

单词 realgar
释义 re·al·gar 英riːˈælˌgɑː, -gə美riˈælˌgɑr, -gɚAHDrē-ălʹgär', -gər BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹

a rare soft orange mineral consisting of arsenic sulphide; an important ore of arsenic
用作名词Conclusion Components in Angong Niuang Pulvis can reduce solubility of arsenic in Realgar, which may reduce toxicity of arsenic.结论安宫牛黄散中的几种单味药均有抑制雄黄中可溶性砷溶出的作用,推测是降低砷的毒性作用的可能途径之一。
Shimen Hunanrealgardeposit controlled by both dolomite of lower Cambrian Luoshanguao Group, lower Ordovician limestone and fault.湖南石门雄黄矿床受寒武系下统娄山关群白云岩和下奥陶统灰岩以及断裂构造的双重控制。 A new way is opened up for utilization of low- grade realgar ore.
本试验为低品位雄黄矿的利用开辟了新的途径。 cnki

I'll never forgot my mother spreaded the realgar wine for me to avoid illness, smelling winding around my sleep during the night.
晚上妈妈总忘不了给我擦点驱虫辟邪的雄黄酒,香味缭绕伴我入眠。 bbs.yule.iciba.com

The availability of arsenic in Realgar mine tailings contaminated soil was much greater than that in lead-zinc district tailings contaminated soil.
雄黄矿区尾砂污染土壤中砷的有效性远大于铅锌矿区尾砂污染土壤中砷的有效性; fabiao

The high- quality realgar concentrates are obtained with vegetable oil as collector which is characteristic of less amount and non toxicity.
试验中以植物油作捕收剂具有用量少、无毒害的优点,并可获得高质量雄黄精矿。 cnki

A process mineralogical study was thus made and it was founded that it is mainly realgar and orpiment that affect the gold leaching.
为此,对该矿矿石进行了工艺矿物学研究,查明了影响金浸出的主要因素为雄黄、雌黄等。 www.jsks.net.cn

Cherry mulberry and calamus, more buy realgar wine a pot of.
樱桃桑椹与菖蒲,更买雄黄酒一壶。 ccfanyi

Conclusion: Low dose realgar induces differentiation in human acute myeloid leukemia cell line HL-60.
结论:低浓度雄黄对 HL-60细胞具有诱导分化作用。 cnki

Families hang herbs called Ay Tsao on the door of their houses to fend off evil, grown-ups drink realgar wine, and children carry sachets.
为了驱邪避疫,许多人家会将艾草挂在门口,成人喝雄黄酒,小孩身上挂香包。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

I enjoy drinking realgar wine during the festival.
我喜欢在端午节喝点雄黄酒。 msky365.com

In some places people eat Five Yellows, like realgar wine, finless eel, yellow croaker, cucumber and salted duck eggs for the same reason.
有的地方还要在端午节吃“五黄”,指的是雄黄酒、黄鳝、黄鱼、黄瓜、咸鸭蛋,据说也是如此。 blog.sina.com.cn

In the high- energy ball- milling, realgar has not distinct crystal form transition and decomposition accept transformation towards non- crystal.
高能球磨中,除发生非晶态转变外,没有发生雄黄明显的晶型转变和分解; cnki

Methods To take the cell apoptosis and Immunity function as the main parameter and observe the antitumor effects of Realgar on tumor cell in mice with tumor.
方法以细胞凋亡和免疫功能为主要观测指标,观察中药雄黄对荷瘤小鼠的抗肿瘤作用。 cnki

Now is the Dragon Boat Festival, and the north is the custom of eating the dumplings, wearing Sachet, dragon boat racing in the south as well, such as drinking realgar wine.
马上就是端午节了,北方的习俗是吃粽子、戴香囊,在南方还有赛龙舟、喝雄黄酒等。 china

Objective To further understand the possible mechanism of realgar in the treatment of acute promyelocytic leukemia APL.
目的了解雄黄治疗急性早幼粒细胞白血病 APL的机制。 cnki

Objective To study the Realgar induced T lymphocytic leukemia cell line CEM apoptosis in vitro.
目的观察雄黄对人类 T淋巴细胞白血病细胞凋亡的影响。 cnki

Objective: To acquire a deep understanding of the possible mechanisms of realgar in the treatment of acute promyelocytic leukemia APL.
目的:深入了解雄黄治疗急性早幼粒细胞白血病 APL的机理。 cnki

Objective: To explore the pharmacological mechanism of Cinnabar and Realgar in Angong Niuhuang powderANP.
目的:探讨安宫牛黄散中朱砂、雄黄的药理作用机制。 dictall

Objective:To optimize the different components proportions of the Realgar floating tablets for gastric retention by uniform design and correlation analysis.
目的:利用均匀设计法及相关分析优选雄黄胃内滞留漂浮片的处方配比。 zidian8

Objective:To study the recent effect of realgar on the renal function of lupus mice.
目的:研究雄黄对狼疮鼠肾功能的影响。 dictall

People drink realgar wine to protect themselves from illness.
人们喝雄黄酒保护自己免于生病。 examw

Some of traditional Chinese medicine TCM contain arsenide, such as realgar. The total amount of arsenic in the TCM exceeds the limits according to related regulations.
在传统中药中有不少处方含有砷化合物如雄黄等,其砷总量超过有关重金属限量。 cnki

The realgar ores require on cleaning and three recleanings before obtaining the desired arsenic concentrate due to its brittle-ness and sliming.
该雄黄矿石性脆易泥化,需要四次精选才能得到合格的砷精矿。 http://dict.cnki.net

This paper describes the structure and properties of realgar and flotation tests of Hunan low- grade realgar ore.
本文在描述雄黄矿物的结构和性质的基础上,介绍了湖南雄黄矿低品位矿的浮选试验。 cnki

White Snake, thinking her magic would protect her from the effects of the realgar wine accepted a cup.
白蛇自认魔力可以抵挡雄黄酒对她的影响,因此喝了一杯。 hjenglish

Realgar is a raw material for producing medicine, fire- crackers and pigment.
雄黄是医药、鞭炮、颜料生产中的原料。 cnki

Realgar is the most important mineral of commercial value in the Nanhua As- Tl deposit, Yunnan Province.
雄黄是云南省南华砷铊矿床中最主要工业矿物。 cnki




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