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词汇 Reagan
释义 Rea·gan 英ˈreɪgən美ˈregənAHDrāʹgən 高Economist⁵⁴²⁴

40th President of the United States 1911-2004reagan administrationn. 里根政府ronald reagan罗纳德·里根(美国前…
近义词 Ronald Reagan罗纳德·里根(…Ronald Wilson Reagan罗纳德·威尔逊…

Michael Deaver brought special shame even toReaganAdministration abloom with scandal. Convicted of perjury after offering almost no defense, he deserved a taste of prison, not the slap on the wrist he has received from a Federal judge.狄弗带来的耻辱即令丑闻满天飞的里根政府也不寻常。他对伪证的判决几乎未加辩护。他应尝尝铁窗滋味,而非联邦法官给他聊备一格的惩罚。
At the last election MrReaganscraped home in California.在上次选举中,里根先生费了好大劲才在加利福尼亚当选。
Maybe you can't really blame him, but Mayor Koch obviously hasn't looked at himself in the mirror lately, especially when he says PresidentReaganis a wimp. I guess it takes one to know one.也许你实在不应该责备葛市长,他显然最近没照照镜子,尤其他不应该说里根总统是一个窝囊废。我想他自己一定是窝囊废才知道谁是窝囊废。 The election of Jack Kennedy was the first sign that the cult of youth was flowering but then came the dominance of Ronald Reagan and Francois Mitterrand in the 1980s.
杰克·肯尼迪的当选是开始崇尚年轻化的第一个信号,但是然后就到来了罗纳德·里根和弗朗西斯·密特朗在1980年代的统治。 ecocn

A western Republican in the Reagan mould, he has a long record of working with both Democrats and America’s allies.
作为一名里根模式的西部共和党人,他有长期与民主党和美国盟友合作的记录。 ecocn

After Mr. Reagan signed his economic plan into law in August1981, unemployment promptly began to rise, and continued to do so for a year and a half.
在里根1981年8月签署他的经济法案之后,失业率很快就开始上扬,在随后一年半的时间里一直保持升势。 ebigear

And while fewer non- Americans are likely to listen to our advice, many would still benefit from emulating certain aspects of the Reagan model.
同时为数不多的外国人有可能听从我们的建议,然而许多人仍能从模仿里根模式的某些方面获益。 yeeyan

And it’s been the position of every Democratic and Republican leader who has worked to reduce the deficit, from Bill Clinton to Ronald Reagan.
而且现在是每一个为减少财政赤字努力的民主党派和共和党派的领导人,从比尔.克林顿到罗纳德.里根。 yeeyan

And, thanks to Reagan and the strike he engineered in 1960, working actors are also eligible for both health insurance and a pension.
而且,因为里根和1960年他发动的一场罢工,演员们现在也能够得到医疗保险和养老金。 yeeyan

But despite his abhorrence for the Wall and the totalitarian system it symbolized, Reagan was even more mindful of the consequences of military confrontation with the Soviets.
尽管里根厌恶柏林墙及其象征的极权主义体制,但他更介意的是与苏联之间的军事对抗所带来的后果。 yeeyan

But at the top of the list is President Ronald Reagan.
但是这个名单的第一个人就是罗纳德·里根主席。 yeeyan

But the Party of Lincoln has really become the Party of Reagan in instinct and self- conception.
但是出于本能和自我概念,“林肯之党”事实上业已经成为“里根之党”。 yeeyan

By the time Reagan went to Berlin in 1987, he and Gorbachev had developed enough trust to gamble on change.
到里根1987年去柏林时,他和戈尔巴乔夫已经建立了足够的信任,能让他冒险一试。 yeeyan

He said the goal should not be to cut the deficit in half but to return it, and investments, to the percentage of GDP they had been before the Reagan-Bush years.
他的意思是,我们的目标不应是将赤字削减一半,而是将赤字和投资在国内生产总值中的比重恢复到里根执政前的水平。 yeeyan

If Gorbachev truly sought peace and liberalization, Reagan said in Berlin, then he should let the Wall come down.
里根在柏林说,如果戈尔巴乔夫真的寻求和平与自由,那么他应该让柏林墙倒塌。 yeeyan

If I am right that what we have here is an uncorrelated cloud plus the Reagan boom, then I would not expect a high level of statistical significance for this relationship.
如果我是正确的——这个图未经过校正,包括里根经济扩张时代的观察点,那么我不会认为这条回归有很高的统计显著性。 yeeyan

In the Reagan era, well- connected Republicans received favoured treatment in this organization.

It was only after the Reagan deregulation that thrift gradually disappeared from the American way of life, culminating in the near-zero savings rate that prevailed on the eve of the great crisis.
仅仅是在里根的放松管制政策之后,节俭才逐渐退出了美国人了生活方式,这种行为到达顶峰是在金融危机前夕盛行的接近零的储蓄利率。 yeeyan

Margaret is focusing on Ronald Reagan and will attend the unveiling of the statue. That is her level.
撒切尔将专注于罗纳德.里根,将出席塑像揭幕仪式,这是她当天露面的程度。 yeeyan

Nevertheless, I was upset with the Reagan administration, and had come to Maine determined to do something about it.
不过,我对里根政府感到不安,我来到缅因州,打定主意要对它采取些行动。 yeeyan

Nixon won on the first ballot, with692 votes to277 for Rockefeller and182 for Reagan.
在第一次投票选举中,尼克松以692票对洛克菲勒的277票和里根的182票胜出。 yeeyan

Obama hopes to change the country for the better, as Reagan did, and already he seems heading in the right direction.
正如里根那样,奥巴马希望把这个国家治理得更好。而且现在看来他正朝着正确的方向在前进。 yeeyan

Similarly, when Reagan pulled letters written by ordinary people out of his pocket and read them on national television, it was theatrics, but it was honest.
同样的,当里根从他的口袋拿出一封普通民众的信并在国家电视台当众宣读的时候,他是在演戏,但他很真诚。 yeeyan

The answer, he said, attempting to sound like Kennedy and Reagan rolled into one, is to tear them down.
试图让他的话听起来像是肯尼迪和里根的合而为一,他说,答案就是要彻底摧毁他们。 ecocn

The producers underestimated the resolve of Reagan and his negotiating team.
制片人们低估了里根及其谈判断团队的决心。 yeeyan

The question will not matter if Mr Reagan has sound advisers and knows how to use their advice.
如果里根先生拥有良好的顾问,并知道如何听取他们的意见,这些问题将不重要。 yeeyan

The tax cuts would now be far smaller than the Reagan tax reduction of1981.
现在的税收削减比1981年里根时期的税收削减要少很多。 yeeyan

Reagan is also TIME'S Man of the Year because he stands at the end of1980 looking ahead, while the year behind him smolders in pyres.
里根成为时代杂志的年度封面人物,也是因为他在充满的阴闷氛围的1980年即将结束之时高瞻远瞩,给人以希望。 yeeyan

Reagan’s sense of humor disarmed even people who disagreed with him.
里根的幽默感甚至能使反对他的人都感到轻松。 yeeyan

Reagan talked about this on the phone with different Israeli politicians and leaders.




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