有代价的。 yeeyan

But that is complacent. Instead, policymakers should be worrying about the fragility of the gains they have made, and about how far the country still is from realising its potential.
然而,这些政策制定者应该多忧虑一下这些收获的脆弱性,以及这个国家与自身潜力的差距。 ecocn

Fortunately the pain usually goes after some paracetamol and a good night's sleep but some may have migraine without realising it, according to Shanahan.
幸运的是,宿醉只要吃点扑热息痛药或睡个好觉便可解决。但部分人可能伴有偏头痛,自己却没意识到,沙纳罕分析说。 yeeyan

Giving farmers the right to negotiate the sale of their land to developers directly would greatly improve their chances of realising the market value of their holdings.
在土地交易工程当中让农民与开发商面对面,可以增加他们了解他们持有土地的市值的机会。 ecocn

However, observers remain sceptical as to whether Sina would be any better at realising cross- selling opportunities than Focus Media itself.
然而,关于在发现交叉销售机会方面,新浪是否会比分众传媒表现更好,观察人士仍持怀疑态度。 iciba

However, Rosenfeld says, the same scientists began to question their own findings years later after realising that Queensland regularly undergoes large swings in climate.
然而,罗森菲尔德说,在发现昆士兰州有规律地发生大的规律性的气候变化后,那些科学家们又开始质疑起他们的发现来。 yeeyan

Nearly a third said that realising second- hand smoke could harm their pet would spur them to give up.
接近三分之一的人表示,意识到被动吸烟伤害宠物的事实会促使他们戒烟。 yeeyan

Perhaps, Mr Johnson and Mr Zimring argue, by realising that both countries, although structurally pluralistic democracies, have long been in practice under one- party rule.
约翰逊和齐姆林认为,或许我们应该明白,虽然结构上这两个国家是多元化民主国家,但在实践中二者一直被一党统治。 ecocn

The Chinese government, realising how much money there is in this business, has imposed a tax of 65% on revenues from it, and in February this year it launched its own$2 billion CDM fund.
意识到这个行业有多少钱可以捞的中国政府对其收入课税65%,而且在今年二月它还设立了自己的20亿美元的基金。 ecocn

This is purely down to realising why I write, why I do what I do, and focus my actions on better serving readers, subscribers and advertisers on the blog.
这纯粹的反应了我为什么写,为什么做,为什么关注提供读者、订阅者和博客访问者更好的服务。 yeeyan

We quite naturally make the kinds of adjustments demonstrated in this experiment without even realising it.
我们时常在无意识的情况下做出了实验中所证明的那种调整。 yeeyan

Realising that he was going to lose South Carolina despite spending a fortune on television spots, Mr Romney abandoned the state and campaigned instead in Nevada, which also voted on January19th.
实际上,尽管他在该州花费大量的钱财为自己做电视宣传,但他事先已经意识到在该州胜算不大,于是放弃该州,转道去同样是在1月19号举行初选的内华达州去进行选举活动。 ecocn

Realising the gravity of guarding her rule for the peace and well-being of the nation, he embarked on solving the whodunit.
狄仁杰逐渐意识到维护她的统治对于国家的安宁和福祉重要性,于是他开始了对整个事件进行抽丝剥茧。 yeeyan




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